woensdag 22 april 2020

Unsung Unheroes: CPD China, Perle, & Epstein/Wexner from Iraq Propaganda...

frid 23th of april, 114th dotY ::::: k25
Law of Time Calendar :: 20planetary : 269th dotSolarRound
Cosmic Turtle Calendar : 5OvTo : 117th dotSolarRound
2375d sinds .. 2nd tzolkin wave

Unsung Unheroes: CPD China, Perle, & Epstein/Wexner from Iraq Propaganda to Harassment of Victims
•Apr 21, 2020
The Antedote
4.5K subscribers
In this episode we continue our discussion about the Committee on the Present Danger China, and the war on terror and cold war era hawks that comprise its membership responsible for a large bulk of the current anti China propaganda. We then discuss Jeffrey Epstein and Leslie Wexner's roles in promoting Iraq war propaganda, particularly in framing Iraq as being in America's interests rather than Israel's. We wrap up by discussing Whitney Webb's recent interview with an early Epstein accuser, Maria Farmer, and Farmer's allegations that journalist Vicky Ward, who has been portrayed as exposing Epstein crimes, threatened Farmer while also giving information about her to Ghislaine Maxwell. We also discuss Farmer's similar allegation against author James Patterson, who wrote in his book about Epstein 'Filthy Rich' that Donald Trump kicked Epstein out of Mar A Lago.
Support us on Patreon: patreon.com/theantedote
Johnny Vedmore: https://www.johnnyvedmore.com/'

they do all they can to be known as playing field levelers, which the are not. Sure are battle field levelers dou huh?
ps: search 'undeadening jewmemery .. oops i forget the last word ... warships? Should i rename to 'undeadening unmemery'? ... ah .. there is no third word ... new list ... 5th of 6th phat one ... i forgot ...

The Truth About Fauci Featuring Dr. Judy Mikovits

another day, another kennedy, another maffia, the queen thereof this time, the pharmaffiya

vrijdag 3 april 2020

Event 201 Coronavirus & Bill Gates Ted Talk - Dr Paul Cottrell Part 2

vast majority of testers count the antibody carriers among proof of infection but that's like saying the cure is worse than the disease. On the contrary, i think that contact with healed 'containers' is prolly beneficial (pass me that password bro, i wanna be counted amongst you). they are the couriers of normalcy and mingling in the park / orchard / neighbourhood care and growing area would prolly be enough to spread their 'molecular robustness'.
What complicates matters is bad habits triggering brief flare ups .. oopsies if you will, an infectious window of time before your immune response ramps up and saves the day once more.
But what really complicates thinks is the stuff our metadata sleuth George Webb churns up. Perversity of that is that an very very tiny and sick elite stampedes all of us and we go and act as if these guys, their intent, the ways, means, actions and effects of their abject schemes .. are here, real or at the very least soon to be ... any antichrist or satan must approach virality levels of a saviour and messiah to be worth his boxtopofferice smelling salts no?