zaterdag 24 december 2022
171. Netenyahu, Putin Kanye & Ukraine - How Bi Bi Rules
zaterdag 17 december 2022
Notes Today - MMathis - Jooze n RyD
17/12 -------- 6wiz ------ k214 ---- 6rhythmic
Jewish Control of the Sex Trade Crimes Against Women and Children
December 15th, 202210 views
33m worth of scrolling quotes, like the LJA PGW Arthur Mora one from 1903 about jews caught / spotted trafficking
--- 33:41 -- Jewish Control of the Sex Trade Crimes Against Women and Children --- Fashbird2814 -- 4 months ago
Do you know that little old wives tale that still runs amok out of the mouths of the falsely educated about smallpox-infected blankets killing the Indigenous? Cool story bruh, but not what happened. From my friend Tracey Northern’s blog:
Jim West pointed out to me on another article this little nugget-
“Alternative view: Smallpox is likely arsenic poisoning (symptoms are same) and the vax/Indian stories are a coverup. Smallpox was everywhere that European trappers or solders ventured. They all carried arsenic trioxide for tanning or perhaps hidden upstream warfare.”
Tracey: My latest podcast with Crazzfiles
video here for listening
kathrin -- Nov 12: Thank you Amanda. I agree with you completely. Just yesterday I formulated this theory to my partner. I think that fear and the physical changes that come with it play a big part in the so-called contagion. Fear prevents healing and makes you sick. I realised a few days ago that this was a decisive factor in the so-called pandemic. If we had not known about it, nothing would have happened. I have been studying Prof. Dr. Enderlein and his healing methods for a long time and have always found them helpful, especially since I don't take antibiotics (I have Lyme disease and certainly won't throw my body out of balance by killing all life in it) and have found a perfect alternative with the Sanum Kehlbeck preparations. The only thing I had to rethink was the issue of infection, and your article has taken me a step further. We really have to realise that modern medicine doesn't heal us, but rather brings us on a cruel road toan ugly death.
John Orban -- Writes Existential Musings -- Nov 9
I ran across this today in Ecclesiastes 38:4-5. “The most High has created medicines out of the earth, and a wise man will not abhor them.
Was not bitter water made sweet with wood?” A search on that last sentence turns up some amazing stuff.
The first half of Eccl 38 has a lot to say about physicians and it certainly does NOT describe modern “doctors.”
Agent Roger Double U, esquire --- Writes Roger Waters’ Newsletter
Nov 8 ---- This argument of the artifacts created by the handling of samples for the purpose of microscopy is compelling. The implicit leap of faith every biologist makes is astonishing.
"Those are not bubbles bro, it a lysosome" "That's not a weird metallic compound from the stain, that's an organelles." "Those are mitocondrial crestae, not shrinkage from dehydration." I'm sure all lab people must have a cool get away story for those questions.
Science is limited by the available technology. Perhaps someone could invent a "microscopic microscope" that can see living cells inside the body. The problem of this is that such a device would be destroyed by the "non-existent immune system," right? or is that just another excuse to not look what is really happening?
And it should be capable of being moved around the bloodstream to the organs from the outside, perhaps using radio waves, which would affect, in some way, the images taken by such a small device. It would be like sending a probe to Saturn. The probe is very small compared to the planet, but it can take pictures. When a Hepatitis virus reaches the liver, does it know the organ is huge compred to itself? could a hepatitis virus from Japan take some pictures of what happens inside an hepatocyte? Well, if a virus can enter a huge cell, why couldn't a man made device designed for the purpose of exploration, not as a pathogenic nano-machine?
Andrew N --- Writes The Illusion of Knowledge -- Nov 8: Thanks for a great article Amandha, the chickenpox section was interesting, my father has these reoccurring itchy skin eruptions, that I believe are related to blood pressure medication do you know of any instance or example of this?
iya Nov 8 -- Good article. Paradigm shifting indeed, but let's take care those who will end up replacing the current status quo aren't just the status quo who've simply changed costumes.
One other thing to take into consideration is the rise of synbio, AI, genetic engineering. What are they now capable of doing? Craig Venter & his ilk have claimed the creation of synthetic molecules. Is this the weaponisation of life itself?
And one last thing, probably the most important. Your quote: " We have liquid crystals inside of us called EZ water that our mitochondria manufacture based on biophotonic (light) energy."
Please consider reading carefully & passing the links onto Cowan & maybe even Pollack himself:
From the xylem pdf:
"Since I am speaking now to biologists, I feel I must give a quick overview of my charge field. My regular readers may want to skip ahead. In short, I pulled apart Newton's old gravity equation, the one we all learned in high school, F=GMm/r2. The constant G there has never been assigned or explained, except as a hole filler. I discovered that it is hiding the charge field. The charge field is photons, particles of light. The charge field is already known. In macro-physics, the charge field is known as the electromagnetic spectrum, and it includes photons of all known sizes, including visible light. At the quantum level, the charge field is known as the pluses and minuses on the proton and electron (and a few other particles). Charge is the force that is thought to explain most of the quantum interactions. It is the main force at the quantum level. But up to now it hasn't been assigned to anything. There is no real field and no real field particle. It just is. When pressed, particle physicists will tell you that charge is mediated by a messenger photon. But this is a virtual photon. It has no mass and no radius and no real energy. It relates charge by simply “telling” the other particle plus or minus. Anyone can see that isn't satisfactory, so what I did is combine macro and quantum charge. That is, I proposed that quantum charge was mediated by a real photon of some size, a photon with real energy,real mass, and real radius. The field of these photons is then what we call charge. Since this is the same field we have at the macro-level, we must have charge here, too. We have been told that we don't, and that celestial mechanics is gravity only, but I found that the size of the macro charge field was precisely the size of the hole G was filling in the equation above. Yes, charge was hiding in G all along."
Mathis needs exposure, very few in the mainstream will touch him. I feel yourself & those with a similar worldview/alignment (Cowan, Kaufman etc) may be the ones to be able to bridge the gap, if the time is taken to seriously consider what he has written.
Isaac Middle -- Writes Down the Wombat Hole - Nov 8: "Here’s the rub, no one 'catches' anything."
I think we can actually "catch" stuff, just not in a biological sense the way the Germ Conspiracists want us to think. This is why biophobic germ fearers find it so hard to break out of the contagion spell, because there are many things in the world that are contagious (i.e. emotions, ideas, truth), and because Nature terrifies them they assume germs must be contagious as well.
back to Tracey
Addendum: One question that frequently comes up is the old story of giving ‘infected blankets’ to the Native Americans to kill them. This story is a cover-up for the real killer which was again allopathic medicine and their vaccines. The proof is in plain sight as always. They vaccinated them [VaxAct 1832]. They got sick from the poisoning and died.
Another thing which Jim West pointed out to me on another article is this little nugget-
“Alternative view: Smallpox is likely arsenic poisoning (symptoms are same) and the vax/Indian stories are a coverup. Smallpox was everywhere that European trappers or solders ventured. They all carried arsenic trioxide for tanning or perhaps hidden upstream warfare.”
Well well…… Just like smallpox TB was rife especially amongst industrial workers and towns where air pollution was extremely toxic. There was even talk amongst doctors of an ‘immunity’ to the gases in workers exposed to them for long periods. Could that be the body giving up trying to detox as the mortality rate was still high despite no symptoms. TB was also strongly linked to the Smallpox vaccine the excuse being some of the vaccines were ‘contaminated’ with TB by accident. That was obviously a red herring.
Ep 184.1: Meryl Nass, M.D.: Biological warfare, bioport/vaxgen anthrax vaccines, and activism
December 16th, 2022 -- 97 views
.. no 144p yet ... i'll have to wait to play it ...
'blanketed by smallpox' was a "cover-up" for the 1832 VaxAct? Well, ... no ... i'd call it a 'top-up'
the citer of this mismoniker by Tracey, her friend Amandha Vollmer goes further [and over the top] misnaming it an "little old wives tale". ------- The resistance to being shamed clear off of the turtle isles is great but not greater than my simple solutions, strewn around the net since 1997 ... QUOTED HERE:
.... perhaps a terrainist alert is in order ... woodun twanna make no-one feel as- and/or insulted now do i ...
1 hour and eight minutes worth of seconds long riot and fight clips pasted together w NFuentes and the like voice unders
WHITE PRIVILEGE! THE MOVIE "i want everyone non-white outta my country, esp KIKE$" - p4ul
December 16th, 202251 views
(((THEY))) want you enslaved, after that, DEAD!
title a vid 'i want every whitie taken out of their countries' .. i dare you
by contrast, a guy in a field under a grey sky:
1492 Rabbi Instructs JEWS How to Dominate the World
December 16th, 202227 views
you don't even post sources you promise to, so why do i even ask [again]?
Ry .. why not supplement your routine with a fresh perspective: nobody wants to hold the jewcard [inverse corrolary to being cancelled as and/or called nazi/'antiSeemrite']
99% of the world's creaturely aggravations stem from false advertizing and not delivering on the claim to serve / service market demand .. which is the voluntary / voluntarizing [volition mobilizing] drive to unify, win hearts and minds, standardize, defend 'free' ya and da hither and yon ..... this is a process, a verb ... IT does NOT need the formalization scaffoldage. The latter might in fact be its nemesis ... resorted to by those in haste, acting out alterior motives, born and raised insecure, etcetera.
the pure undark it market's primary meaning is spotting rocks in the sun that could really use a shine, the awful 'offal' dust given drinks to do a whole loddagood in every and all ways around.
More abstractly speaking, [PARKMARK]it leaves 'mindchange' moments and spaces behind in ever tipping jar adjacent to moments and spaces it's spirit moves it thru, past, around and around, whatevs; it makes for that which you claim / admit suprises you ... the stave off of collapse ... it is engaged in by a vast vast majority against which the enormous powers amassing cabals [some hands full, directing hundreds and hundreds of mainstream 'nooooose' reporting in such hysterically cultlike manner one has to truly amputate most senses to fit the herd harness] come up with one biocidality after another.
bottom bit quotes from
The Ethical State:
An Essay on Political Ethics
by John David Garcia
Subpages (5): Central Discoveries by Miles Mathis miles mathis article on the family MILES MATHIS EXTENDED BIOGRAPHY miles mathis family paper mp3 excerpts from
Lethe -------- A Self-elegy by Harriet Westbrook - first wife of Percy Shelley -------- .... he fountain penned it and sold the result .... there's a photo page with his noughties life in Austin .. as an artist i guess .....
I will learn to rain and you to rust
The mud will take us both and both the sky
Sea-silt and Cloud-froth will bed our breath and dust
and we will learn to live and so to die
For now I wait the rain drips past my eye
you dig deep beneath the seas of Rome
The seas will rise and fall in circles by the bye
and when the sea floor meets the starry dome
soaked and salty you will take our baby home
Miles Mathis - Baking a Gay Cake
348 subscribers
1,970 views Aug 7, 2019
Miles Mathis eloquently expresses the opinion that the June 2018 case where a baker was taken to court in the USA for refusing to bake a gay wedding cake was not what it appears to be.
Delving deeper, this set-up case is part of the ongoing operation to entrench laws and customs that will make it far more difficult for consumers to boycott the combine.
Two ball bearings are released down an incline at the same time in two different plastic tubes, then one goes straight and the other goes in a circle. They are traveling at the same speed but one is accelerating sideways and the other is not. From the YouTube video "For circular motion does PI equal 4?" ... he made his own wiki page
"For circular motion does PI equal 4?"
re: For circular motion does PI equal 4? ... Miles Mathis
2.57K subscribers
4,366 views Oct 6, 2016
Miles on 'kwanselijzerie' ...
This explains many optical effects, including rainbows. Rainbows do not have a continuous spectrum, and neither do prisms. We see bands of certain colors. Photons only come in certain colors, and they do not come in the colors in between. In between colors have to be created by mixing photons.
It is known that light is quantized, but no one before me has proposed an explanation of this sort for it. Photons have always been considered point particles, with no radius and no mass. For this reason, it was thought that spin could not be a possible cause of quantization. Therefore we have gotten many complex mathematical explanations of quantization, with no mechanical explanation at all. I have just shown you the simple mechanical cause of quantization.
Addendum: many have asked why these charge photons have not been discovered. My answer is that they have. All the photons we already know about are part of the charge field. The entire electromagnetic spectrum is the charge field. We do not have to propose new photons, we can use the ones we already have. I have given all photons mass and radius, so all photons must cause mechanical forces by contact. This has long been known (see the photo-electric effect) but not fully interpreted.
from here i veered off to his gravity series:
Gravity at the Quantum Level
The (claimed) zero size of gravity at the quantum level is more proof of my theory. We are told that at the quantum level, the size of gravity is on the order of 10-40. But this is not strictly true. This number is arrived at by a complex calculation that takes into account the strength of gravity at the macrolevel and the relative size of the quantum level. But empirically, no interaction of gravity at the quantum level has ever been found. In experiment, there is no gravity at the quantum level.
We are told that this is because 10-40 is so very small. We would have to be able to measure to an accuracy of something like 34 decimal places in order to be able to discover it relative to other forces at that level. But of course our inability to measure it might also be explained by the fact that it is not there in the form we expect.
In part 2 of this series on the Third Wave, I showed that the atomic orbit was explained by a combination of the acceleration of the mass of the nucleus and electron outward and by charge. I have replaced gravity by the acceleration of mass, so you can see that gravity is there at the quantum level, in some form. But notice that in my theory it is not a force. It is motion.
Currently the orbit is explained completely in terms of charge. If either gravity or expansion is a partial cause of the orbit, then its effect will be unseen by current theory.
Current theory finds no gravity at the quantum level because it is looking in the wrong place. It proposes that the nucleus is somehow attracting the electron, despite using the E/M field, which is an exclusionary field. Current theory cannot explain the mechanism of this attraction (with an exchange of particles, for instance), but if the electron is attracted to the nucleus by charge, then there will be no use for any other “force” to create the field. In short, by trying to explain the orbit only with charge, current theory has overlooked the place of gravity at the quantum level. Gravity at the quantum level exists in the form I have given it—as a real expansion outward of both the nucleus and the electron.
In the final analysis, my theory says that the expansion of mass exists at all levels, but it exists most fundamentally, and most simply, at the quantum level. This would put an analogue of gravity at the quantum level. But, this analogue of gravity is not a force. Therefore it does not require any unification with other forces or fields, at least not in the way that was previously thought.
As the basic motion in the universe, it intersects the E/M field and all other known and unknown fields. Only in this way can it be unified with other interactions. I have already shown in this series of papers that at the quantum level it combines with the E/M field to create the orbit. In subsequent papers I have shown that the strong force can be replaced by gravity at the quantum level, and that the acceleration of gravity at the quantum level can be calculated from known numbers, giving us a field that is actually 1022 more powerful than now thought.
NEW PAPER, added 3/17/21, The Spokes of Saturn. Charge recycling, of course.
PAPER UPDATE, added 2/14/21, A Pi Test. A second reader has done more good analysis for us here, showing the effect of rolling radius.
"For circular motion does PI equal 4?"
'friction can never lead to a surplus' ... this guy has 2.57 subs for 'DraftScience' [14 for his regular galspew channel] and shows one can be bitter in counterproductive ways .. in ye ol' MediSynAll {{{mediasanehaul}}} absinthes raided from monkstash by drunkards' way
some quotes from that Lenny page: ---
Miles Mathis Musings and Commentaries along with guest writers ( >
mp3 excerpts from
Bob Dylans real link to the rolling stones
Larouche and guns
fog frog
on the html version of the Lenny page [IN MY ARCHIVE] we find ...
false flags by cointelpro etc
weather [solar cycles]
and a section on ETHICS at the bottom
Miles Williams Mathis born 9-17-63
in Amarillo, Texas Son of
Phillip Miles and Mary Nell Mathis.
5/12/19, The Stolen Century. I have added a couple of paragraphs on Ezra Pound's genealogy here, confirming my contention that his anti-Semitism was just more Jewish theater. Since, as usual, he was Jewish. --------- It is now not only a generation we have lost, but more than a century; and, as I will show, it was not lost but stolen. Charybdis has taken us down and we are now in her inescapable maw. ------- Those who have traveled over to my science site will know that my discovery of the charge field has allowed me to unravel a remarkable number of mysteries in a short time. I have called it the key to every door.
Dylan was a psyop [shades of McGowan'Å› Laurel Canyon work]:
it wasn't Ginsberg. Ginsberg couldn't writefor sour apples. Ginsberg was in desperate need of ghost poets behind him, but he was stuffed too tightto use them. The songs attributed to Dylan most often aren't that great as poetry, either, but they aretop-notch as songs and are way beyond anything Ginsberg ever wrote. I will flesh out that opinionbelow, where we will look at a few of the songs line by line. We
see more red flags early on, when in 1961, at age 20, Dylan scored a review in the New York Times.As with Ezra Pound's meteoric rise in London in 1908, Dylan's meteoric rise in New York in 1961simply isn't believable. He had been playing in Greenwich Village for only about six months, had nooriginal material, hadn't written any of his great early songs yet, and somehow the New York Times doesa review of him?
[Miles: so, Ahmadinejad is another fake Jewish anti-Semite.] The goal of OPEC was allegedly to counteract Western oil interests and funnel more of the oil profits back to the citizens of the producing countries.
I see no evidence of that ever happening. As expected, OPEC was just the controlled opposition hatched by the Western oil industrialists themselves. Miles: actually, there are a lot of fake Jewish anti-Semites, see Ezra Pound, David Irvin,
Peter sees the situation coming and still bungles it.
The more important your relationship or belief is, the more it will be tested.
The gods don't insert big tests randomly. They look for pressure points like this, to see just how big you really are. Peter wasn't as big as he thought he was, and even Christ's warning wasn't able to save him from major deflation.
And of course there is the other twist to that story, for we have to ask why Christ would warn him. Christ's warning came upon the tail of Peter's brag that his faith would never be shaken. So there is that lesson, too: don't tempt fate. Don't brag that you are unbreakable, unless you you really want a big breaking test before the cock crows.
Beautiful, isn't it?” Guru 45 then subtly suggests his view is superior to views from even higher, and that you have no need to climb up further. He has to say that in just the right way, though, at the right speed, with the right inflections, or you remember that guru 44 just told you pretty much the same thing.
You hit another hard part when you realize all the gurus are planted. As soon as that sinks in fully, they stop sending you gurus. The jack-in-the-boxes stop popping up from the mountain ledges, and you find yourself alone with the birds and the bears.
That is scary not only because you have no one to talk to, but even more because your trick of doing the opposite of what you were told no longer works. You can no longer wait for the guru to point left and then move right. You have to decide on your own, without the help of negative evidence.
MEANING EXTRACTS FROM "Adam Curtis and HyperAbnormalization" by Miles Mathis First published March 16, 2018
"The trials were staged to create fear, just like now. Now it is terrorists; back then it was revolutionary anarchists. The governors want you to hate and fear leftists and revolutionaries, since it is the best way to keep you from becoming one. So they control the opposition by creating these fake revolutionary thugs, whom no one could respect or follow.
Nixon wasn't paranoid. The CIA did pull Watergate and they were out to get aren't paranoid either. All those things you suspect may be happening really are happening. Your governors really have faked all of recent history and they really do want you to be miserable. From their perspective, everything is going as planned (almost).
Miles Mathis's Galactic Signature (Sep 17, 1963)
Spectral Hand = KIN # 167
Challenge = Caban = Earth
Compliment = Eb = Human
Hidden = Ix = Wizard
I dissolve in order to know,
Releasing healing.
I seal the store of accomplishment
With the spectral tone of liberation.
I am guided by my own power doubled.
Update: Cabal Times has reviewed a gamechanging theory of Miles Mathis on the assasination of President Kennedy. According to Miles, he faked his death and took the *REAL* American Presidency underground!
They know that if they messed with me, that would just be giving support to my claims. They don’t respond because they have no need to respond. There is no intelligentsia, so “purging the intelligentsia” is no longer necessary. It is a thing of the past, like cobbling or leechcraft. Or art.
vrijdag 9 december 2022
Ryan Dawson Slams Alex Jones and 9/11 Kook Movement
Ry: Stop Hate is spreading hate. Look at #13 where I am listed as a holocaust denier ------ _accepts_sworn_affidavit_jeremy_mackenzie_diagolon
Forwarded from Ryan Dawson
Leaked Google document on sites blocked from search results
Ryan Dawson Slams Alex Jones and 9/11 Kook Movement
90 subscribers
9,554 views Sep 25, 2012
Dawson rips apart Alex Jones and other truthers who he thinks are spreading disinformation about 9/11.
dinsdag 29 november 2022
Biblicans OFF turtle isles now !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
it's gonna prevent grief and suffering and disease untold ... which, if you cannot come around to see my points [without getting stuck with and sidetracked to some, albeit energizing, splinter issues on the way there], are sure as certain to unfold. i rest my case.
zondag 20 november 2022
zondag 13 november 2022
dinsdag 1 november 2022
ShitHouse of Horrors 9 (w/ Mykeru)
i thought i'd add a few of my own by way of today's notes .....
01/11 ------------- 11hand---- k167 ---- 15self-E
October 25 ----- Kiwi Farms
Voxility has blackholed the IP serving the 503 error page for the Kiwi Farms explaining how large ISPs are censoring the Internet. This was done at direct request of Liz Fong-Jones and without any explanation.
Small update: I've gotten access to the devices after losing Internet via Zayo. I'm getting copies of everything now. Tomorrow I'll begin my work rebuilding the site from scratch again. There's a battleplan ready to go. The site will no longer be centralized on a single server. I intended to do that a while ago but I've never had an opportunity, so I'm doing it now. This means that even if one host physically unplugs all our shit we will still have others. I intend to get Tor working first, and its availability will be higher with our new setup, but the clearnet will come up soon too.
As for the Clearnet, a bunch of people have decided to help out and I have a strategy for keeping it up. It will take a lot for it to go down again completely. ------ In 2021, I wrote an article called "Where the Sidewalk Ends" explaining what problems I expected in the future. It's funny to read in retrospect.
As far as I'm concerned, this is it. The question of "can a bunch of trannies and journos cry their way into completely censoring something from the Internet" will be answered by the end of the year.
October 28: ...It's a huge amount of data and I'm really hoping that the operations on that table are significantly faster. If it's going to take 40 hours just to push that shit I'm going to be pissed, and I hope to god the cluster actually works after it's done.
I've set up a side database and I'm importing without clustering to see how long that takes. If it's significantly faster (i.e. 4 hours instead of 40), I will simply disable the cluster, re-import, then re-enable clustering.
As far as the prospects go, because of how highly interconnected the new setup will be, several fiber ISPs will have to drop us. Companies like Google demand extraordinarily high availability, so there are tools for dealing with massive network outages. These are usually to handle serious problems like bombs going off and infrastructure being hit by natural disasters, but we're going to use them to deal with tsunamis of tranny tears.
I'm truly done with these fucking people and their bullshit. I am pulling out all stops and I will get this shitheap chugging for Halloween. If it goes down after that, I have done literally everything a single retard can do to keep a website online. ---------- Edit: Nothing in this is confidential, stop being cringe.
October 30: Tor is now available. There's some holdover issues with singing in that some users are experiencing, but for read-only viewing it's up for everyone.
Don't worry though, Clearnet is not far behind. There's some more stuff I want to test first. ......... While I have your attention, you should consider reading an article written by two women for the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), a non-profit started in the 1990s to secure digital rights. They are the only charity I can think of which has not deviated far from its original philosophies.
They wrote about Cloudflare's mob appeasement, and recently tweeted about it. The comments are genuinely disgusting, with multiple blue checkmarks and people-of-gender calling the veteran pro-1A / pro-fair use copyright attorney a "Nazi collaborator" for daring to suggest ISPs should act as common carriers - while simultaneously denouncing the forum and basically doing everything they can to suck LGBTQIAP+ ass.
Mob appeasement never works and I really hope retard fatigue is setting in.
Electronic Frontier Foundation
The Internet Is Not Facebook: Why Infrastructure Providers Should Stay Out of Content Policing --- Cloudflare’s recent headline-making decision to refuse its services to KiwiFarms—a site notorious for allowing its users to wage harassment campaigns against trans people—is likely to lead to more .. 32.5K views
Tor has been performing poorly because of an ongoing DDoS attack. They were exploiting the mitigation tool directly, but now they cannot. They've adjusted their attack to bottleneck Tor itself, which can be resolved by simply adding more servers to the network. However, it's not effective enough to do that right now. Pages are loading very fast.
I am expecting to get Clearnet up today. Edit: They've upped the attack to simply try and saturate as much as possible. This could be resolved with more horizontal scaling (i.e. more computer) but I'm more concerned about Clearnet at the moment. ----- 21.9K views
November 1 ------ Kiwi Farms - Fun fact: Trannies have set up automated programs to alert them when the site is back up so they can immediately start crying about it together and spin up DDoS attacks. I don't know why these people are addicted to talking on Twitter like movie villains but whatever.
I was correct in saying that now their go-to is to contact upstreams. They spent months crying to Moldovans, Malaysians, and Ukrainians until they realized with Zayo that the ISPs were more vulnerable than the individual hosts. With Voxility, that was proof-of-concept for what is essentially an exploit. So now, they just go straight to the fiber carriers to try and impose their will. The setup we have now will allow us to bypass network outages due to blackholing. This is a trial by fire of no individual host, but rather the backbone of the Internet. This is why I said it was a measure of last resort. Should this not work, we have truly found the end of the sidewalk. ----- 11.5K views
attempting a substack bio; this one is too long they claim
if you want to hit my work in a pile, search for piety piet with yandex or .. alternatively, there are a bunch of blogs with a few thousand blogs ... 10s of thousands of listed vids were nixed by a Fong-Jones type gorcle employee at youtube ...... indexterity dot blogspot dot com
if you want to hit my work in a pile, search for piety piet with yandex or .. alternatively, there are a bunch of blogs with a few thousand posts between them ...... indexterity dot blogspot dot com ... link to rumble
Ep 178: Less Tragedy, More Hope with George Webb | The Courtenay Turner Podcast == November 1, 2022 ------ 102 Views
mp3 here: ------- -------- /
Telegram: --------
gillyan stone [previous guest on spells and cancellings - she's a 'biblicesse']
170 is with andrew kaufman
nurture more than nature guy:
Dathan Paterno: Website: Book: Desperately Seeking Parents —
160 = jim gale
152 = Mikovits
127 = RSBell
Ep 117: Legally Avoiding Federal Income Taxes with Peymon Mottaheden --- Peymon: Website: Watch The Rally Livestream:
114: 'the other corrupt BLM' [mustangs]
Ep 102: ‘Conspiracy Theories’ Exposed with Sean David Morton | The Courtenay Turner Podcast
In this episode, Courtenay welcomes dear friend Sean David Morton to the show to share his personal battles, predictions, and discuss a range of today’s tabooed “conspiracy theories.” In this captivating conversation, Sean shares his copious knowledge and wisdom taking us through his journey, while simultaneously divulging his cognition of arcane events, including the death of JFK Jr., Hillary Clinton suspicions, Biden in the Ukraine, artificial intelligence, extraterrestrial invasion, September 11th, the Nazis, and so many more. He delineates corroborating evidence and connects the dots, integrating the themes and occurrences. Taking us through the philosophy of time through space and quantum energy, Sean gives us a glimpse into a the future. Sean David Morton is an internationally recognized PhD. in Therapeutic Psychology, a master astrologer, tarot reader, and psychic. He’s an award-winning independent writer, director and producer. His movie, Joe Killionaire, received global distribution and his documentary work includes the spanning UFO Contactees and The Prophecy of the Pyramids. Sean was also the producer for Sightings, the most watched program on Fox up to that time!
that was the 2nd of may ... and halfway my rss file
.. further down is babylon bee, kicked off twitter cartoonist RD likes
Ep 32: Courtenay and Barak discuss the history, germination, and rise of anti-Semitism. They discuss some of the myths and confusions adding fuel to the fire and what people can do! Barak Lurie is an attorney, radio show host at AM870 in Los Angeles, best-selling author of Atheism Kills and The Rise of Sex Machines and the host of the Barak Lurie Show. Find Barak on YouTube: His radio show:
Ep 1: about herself:
06 Dec 2020
01/11 ------------- 11hand---- k167 ---- 15self-E ----- Tue. Nov 1st, 2022 --- Don’t Fall for Cheap Khazarian Mis-directions. ----- Bill Taylor ------- We originally published this post in January 2021 to highlight our belief that “Khazar” related history is mostly a “throw” or distraction from more pressing issues.
don't worry Bill, i'm goin for after the most expensive version to end all versions ... it's biocidals or death binarism to the very bend for me ....
-9/10 -------------- 1seed ---- k144 --- 20-elect
Khazar Theory Debunked, Khazarian Mafia Disinfo Exposed | Know More News w/ Adam Green ---- October 7th, 20221,464 views
1076 comments+1
welcome addition to my 'anti-khazarian culture thieves unite' vidlist .... it works both ways .. 3 ways .. 4 ways ... jud-bol-naziocon .. waterbed effect risk spread
good and bad both have characteristic, and revealing spectra, scala and flavors ... takes trained eyes for instant id [takes takin 1 in 6 million Burbank gardenbedstroll time often enuff] .. but older men and younger people are no no when a play for max milkability is one .... my advice: go easier on the hard breaks. And go see what i told the police about the need to acquaint kids with hard breaks given and taken easily as the source of and motivation for raising slippiest slopes ...
i appreciate the effort to stay in line and sync with Dawson's culture trumps bloodline hammering ... but we're deep into the reflexive phase of cycling cultures and it's 'headwind', tho not invalidating that truth, it can suppress and sabotage it to the darkest before dawn, as long as it can .. cause, again, this is not an either or science.
10/10 ------------- 2serp ---- k145 --- 21-elect
BolshNazNeoc=EMWest = LeftCR Khazraeloid
2 items
multipolar globalists == sons of bonobos
unipolar ones == biocidal bloody chimps
even timelessly viable memes cannot be culturally stablized and become subject to erosion ... dipped and dissolved in the rivers of stics
26/10 ----- 5drag ----- k161 ---- 9self-E
512th post with all notes of the day thus far [16:03] ....
Ni and Yu And a Dog named Wu(han) -- 1K views -- 16 hours ago --- 144 --- The Duke Report -- 1.8K subscribers ... how China gets involved in American Elections --- v=AwkSDLZ4rQs
16th minute our Palestine liberation opPoser says this about his IDF kids visavi kanye, should he go "anywhere near israeli territory": "drop him like a bag of dirt" . then: "watch your mouth around tel aviv" ... that's a sliding scale close to free fall ... but before making a threatening hand gesture and repeating the dirtbag treatment, throwing "punk you are" in this time, he adds that Kolomoiski is off-limits for breaking it. Bizarro
i think some signs here and there, albeit faint and faded ... [my specialty, see my fundamentally groundbreaking work on cernunnos visavi Samudra Manthan], point to jews callin in an asian warlord or coachteam to deal with the romans ... the first hard to disown hybrid wave of their 'vary' own, khazaria was a second, which in turn 'burst' the bolshies, then nazis and thereafter neopayper clipcons with so many cross stitching the mesh has matted to resist and defy any and all reform. Only a cataclysm will undo it. Bottom Line: zionism could have been a sinoism vaccine but failed.
dinsdag 25 oktober 2022
Alice Di Micele - Sunrise
Alice DiMicele-Make A Change --- 32 views -- Premiered Oct 24, 2022 - Andy Caffrey ----- 383 subscribers ---- Forks of Salmon Earth First! Northern California Rendezvous, September 18, 1988. and other social media. --
among the california fire's ashes .. sky still hazy ... sun covered in smokechoke
The Grayzone live with Roger Waters and more
i'll start with a bonu ..... your friendly neighbourhood maverick:
ry on cyprus
Cyprus In The Crosshairs - Trouble Afoot
October 25th, 2022447 views
Ryan Dawson
Ryan's Substack:
Ryan's Odysee:'s Cozy:'s Powerchat:'s Entropy for Shekelchats:'s VK: Telegram channel of ANC: Ryan by buying his stuff:'s site:
https://www.ancreport.comRyan's Bitchute:'s Gab:'s Rumble:
Ryan's Crypto Addresses:
Ethereum: 0x02cc18b6400c631c633049559a8538fb811b290f
Cardano: DdzFFzCqrhsgXp3LAZ5JX1DkcCggLGNyLPUUikHWyMfFPwBDmJFtwNiRbqF25y98viPhG39nvV54P66VvybTNPfVKRQQwxvQ1c9CiNHT
Ryan's Discord got banned so we use
this one is good also .. mini docu with carefully selected footage:
The Grayzone meets Ecuador's indigenous resistance
Oct 25, 2022
The Grayzone
238K subscribers
In the latest installation of an ongoing Grayzone series, filmmaker Oscar Leon meets the leaders of an anti-mining and indigenous strike that paralyzed Ecuador for two weeks during June 2022. Leon visited two of the most representative towns of the Ecuadorian resistance and spoke to some of the key indigenous leaders to understand the issues behind their still-simmering conflict with the government.
While Ecuador boasts a progressive constitution, it is one of the last countries in Latin America with a right wing government that is supported by the United States of America. It is also one of the last countries that has not overexploited its natural resources.
Last June's indigenous and anti-mining strike supposedly concluded with Executive Agreement #468, which among other provisions, took down 2 presidential decrees (95 - 121) both aimed at increasing mining production to the fullest extent possible, or as right-wing president and banker, Guillermo Lasso put it, “to the last drop” [of oil].
||| The Grayzone |||
Find more reporting at
vrijdag 7 oktober 2022
René Girard- I See Satan Fall Like Lightning (Ch.3- Satan)
-7/10 ---------------- 12wind --- k142 --- 18-elect
James Kourtides --- 18 vids on MMcluhan .... haha .... 504Vs at 8am
How Media Shapes Our Senses- James Kourtides on "A Neighbors Choice".
How can we deploy "social aikido" and flip the narrative warfare, ushering in a new way to collectively make sense of the world?
David's "Things Hidden" Podcast linked here:
flipped out asocial converso like bob dobbs? ... runon sugar run? eye[ ]go where ego? humbrag: pay me for kikkin my own le[t ]go castle down .. how flippantoffelhoreic of me. /17s of 17m pause to shootpissed.
/speaking for/aginst the 'archivist' who has never seen a figure toxic enuff to flip into the new even faker ground, a tensigritateur par displexcellience balanced drillanced and spun ... cause rockdust is rainbowseed
/speaking for/aginst the 'archivist' who has never seen a figure too toxic to flip into the new even faker ground, a tensitoothgriteur par displexcellience .. an utter phobe, specially regarding balanced drillanced and spun rock ... cause rockdust is rainbowseed. That said, my mp3 archive in ascending size and chronorder: Ward Churchill, Douglas Dietrich, Bob Dobbs, George Webb .. but don't mind me, i'm just an E-waste dumper and search pool filler ... who wonders if he can bear the karma burden of torrenting a million strong image collection as bait to make my prey own it with me ... or make my doctors i am failng to mobilize thus far, find and cure [the causes that ail] me ... in order to right "store meme and current ductpact pillar and axis" traffic, versteht sich .... kinda like the early spring 2022 tonga macro event on my kin .. but a micro version .....
persian jew sofer Knxts jelliefish dugin to reza dustarion
David C. Sofer -- Sep 8, 2020 -- 7 min read --- Noophagy and Noomachy --conceptual antithesis to the idea of “noomakhia” developed by the neo-traditionalist thinker Aleksandr Gelyevich Dugin.
This conceptual antithesis was inspired by:
1) Dugin’s caricature of Reza Negarestani’s thought as a kind of “Ahrimanian neo-rationalism” [1]
2) The development of this caricature by Arialdo Corsini, which frames “Ahrimanian neo-rationalism” and the contemporary neo-Platonic henadology of Edward Butler as parts of a great philosophical conspiracy that would aim to produce a kind of “Royal Philosophy of Antichrist”.[2]
Dugin, Heidegger, Place & Identity w/Shari ------- re: "hijacking your intellect" .. i thought the russo model prefers voluntary recruitment?
i'll stick to jackfruittreeing your sweat skyhi ... or equity even .. even
once it's mysterie it has lots it's 'mistery' ... tree, field and garden mistery grows them out into waste reclamation ... profitsee fool filament .. invisibly black raignareina splitsplat sploper keyed into rock spin see rex shine
once critterall goes mysterie it has lots it's 'mistery', figure dropped ground ... tree, field and garden mistery grows them out to the point of waste reclamation ... profitsee fool filament .. invisibly black raignareina splitsplat sploper keyed into rock spin see rex shine
Dugin, 4PT, Russia and the West- Rooster's Crow Podcast #29 w/John David Ebert --- 21st of march 2.1K Vs
just before the half hour mark yall triggered a desire to see wotsnoo w 'lavum tovan' and got a 2018 3000 head [swansong?] treat [trustfundies herded to haiti] singingisbelieving - 8M views for their trebbulls ------ Koolulam | One Day - Matisyahu | Haifa | Feb. 14th, 2018 ------ 8M views ----- Feb 22, 2018 ----- 177K ----- Koolulam ---- 140K subscribers -------- "One day this all will change..." ------- 3000 people
René Girard- I See Satan Fall Like Lightning (Ch.3- Satan)
feeble shit .. satanism is animalistic - reflexive .. with a splinter / spike / peak / pulse / punturation point of polarized plot clashes ... guilty projecting culpability on fore'bears' as plausibly deniable admission / confession, they always breach [trade/edge secrecy]dikes [not to allow the trace they block blessing access once again but, alas] to level playing fields so battle to death ensues. it's only natural, see? .... cause it's the unbeatalbe bizniz model .. and it had to be ... what else would you leave the nile delta for? you'd have to be crazy ... well, dem dam diuzz were, are and make it, bloodlines be dammed. As Ry says, culture trumps that .. even tho it should have the sense and decency not to. Satan without Monsanto and geopol culprit indexation is a boring harangue about a brittle bone indeed
woensdag 28 september 2022
Poisonous Humans docu on Glyphosate
money began to become toxic the minute gold was mined with mercury .. then it sprouted fuck off money [a mixed blessing enabling both objectivity and relativizing on the one hand while abuse via unaccountability grew as well]. Now we had worldwide disasters from derivative trade [nerdy autist and also insularizing greed driven complexity .. since then metastatized many times over into cryptist undeadening of our very vitals - our gene codes.
Today there is the massive fake unity of propaganda money fueled fakery front formation [constantly confessing their sins in the form of projective accusations doubling as intent to purge while the adresse triples as target to conquer and discipline ... 'decentize' [the old missionary memes from the name stealers ever morphing and always 'zersetzend' [one can stir and mix for mayhem or for better touch].
This docu is from the time the gaping hole which 'schized' money cratered between truth and lies experienced a growth spurt, it grew abyssmally ... and a toxic pit it is to this day.
'propaency' VS harder to come by truths == full tox 8 laner VS the wildlife track and the forest garden path.
Poisoned Fields - Glyphosate, the underrated risk? (HD 1080p)
146K views === Jan 25, 2016 ---- 2K ---- wocomoDOCS
222K subscribers ----- Glyphosate is the world’s most widely used weed killer. Some claim it is completely harmless, others say it is a serious health hazard for man and animals. A topical investigation into a controversial substance. ----------- shorter version of the film in German language:
Glyphosate is the world’s most widely used weed killer in farms and gardens. German soil was treated with six million kilograms in 2012 alone. Glyphosate is cheap and readily available at all wholesale garden stores. Some claim it is completely harmless, while others say it is a serious health hazard for man and animals. Large-scale studies of the herbicide have only been carried out by the industry itself. Such studies would be far too expensive for individual authorities. But glyphosate so far only has a limited licence in Europe, and this year, the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment in Germany is responsible for extending it. Now, the WHO has suddenly announced it is calling for an all-out ban on glyphosate, right in the middle of the decision-making procedure. A WHO cancer research team considers the herbicide produced by Monsanto, Syngenta and BASF to be absolutely toxic and probably carcinogenic. More and more people and animals that are exposed to the substance become ill – and there are a large number of unexplained miscarriages and deformities in humans in South America, especially in areas where glyphosate is used on large monocultures. Critical scientists have been warning of the long-term damage for years. But their studies have not been recognised by the authorities. We ask how a substance without a tested licence in Germany has been extended for test operation since 1974, even though there has been evidence of its toxicity for the past 10 years. The film sets out in search of sick animals and humans and asks how the WHO has reached these new conclusions and what action the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment is taking.
previous post:
Toxic Chemicals Ed Brown of Unacceptable Levels Interview
96 views - Dec 27, 2015 -- Green Talk -- 5.62K subscribers
Be sure to subscribe to both Anna and Karen's newsletters ----- (both formerly of Green Sisterhood)
Toxic Animan docu Ed Brown
more on and by Ed Brown scattered into my other blogs [via 'profile']
Toxic Chemicals Ed Brown of Unacceptable Levels Interview
2DislikeShareClipSavevrijdag 23 september 2022
Glyphosate Detox Pod #334
23/9 --------- 11star -- k128 --- 4-electr
The secret tactics Monsanto used to protect Roundup, its star product | Four Corners
1.3M views -- Oct 9, 2018 - 16K - ABC News In-depth
1.12M subscribers --- Four Corners investigates the secret tactics used by global chemical giant #Monsanto to protect its billion-dollar business and its star product — the weed killer, #Roundup.
Read more here:
'santoism' is 50% reflexivity [lo wages], 45% denial deviltry [hi wages] and 5% systematizers, 'machinators' --- 832 pages
on glyphosate between pages 267 to 593 [covers the last year and a half, a personal drama, .. IN 3 LANGUAGES, alternatingly .. as i wend myself this way and that, looking for detox]
28:48 ------ Glyphosate - Is Monsanto Trying To Kill Us? (Trial #Science #Truths)
The Grass Factor ---- 9.7K views 4 years ago
what decency is for predators is cowardly in human affairs. Why don't you try to pick on/off a big boy like zach bush instead of a weak link like you did here?
52:16 ----- Poisoned Fields - Glyphosate, the underrated risk? (HD 1080p)
wocomoDOCS -- 146K views 6 years ago
Glyphosate and Chemical Detox | Podcast #334
86DislikeShareClipSavedonderdag 15 september 2022
dinsdag 6 september 2022
zaterdag 13 augustus 2022
vrijdag 12 augustus 2022
donderdag 7 juli 2022
zondag 26 juni 2022
Richard Werner on centralization sickness
Richard Werner on how CBDC could be the end of banking and on the Sovietization of Europe --- 3.6K views --- Jun 7, 2022 --- 143 --- Reinvent Money --- 7.49K subscribers --- Paul Buitink talks to Professor Richard Werner again. Richard is author of 'Princes of the Yen' and came up with the Quantity Theory of Credit. He also coined the term Quantitative Easing (QE). -------- Two years ago Paul talked to Richard about how the ECB was trying to become the only bank in town in Europe. In this latest episode Richard tells in more detail how the ECB, through regulation and monetary policy, has destroyed small community banks. Since the inception of the ECB 5000 banks have disappeared. Its policies squeeze the margins of small banks while at the same time they lead to asset bubbles, inflation and crises, which are then used to gain more powers, says Richard.
donderdag 9 juni 2022
MeMo Yarvin Qs holocost witness
The Holocaust: a Nazi perspective - Unqualified Reservations - Mencius Moldbug (aka Curtis Yarvin)
Jun 3, 2022
Skeptical Waves
6.57K subscribers
The Holocaust: a Nazi perspective - Unqualified Reservations - Mencius Moldbug (aka Curtis Yarvin)
The Holocaust: a Nazi perspective
Unqualified Reservations
Mencius Moldbug (aka Curtis Yarvin)
October 26, 2011
anybody suprised the price of jews varies as wildly as that of nftbits, viruslabcocktales for the cooked cucks and whatelsehaveyou?
Let's do the allied thing, cause the kind of suffering you can afford not to have to report on, be accountable and punished for.
if you don't like my comment you could always go choose from 118 of them:
ps: i think you should have the courtesy to supply this type of link ... to balance your workload .. don't you wanna help it go as far as it can?
Anonymous B said...
Wait, I'm confused. So, a tiny part of the Spartan Nazis set up concentration camps, which were, overall, quite humane places, with brothels and HBO, but then a madman sociopath, who wasn't even in the SS, used some Jews to exterminate some other Jews in one of these camps, a regrettable aberration, but quite within the framework of the first half of the twentieth century? And the whole thing was sort of incidental to the war as a whole, where the Americans were at fault?
I can imagine a triumphant Athens putting the Sicilian commandant of the rock quarries on trial and the latter defending himself along similar lines-overall, the Athenian prisoners were treated well, with some unfortunate excesses. Or NKVD general Nikishov discussing the great recreational opportunities available in Vorkuta and Magadan; sure, a camp commandant or two, driven by greed, permitted some unpleasant events to take place, but as soon as these excesses came to light, the guilty were punished and the issues addressed...
October 26, 2011 10:02 AM