Ivor on LameStream splains PANdumbix
Live from Mainstream GB News Studio! A super discussion on Pandemic Madness and More Ep143
May 30, 2022
Ivor Cummins
203K subscribers
As per the title, I was invited for a 20 minute live panel discussion in GB News Studio: Pandemic Anxiety States, Real Risk Realities, Psychological Damage caused and more! IMPORTANT: The John's Hopkin's study mentioned is the tip of the iceberg against lockdown - please see here: . The media campaign against the study was pure propaganda connected to pharmaceutical industry interests:
Link to full GB News show where the excerpt with my interview came from:
NOTE: My extensive research and interviewing / video/sound editing and much more (including expensive travel to enable these media appearances!) does require support - please consider helping if you can with monthly donation to support me directly, or one-off payment:
dinsdag 31 mei 2022
Ivor on LameStream splains PANdumbix
zaterdag 21 mei 2022
vrijdag 13 mei 2022
Bartlett witnesses Ukro-Nazi doings
western media on the other hand do a nuke raindance instead .... satanists covered with, and imagining themselves safe and covered by all 'dem' decency labels .... 'inclusive' ... FREE to be DUMB ... ETC
Owner of shelled Donbass house says rocket came from village "under the Ukro-Nazis" control
May 13, 2022
Eva K Bartlett
29.1K subscribers
On May 5, I went to Kirovsk, a city in the Lugansk People's Republic to the west of Lugansk, Ukrainian forces only a little further west. Kirovsk and surrounding areas have—like throughout both autonomous Donbass republics—since 2014 been shelled by Ukrainian forces.
Just outside the city of Kirovsk, on an otherwise quiet lane, I saw a home hit by Ukrainian shelling on April 26.
The massive rocket which tore into one side of the house thankfully didn't explode, instead merely, leaving a gaping vertical hole & terrifying the elderly mother. Had it exploded, the house and neighbouring homes would have been completely destroyed, residents killed.
According to the son, Gennady, around 9 pm the rocket struck one corner of the house, destroying the wall of the room his mother had been in around 10 minutes prior. It came, he said, from beyond the settlement of Pervomaisk. “There is a village there that is under the Ukro-Nazis. And that's where it all came from.”
This is just an example of the Ukrainian terrorism civilians in both the Donetsk & Lugansk People's Republics continue to be subjected to.
***See also:
-Ukrainian strike on Donetsk market was a terrorist act
-They Saw and Heard the Truth — Then Lied About It: Media on Donbass Delegation Omitted Mention of Ukraine’s 8 Year War on the Autonomous Republics
-Under Fire from Ukraine and Misperceived by the West, The People of the DPR Share Their Stories
-My Donetsk & Lugansk People's Republics playlist