28/1 ------------------------------- 8eagle --- k255 ---- 19-resonant
Piet I already explained to you - 15 years ago? - Jose Arguelles defines time by symmetric "scalar" math. It's in my 2012 book that Sebs has read. By the way the film director contacted me yesterday - so he said my research was "amazing." So maybe it will get mentioned in the doc in the credits? The doc is made by the family of Puharich - so it's not going to be "critical" of Puharich. "So then Andrija Puharich was the secret collaborator for a U.N. Princeton Institute for Advanced Study collaboration with the Theosophists — through the World Institute, set up by LBJ Freemason. The new age was spawned out of this project — specifically their academic journal Main Currents in Modern Thought which had the goal to integrate all science disciplines for a secret theosophist plan — Jose Arguelles, Ervin Laszlo were two prominent authors in the journal."
------- drew hempel says: September 14, 2010 at 8:08 pm
letter to a Votanite:
if you have a speedy and effective answer to this .. by all means ....
i don't remember what JA says about 'scalar' waves .. if anything ....
pass it along .... ps: did you ever meet / visit Llinas in Southern Mexico
he was on a stream recently w 2 female guests ....
... and speaking of astrology ... was that the 'release' trigger or was it the chestnut coloured shiny flaxseeds .. soaked and thrown in with ... i don't even remember ... millet maybe
... or your arrival in europe ...... i have tons more energy all of a sudden .... tho still very little compared to ... a handful of years ago ....
i begin a search in order to answer:
you are talking about some supposition you have may have made 15 years ago .. but you mentioned it right at a time, 12 years ago, i might have quoted this to you:
I believe the Atlantean priest/scientists as reported miscalculated the synchrony of the frequency signature of their Tuoai stone/”Fire Crystal” with the very ELF harmonics of the tectonic/continent on which it sat. This is not dissimilar to those poorly informed technologists today who think they have a “free” energy device, gathering from the fractal scalar magnetism which creates coherent gravity, to make electricity. (Pod-Mod, Neuman, Trombley, dozens more.. cf Bill Ramsey..). Of course metabolizing gravity/starlight directly is the way to be weaned off fossils, but first a responsible way must be in place to monitor the decaying recursion of the Schumann harmonics of the Earth’s grid,
in response to the bleeding. (Ref: our “heart biofeedback 2000? Global Grid ELF Harmonic Monitoring and .......)
... about whom you said this around that time:
Dan Winter hypnotises with nonsense and talking fast -- starting with saying how standing waves are the secret to sacred geometry. That's a tautology -- as if "sacred geometry" means something and as if "standing waves" mean something. So two meaningless things on their own somehow reinforce each other in a self-definition of nonsense. haha. So then he goes into sacred geometry as fractals and how only he understands "electrical fractals" and that this secret is the "Golden Ratio" so that the maximum number of waves interact constructively. But what about destructively! You need balance. Geez. haha.
funny note:
nov 6th:
at this point (culling JA notes from regular diary notes, towards the end of march 2019) i decide to merge Drew [derived] notes into the JA collection (but i'll spare him the indignitiy of being diluted with Bobberizzums .. and DDD gets purged, excised, nixed, set apart):
around 2012
the only other ref to 'scalar' in that ['noowoo'] portion of my notes is from a while later:
2 ::::::: swirlednews.com
3. ::::: Johnson F. Yan. DNA and the I Ching: The Tao of Life. Berkley, CA: North Atlantic Books, 1991.
4. ::::: Grazyna Fosar and Franz Bludorf. Vernetzte Intelligenz [Networked Intelligence]. Aachen: Omega, 2003.
5. ::::: Glen Rein. Biological Effects of SCALAR Acoustic Energy: Modulation of DNA. Columbus, Ohio: Proc. US Psychotronics Assoc., 1998. http://www.zayra.de/rein/
6. ::::: Rattemeyer M., F.A. Popp, and W. Nagel. Evidence of photon emission from DNA in living systems. Naturwissen 68
(1981): 572
END OF 2010 - quoting Dan Winter:
Vincent made an interesting suggestion about the timing of the onset of the possibly 5000 year quarantine from major galactic contact due to the possible propagation from here of fear and aggression on a galactic scale. He noted it’s probable triggering to be associated with the tectonic upheavals at the time Atlantis sank. I believe the Atlantean priest/scientists as reported miscalculated the synchrony of the frequency signature of their Tuoai stone/”Fire Crystal” with the very ELF harmonics of the tectonic/continent on which it sat. This is not dissimilar to those poorly informed technologists today who think they have a “free” energy device, gathering from the fractal scalar magnetism which creates coherent gravity, to make electricity. (Pod-Mod, Neuman, Trombley, dozens more.. cf Bill Ramsey..). Of course metabolizing gravity/starlight directly is the way to be weaned off fossils, but first a responsible way must be in place to monitor the decaying recursion of the Schumann harmonics of the Earth’s grid, in response to the bleeding.
cOURTNEY Love = 7wind, Kurt was kin 118 ... discovered on 11/11/11 [7wind]
july 9th 1964 = dob CL ... kin 202 tone 7 Wind
Nobody's Daughter -- prolly my fave so far
it's also the name of Hole's 4th album from april 27th 2010
February 20, 1967 – c. April 5, 1994
Kurt was kin118 - magnetic (1) Mirror
ps: another 7wind in play on this riddle, 6 years later ... see below
a 2::2 game [you can't join a 2 iits and 4 testicle game .. only issue from it]
PAGE 360 OF 993 FOR 'Notes2ValumVotan and adjacent 2015-2020':
46:29 ".., you mislead people" ... hilarious, the narcissism of minor difference in full swing .. about some
express nerdy tale ... like a polish ukrainian war over some lettercurves and/or phonics .... expressiphi
nerddetail on the double .. what does treasuring billfold tec have to do with symmetry worship?
phase lock vs ????
scalar vs torsional debate "misleads" cause scalar is just any old vector whereas longitudinal emf only
manifests under "phase conjugate ...." (inaudible)
Impossible Correspondence
© 1999 by Robert Grace
Einstein left all of science with a viewpoint that is exactly opposite of Reality.
This work is a supplement to understanding the works of:
Nicola Tesla (scalar), John Worrell Keely (levitation), Maurice Chatelain (Maya), Dee Finny (The Code, dreams,
gematria, crop circles, number, esoterics) Barbara Hero (harmonics), Ray Tomes ( universal ratio), David Wilcock (Aug
11, psychic forecast, Edgar Cayce), Maurice Cotterell (Maya), T. Townsend Brown (gravity), Michael Morton (The Code,
gematria), James Furia (The Code, gematria music), Tom Bearden (scalar), Jose Arguelles (Tzolkin), Bruce Cathie (grid
harmonics), Buckminster Fuller (synergetic system order), Gary Val Tenuta (The Code, alphanumerics), Christian Lange
(Schauberger Technology), Luigi Di-Martino (Mirror Music), the authors of psychotronics and most important, those
who contribute their Technology of Sharing.
PAGE 451
to identify a jazz musician's improvisation through a cyclic chord pattern with the universe "improvising" new
fundamental constants (due to the dynamics of a ghost-like scalar field) through each cycle of a closed bouncing
PAGE 889
HM-PP-55-10 free fall inside polyhedra -- is that daft or what.pdf
my name for this:
MÃ1⁄4ller H. et al. On the Acceleration of Free Fall inside Polyhedral Structures. Progress in Physics, 2018,
vol. 4, 220-225
Harmut's 'global scaling' seems to have 'branch out universe wide' ambitions and he sports the Roerich
peace symbol for his cultlet.
31 of 732 [2017]
David Calder Hardy · DAWN OF SHADES · DC Metro Area Ghost Watchers ...... Walter Russell's
Physics / Cosmogeny · Wanda Hewer - Ghost Hunters of G
Scalar Physics - Alternative Energy - Free Energy - Plasma greatdreams.com/scalar.htm --- Walter Russell's Physics /
Cosmogeny - Alternative Physics Concepts Images and Links of ... David Calder Hardy
#LogicGate: Expositing the Simulated Universe
53.3K subscribers
30,380 views Feb 27, 2017
I heard that music and I couldn't resist some pretentious stylized Kubricking of my own. My Stars, it's full of God.
This content is NOT SUITABLE for the emotionally undeveloped, e.g. CHILDREN, Political Partisans, Mainstream Journalists, Silicon Valley Tech Bosses and China. May not be recommended for pregnant women. Please consult your GP to find out if all of this is doing you any favours.
THE CHANNEL NAME I POSTED THE FOLLOWING COMMENT UNDER IS GONE [courtesy Liz Fong Jones {{i'm willing to wager}} ... truth or falsehood of which [upcoming ...] sometime post yt transparancy [pivot?] point of noo return ...
484th-ish: you might as well be adressing a substantial side to a versatile man of many monikers and self deletions. He sports a perrenially raging appetite for Sokalian quantum pastiche and combines it with faithfully leglocking away for about as long .. reproducing his bloggerhea repertoire with more often than not only subtle variations per iteration.
His present incarnation: voidisyinyang.blogspot.com ..
Whenever he hints at causes for the creaks & crackles the journeys through the various contingents and/or continents of his mind apparantly cause, this cranial 'flexblessing' is either due to his qigong meditation (complex .. let's call it 'inviolization of body juices') or at the opposed monolith promontory of his rifty thrifty mental ravine's 'cogdiss' edges, we'll hear the tale of his early injections when his mom got scared he might develop rabies from a mysterious dogbite ... but ... come to think of it .. he must be getting more confident .. cause he hasn't referred to that dark tale in a very long time.
His teacher sure rose right up to luxury lap status with exotic sinosauced christianity. Matter of duh fact, that reminds me of a tale he posted not so long ago .. about a visit to the vatican that cracked all the man's teeth to the point he had them pulled at once!!!
Titans among us!!!!!!!!!! Here it is:
Anyway so I was glad the reader had contacted the qigong master who befriended me for healings and the qigong
master who befriended me told me I can write whatever I want on my blog - so I'm going to share this story about
his experience in Italy. ............. That was when the qigong master who befriended me was staying and studying with
https://karmu.wordpress.com/ the healer living in Harvard Square - around their in Boston, and Karmu to the qigong
master who befriended me to "collect the rent" from the trainer of Muhammad Ali who had not been paying rent!
haha. He paid rent instead of fighting the qigong master who befriended me.
Then he starts quoting Wayne Madsen ...
sund m26th - k202, reso wind, 20solar
Daniel is part of that "trajectory of tantric technology." So for example Jose Arguelles relies on the logarithmic "scalar" technology that he projects onto Mayan Culture - just as the New Age CIA propaganda claims that Egyptian culture used the Golden Ratio. haha. And the Drunvalo Melchizadek says that Nature needs to be re-engineered based on the Golden Ratio and he claims the Kogi have the secrets on how to do this.
the next note is oddly pertinent to a remark i made in blogspotted comments on migration / mass society [the lawyer / doctor / stampeder complex exacting tithe in blood]
thursd, march 30th - k206, spectral wb, 24solar
took my input for k252 to figure into mom's karma .. and it's a heavy thing to look forward to having to
undo ... all that pyramidscam energy
page 843
SPEAK OF duh Drew DEVIL ... H.P. Albarelli book A Secret Order: excellent expose on CIA fascist mind
control genocide
14 views -- Nov 6, 2020 .....
8 november - 313 dotY ::::: k224
Law of Time Calendar :: 21 Self Existing : 103th dotSolarRound
Cosmic Turtle Calendar : 25 spectral : 313th dotSolarRound
2574d sinds .. 19th tzolkin wave
7y day = 17d behind, 10sp day, 28d away
(Drew mouthing words but it's a silent vid again:
H.P. Albarelli book A Secret Order: excellent expose on CIA fascist mind control genocide - - to my comment [as
above] he goes:
(you mean "scalar" dan? no thanks
(Voidisyinyang Voidisyinyang 36 minutes ago
@Sim Star So have you heard of the "Institute of Advanced STudy" at Princeton? One of their physicist members
was Olivier Costa de Beauregard. He was an assistant of Nobel physicist Louis de Broglie. So if you read the Wiki
page on Costa de Beauregard there's NO mention of the paranormal. This is quite funny since almost all his
research papers discuss the paranormal. But then each time Costa de Beauregard discussed the paranormal, from
the perspective of relativistic quantum physics, then the CIA classified it. I have documented this with my upload.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=93dVBk2yGQk&ab_channel=VoidisyinyangVoidisyinyang So you've been
brainwashed to dismiss the paranormal as "woo woo" when the OPPOSITE is the truth. The science of the
paranormal is too advanced for you to understand and this has been covered up since 50% of physics is for
classified military research.
....my response as posted under his latest 'no thanks' yt reply:
quoting a scalarp YOUTUBE comment you mirror at your blog:
( @Sim Star Ah so now you want "credentials"? You go first then if that's what you want.
yeah, come on man, gimme your most satanic sokallieonist callibration specs, ... infinite decimals please ...
for waves ridable rolls leverable and growths meterable .. whorademic scandals just broke in the
netherlands btw
ps: was no sound a glitch? you seem to do it intentionally most of the time ...
( Nicholas Gisin debunks Real Numbers as deterministic classical harmonic Oscillators: Gisin proves classical physics
( Indeterminate and the Law of the Excluded Middle is NOT valid (on Real Numbers)
Is classical chaos math really deterministic or is it due to ASSUMING A GOD'S EYE VIEW FROM THE END
Gisin: Real numbers are effectively saying you are getting infinite information in zero time
Hence one can't cut the continuum into larger and smaller than 1/2 (as is done in the origin of
logarithmic music theory!) We have a classical measurement problem - not just a quantum measurement
Real numbers are as random as a quantum random number generator. De Broglie-Bohmian quantum mechanics
bypasses randomness by stating that distance does not really exist. Space, in physics, is a finite volume and
therefore as evolving in time, it is finite information. The precision location that real numbers as bits become finite
is NOT determined by technology but rather by quantum theory. Therefore Real Numbers ARE the HIDDEN
VARIABLES of classical mechanics - just as they are in quantum physics based on noncommutative phase logic. A
real number contains infinitely number "bits." For the EXACT same reason that you accept real numbers in classical
physics then you should accept Bohmian particles (non-local) in quantum mechanics
Drew: So you've been reading me for 15 years and you don't get why I'm against scalar math? So does that mean I
can block you now since you keep getting upset when I bring this up? It would save us both a lot of hassle. Or are
you going to then accuse me of "censoring" you? haha. If you can't accept the logic of what I'm saying after 15 yearsthen maybe you are just not interested in the content of what I talk about. Don't worry - you're not alone. Very few
people understand what I'm talking about. Only most people just ignore me. So instead of ignoring me are you
stalking me?
hey, who's the big bad knighterrant fighting the windmills of dominance logics here? and who's upset here
buster ... i still read Rowan Berkeley though he has censored me since .. what ... 2009 ... you do what 'je
niet kunt laten' as we say here. that said, you DID manage a little progress. At least you aren't afraid to
show you're not sure about wether or not my hard/heart is on, .... bhuwwhaahahaahahah!!!!!!
yeah, come on man, gimme your most satanic sokallieonist callibration specs, ... infinite decimals please ... for waves ridable rolls leverable and growths meterable .. whorademic scandals just broke in the netherlands btw
ps: was no sound a glitch? you seem to do it intentionally most of the time ... ( Nicholas Gisin debunks Real Numbers as deterministic classical harmonic Oscillators: Gisin proves classical physics is a RELIGION- Indeterminate and the Law of the Excluded Middle is NOT valid (on Real Numbers)
Is classical chaos math really deterministic or is it due to ASSUMING A GOD'S EYE VIEW FROM THE END OF TIME.
Friday the 13th & Healing the Witch Wound by Dawn DelVecchio
helena ajehandro with SS on scalar divination soul frequency numbers .... 950 250 joan of arc ... they mention David Hawkins .. the description has nothing and searches don't churn them up ... but i do find Hawkins artofwellbeing.com/2016/11/08/mapofconsciousness/
his 3 books: Power versus Force and Transcending the Levels of Consciousness: The Stairway to Enlightenment.
short pages
(Most Distinct Prophet in the Quran: The Hanifa | FULL |
55 views -- Nov 15 -- The Warner -- 2.89K subscribers
Video Settings 1080p60. You will be introduced to the most distinguished Prophet in the Quran in this video, The Hanifa.
This video continues the 'Over it are 19' Series from where we had left off:
â–a QTC 19 - Quran Transposition Cipher 19 | The Supreme-Proofs Al-Bayyinat | Over It Are 19 ---------- (https://youtu.be/EIRs4ngxK10)
QTC of Prophet Abraham through The QURAN (21 Surahs) | Leader for Mankind 2:124 -------- https://youtu.be/0RLXSqc8b88 –--- FREE DOWNLOAD PDF file at google drive
1 mei - d 121 otY ::::: k138
LoT 28 Planetary : 264th dotSolarR :::::: CTC overtone 7 : 119 dotSR
Hi 55,
Re your penultimate email: l chose to ignore your condescending tone and the question posed :}
Happy MayDay on 138; CTC Overtone 7, Namaste, 138
nope, don't know .. do i wanna? ... nor am i sure if the Erasmus Lab is run via Nato and as evil as George Webb makes it out to be ... a handful of weeks ago i offered him lodgings --- and he could benefit from my
directions for getting to Rotterdam, the way i used to (but lack the energy for now), to get rid of his 'zwemband' (his fatroll makes him he looks like he wears an inner tube under his sweater, ready to larn swimmin i guess). There's a lazy way too now, cutting the effort in half via a 30m boatride after a 20 minute {vigorous} pedal, it gets you within a 5 minute quick paced walk from his target --- but he would not like my cramped quarters, narrowed by old memorabilia, .. stuff saved from the waste paper bins,
etcetera. And besides, i don't entirely trust his judgment. His respect for people like Madsen is way below par for instance ... and don't get me started on his refusal to say palestinians even that one lost time out
of ten devoted to zionism.
I still cycle thru phases of being amused, intrigued and disgusted in turn .. skepsis .. yeah, perhaps even condescension [jest and anger are as jizz and squeeze, something your hands, which remind me of my mom's may know], as i do with most people who interest me ... yourself included .... i mean ... ignorance is no defence ... but admitting it is the first step on the healing path and makes a vast diff already!!!! .. thank you ... perhaps too late ... we'll see .... cause .... it in fact contributes to and strengthens things i have no defences for .. i am guessing there's an offensive cancer for the best of us ... i am actually not sure if i'll just keel over in a few days or not ..
meantime I am gambling on this: a brain kidney polarity || mirror thing as follows:
nearly 3 weeks ago the sharp left kidney pain kicked off a cycle that should complete soon if it's not, as i partly dread, something way way meaner than i've hitherto known and experienced is afoot. ----- Over a week ago i had a diffuse head and neck problem which has now contracted and intensified to a line ... and it kinda forces me into minimal headmovement mode ...
ps: was i condescending? was jesus, goin down on hell?? .. hard enough to give him a break .. a laugh release?
ps: remember me telling you about savita?
found one comparable to its early stages and about ... 4x as large
parada 13 has pretty much given up on the internet i guess ... but that 138 down there keeps his faith w RQ 'op voorbeeldige wijze'.anyway, bottom line: if i only knew .. where the condescension medicine grew ... i'd travel there, take it and try anoo
the place i cite all this from ['mine' at archive.org] offers the only 2 relevant results for this query: volum votan AND "scalar time"
https://archive.org › details › virtuous-and-ethical-innumeracy-anyone-QM
Peace Calendar man Jose Arguelles / 'Volum Votan'
intro for water into rock throwtherizzum via a colourful detour, thru circuitous routery, past the nerdery one can only hope shall never weaponize, .. and...
serendipitous? .... lots of stuff about Mormons
Votan: Colonizer of the Americas?
Part 2: H. H. Bancroft
12 parts
1812 (late spring?)
Solomon Spalding's brother Josiah visits him at New Salem and while there reads Solomon's still unfinished mound-builder romance. About a year after the death of her husband, Solomon Spalding's widow would inform Josiah (see ahead: 1817) that his brother had finished his story of ancient America. This cannot be said of Spalding's "Roman" story -- at least not in the draft that has survived as the Oberlin Spalding manuscript Josiah would years later record this experience in a letter to the Rev. George Chapman (see ahead: Jan. 6, 1855).
a 'nite' [your age, southern italy, other parallels], she blogged a storm since 2012 but declined [on that score] fast since 2017 ... white hair .. still has remarkably youythful breasts compared to his mid section [legs not showin, a 'nooshoo]...
zaterdag 28 januari 2023
#LogicGate: Expositing the Simulated Universe
dinsdag 17 januari 2023
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