RK sends me a larger version of the quote i pinged to her. It's by a guy putting a satanist pentagram complete with goatshead next to browntone Marx snap and claiming he hated Russia.
Marx calls Russia a 'collosus'. check. He has no use for nations. check. Marx commits a hedgefail, no "explosive force of ideas" qualifying qualms .... and au contraire, implies it's the true march of progress fuel .... atlanticyst prowgrease he so kindly waved at and itemized for us, .. so that his pet fetish was to all the more easily surf the grand finally breaking crest of that long sentence by the end of it as it turns out.
now .... EFoI is the cabal's prospecting object and business model as i've explained in numerous threads ... but the fall out, tellingly, once again recently, happens to literally blow back [more often than forth*] as in the case of the DU ammo blast.
* = Russia has more space to dilute the pollute - a regrettable mafiya practice .. but also tending to work in its favor.
ps: i don't appreciate his denial, i mean his explicit discountery ["imbeciles"] regarding one of cannibalism expert Oscar Kiss Maerth's major premises, btw. Jewish eagerness to fuse with royal blood has a decidedly thanatopian singefringe don't you agree????
Let's just write it off on failure to scale currencies, from local, wet fecund, microfungible, instantly gratificatory realms of vital intimacies of health and hygiene, thru regional, past national, to 'universal' versions and dispersions. Is it a language problem?