dinsdag 25 oktober 2022

Alice Di Micele - Sunrise

Alice DiMicele-Make A Change --- 32 views -- Premiered Oct 24, 2022 - Andy Caffrey ----- 383 subscribers ---- Forks of Salmon Earth First! Northern California Rendezvous, September 18, 1988. alicedimicele.com and other social media. -- http://alicedimicele.hearnow.com


among the california fire's ashes .. sky still hazy ... sun covered in smokechoke

The Grayzone live with Roger Waters and more

i'll start with a bonu ..... your friendly neighbourhood maverick:

ry on cyprus
Cyprus In The Crosshairs - Trouble Afoot
October 25th, 2022447 views
Ryan Dawson


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Ryan's Crypto Addresses:
Ethereum: 0x02cc18b6400c631c633049559a8538fb811b290f
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Ryan's Discord got banned so we use Guilded.gg:



this one is good also .. mini docu with carefully selected footage:

The Grayzone meets Ecuador's indigenous resistance
Oct 25, 2022
The Grayzone
238K subscribers
In the latest installation of an ongoing Grayzone series, filmmaker Oscar Leon meets the leaders of an anti-mining and indigenous strike that paralyzed Ecuador for two weeks during June 2022. Leon visited two of the most representative towns of the Ecuadorian resistance and spoke to some of the key indigenous leaders to understand the issues behind their still-simmering conflict with the government.

While Ecuador boasts a progressive constitution, it is one of the last countries in Latin America with a right wing government that is supported by the United States of America. It is also one of the last countries that has not overexploited its natural resources.

Last June's indigenous and anti-mining strike supposedly concluded with Executive Agreement #468, which among other provisions, took down 2 presidential decrees (95 - 121) both aimed at increasing mining production to the fullest extent possible, or as right-wing president and banker, Guillermo Lasso put it, “to the last drop” [of oil].

||| The Grayzone |||

Find more reporting at https://thegrayzone.com

vrijdag 7 oktober 2022

René Girard- I See Satan Fall Like Lightning (Ch.3- Satan)

-7/10 ---------------- 12wind --- k142 --- 18-elect

James Kourtides --- 18 vids on MMcluhan
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvKtT_f6iRVPlBZU-J9fU573NjqHe2FzD .... haha .... 504Vs at 8am

How Media Shapes Our Senses- James Kourtides on "A Neighbors Choice".
How can we deploy "social aikido" and flip the narrative warfare, ushering in a new way to collectively make sense of the world?
David's "Things Hidden" Podcast linked here:
flipped out asocial converso like bob dobbs? ionandbob.blogspot.com ... runon sugar run? eye[ ]go where ego? humbrag: pay me for kikkin my own le[t ]go castle down .. how flippantoffelhoreic of me. /17s of 17m pause to shootpissed.

/speaking for/aginst the 'archivist' who has never seen a figure toxic enuff to flip into the new even faker ground, a tensigritateur par displexcellience balanced drillanced and spun ... cause rockdust is rainbowseed
/speaking for/aginst the 'archivist' who has never seen a figure too toxic to flip into the new even faker ground, a tensitoothgriteur par displexcellience .. an utter phobe, specially regarding balanced drillanced and spun rock ... cause rockdust is rainbowseed. That said, my mp3 archive in ascending size and chronorder: Ward Churchill, Douglas Dietrich, Bob Dobbs, George Webb .. but don't mind me, i'm just an E-waste dumper and search pool filler ... who wonders if he can bear the karma burden of torrenting a million strong image collection as bait to make my prey own it with me ... or make my doctors i am failng to mobilize thus far, find and cure [the causes that ail] me ... in order to right "store meme and current ductpact pillar and axis" traffic, versteht sich .... kinda like the early spring 2022 tonga macro event on my kin .. but a micro version .....

persian jew sofer Knxts jelliefish dugin to reza dustarion
David C. Sofer -- Sep 8, 2020 -- 7 min read --- Noophagy and Noomachy   --conceptual antithesis to the idea of “noomakhia” developed by the neo-traditionalist thinker Aleksandr Gelyevich Dugin.

This conceptual antithesis was inspired by:

1) Dugin’s caricature of Reza Negarestani’s thought as a kind of “Ahrimanian neo-rationalism” [1]

2) The development of this caricature by Arialdo Corsini, which frames “Ahrimanian neo-rationalism” and the contemporary neo-Platonic henadology of Edward Butler as parts of a great philosophical conspiracy that would aim to produce a kind of “Royal Philosophy of Antichrist”.[2]

Dugin, Heidegger, Place & Identity w/Shari ------- re: "hijacking your intellect" .. i thought the russo model prefers voluntary recruitment?
i'll stick to jackfruittreeing your sweat skyhi ... or equity even .. even
once it's mysterie it has lots it's 'mistery' ... tree, field and garden mistery grows  them out into waste reclamation ... profitsee fool filament .. invisibly black raignareina splitsplat sploper keyed into rock spin see rex shine

once critterall goes mysterie it has lots it's 'mistery', figure dropped ground ... tree, field and garden mistery grows  them out to the point of waste reclamation ... profitsee fool filament .. invisibly black raignareina splitsplat sploper keyed into rock spin see rex shine

Dugin, 4PT, Russia and the West- Rooster's Crow Podcast #29 w/John David Ebert --- 21st of march 2.1K Vs
just before the half hour mark yall triggered a desire to see wotsnoo w 'lavum tovan' and got a 2018 3000 head [swansong?] treat [trustfundies herded to haiti] https://sincronariodapaz.org/a-mind-set-free-uma-mentalidade-livre-por-andre-staehler-kin93/ singingisbelieving - 8M views for their trebbulls
youtube.com/watch?v=XqvKDCP5-xE ------ Koolulam | One Day - Matisyahu | Haifa | Feb. 14th, 2018 ------ 8M views ----- Feb 22, 2018 ----- 177K ----- Koolulam ---- 140K subscribers -------- "One day this all will change..." ------- 3000 people

René Girard- I See Satan Fall Like Lightning (Ch.3- Satan)
feeble shit .. satanism is animalistic - reflexive .. with a splinter / spike / peak / pulse / punturation point of polarized plot clashes ... guilty projecting culpability on fore'bears' as plausibly deniable admission / confession, they always breach [trade/edge secrecy]dikes [not to allow the trace they block blessing access once again but, alas] to level playing fields so battle to death ensues. it's only natural, see? .... cause it's the unbeatalbe bizniz model .. and it had to be ... what else would you leave the nile delta for? you'd have to be crazy ... well, dem dam diuzz were, are and make it, bloodlines be dammed. As Ry says, culture trumps that .. even tho it should have the sense and decency not to. Satan without Monsanto and geopol culprit indexation is a boring harangue about a brittle bone indeed