time to write my best post ever
most profane, grand finale .. etc.
life is full of contradictions, practically and periodically literally bursting with them ... that is, .. most of the time they glide and roll by, past and around, wearing each other down and out .. but past a certain pressure build and gang up, some of them crack into fragments leaving sharp edges for a good long while, fit to break others. This process and principle scales across levels, tiers, realms, layers, phases and stages ad infinitum.
dinsdag 29 december 2020
Tony Rice Tribute RIP
vrijdag 18 december 2020
D-Day Has Arrived - My Recommendation For Trump
okay george webb here in georgia
uh on the 18th of december
2020 this is the triple witching day
this is the big deadline
for trump and the executive order 13 848
we've talked about it a long time
well that day has finally arrived here
and there's some complications
that i want to go through with people so
they understand if they see me
in a situation over the next
uh day or so they'll understand the
so um just to be clear
uh there are uh various folks who
are recommending that trump do invoke
the insurrection act
which in the case of treason um the
commander-in-chief can avail the armed
forces to
gather the evidence stop the intrusion
stop the
the hacking or or the cyber hack or or
look into
the background of the election hack uh
all these things he's empowered to do
uh and uh there's very prominent
general mcinerney thomas mcinerney a
war hero veteran started out as an army
second louis and then he goes over to
the air force flew in
cuba for escorting the youtube planes i
don't know if
how much of that he did but then i know
he went into vietnam extensively
i did a lot of that and i have a lot of
friends who were in the air force in
vietnam and
did the wild weasel missions and had to
avoid those russian
sams and guys getting shot out of this
guy so
so i have a lot of respect for thomas
mcinerney and he's a three-star general
he was one of the generals that came
forward with flynn if you remember flynn
got a group of generals who were backing
trump and
trip flynn was really out there he was
he was doing a lot of things in 2016 for
bringing people together from the
military community to back trump
um so mcinerney was one of the key
you may remember him standing in front
of the two star or two
medal of honor winners that was kind of
like the pivot point
i think for trump in the 2016 campaign
when the
sort of the military came in behind this
until then everyone said well trump
wouldn't know what to do in a military
situation i think that tipped the
balance in 2016.
but in 2020 obviously we had the
opposite situation we had generals
coming forward and sort of an open
coup coming down the stretch you had
uh head of the used to run the special
forces admiral mcraven
coming out and undermining trump of
course she had the former uh air force
uh which was uh you know you had hayden
and then of course uh clapper coming out
against trump for the whole time with
but then you also had people like
mcchrystal close associate very close
associate mike flynn they were almost
freaking frack
in afghanistan in or and in iraq then of
course you had mcmaster the chief of
just in open uh backstabbing you know
open blatant backstabbing
all down the stretch all down the
stretch uh in 2020 you didn't really
have a
mike flynn's voice was silenced because
the case against him with
judge sullivan so you really didn't have
any voices until after the election
mike flynn had one speech after the
election in the on the 12th
on the summit in washington but it was
it was after the election
so um now we're trying to sort of play
catch up
and i again have tremendous respect
for general mcinerney uh for all his uh
uh combat experience his combat
uh his patriotism is beyond uh
question uh his service to our country
bronze star the whole thing
uh but um here are the reasons
having said that here are the reasons
why i'm recommending a
middle course uh and not go the full
the full mcinerney let's just call it
the full mcinerney because it's become
known as the mcinerney plan
which is include suspension of habeas
in the united states which only wanted
one president to do that lincoln in time
of civil war or
preparing for civil war so that
washington wouldn't be surrounded by all
states i think habeas corpus i think
suspending habeas corpus would signal
that we are entering into a civil war
i think people would immediately draw
the parallel to lincoln and
they would say trump doesn't have the
foundation doesn't have the foundation
material to call that people haven't
seen the evidence
the evidence is there there is this the
but the actions so far haven't really
put their finger on whether it's
domestic or
foreign interference and i've said all
along it goes back to this
group in serbia it goes back to you see
papavic with his blackberry his
encrypted blackberry that he was given
by this group of petraeus and kissinger
20 years ago you see papa big waving
that encrypted blackberry
that's going to be the answer to the
they flipped 50 different elections
around the world over the last 20 years
21 22 years
for george soros and david petraeus
fine maybe if that was approved by the
presidents and so forth
but this is a action against
the president of the united states by
making that treason the answer to the
test is going to be the blackberries in
probably destroyed now but the popovic
you saw him waving the blackberry
that's going to be the answer to the
test those blackberries go back to the
kosovo liberation army that they were
given those blackberries
by david petraeus chief of staff for
general shelton to the kla in 1999.
i think general mcinerney is going to
remember that very well serbia of course
is a nation that's under the domination
of this
uh albanian kosovar
mercenary army that was put together by
petraeus madeleine albright
peter strzok strzok senior
and various folks who would appease
or appeal or try to win favor with the
rockefellers and the rothschilds of the
world these are people have sold out to
the elites these are the people that
motorcades to every davos motorcades to
every bilderberg this is the davis
david petraeus owns the actual uh
internet backbone in serbia where these
were carried out okay we're not guessing
we're not
it's kknr it's united group it's serbian
not guessing i think a good middle
because of this od and i report on
foreign interference is not going to be
ready today if it was ready i might be
behind general mcinerney saying hey
if he's got the goods he's got the
evidence if he's got the smoking gun
let fly let fly uh you know
let justice prevail and we'll pick up
the pieces when we're done
if we had that evidence in hand trump
doesn't have
rat clips evidence in hand that's the
problem here
he's going without the evidence in hand
so it could be
that it's there's no evidence
or not enough evidence the reason why i
say do a frankfurt if you remember there
was a frankfurt's
a raid or retrieval of servers
in frankfurt by the c i a was it
anyone else's service it wasn't sidle
servers it wasn't dominion servers it
wasn't any of these other
companies smartmatic they were cia
servers that were retrieved that's where
communication center is in frankfurt for
the bnd
which is our intelligence partner in
i'm recommending a similar raid to that
in serbia
in the offices of otpor the offices of
the same guy who's sitting in from
standing papavik standing in front of
the canvas
thing with the with the fists holding
the blackberry holding the encrypted
blackberry given to him by
socom um and well actually through a
uh proxy osce but through nato
was given these blackberries this
these blackberries are not only for have
been using illegal weapons running
for 30 years by soros since the fall of
the soviet empire
but also drug running it is the source
all of europe's problems the phones are
configured there
in serbia also a satellite office in
kiev so
if trump wants to go for kiev and naboo
in in an assault in a raid great
but the key is they probably destroyed
the physical evidence by now
and you're going to have to go and start
interrogating the individual programmers
that work for dominion don't fall for
saying that they're in canada those are
sales people
in canada those are the war and floods
of the world try to get canadian dollars
canadian government dollars to buy
dominion machines
don't fall for and so they'll say
they're a toronto-based company a
canadian-based company
that's the warren floods of the world
those are the front men those are the
face men
okay don't fall for the american
dominion folks who are going to say
we're based in colorado those are the
face men those are the front men those
are the worn floods of the world
using dhs dollars and election
uh covid money eac money to buy dominion
we bought 105 million of them dollars
with them right where i'm standing for
every county and this is the future
to use covet-type money to make sure
that they'll always be in control be
able to swing elections
this is a long-term plan not just
ousting trump
i think that's the important thing you
have to go to the top root of these
blackberries i know i've said it for
four years
i know i've said petraeus for four years
at poor for four years
if you pop a vic for four years the
blackberries for four years
it is going to be the answer to the test
and you've got to go and get the human
intelligence you've got to go
to the source you can't suspend habeas
corpus i don't think yet in the united
because people are going to see that as
a domestic attack they're going to see
that as a or a potential
use or patient of american freedoms
they're going to see that as an attack
on the people of the united states
they're not going to see it for what it
is which is trump's responsibility to
shut down
foreign interference in our elections so
you may see me uh
soon in a debate type public situation
and i just want that uh information to
be known
before that happens so again tremendous
respect for general mcinerney
tremendous respect for his ideas i'm
adding the political angle the the how
the press is going to perceive this
i think a good middle step until we have
that report from john ratcliffe
is to do a frankfurt style raid in
and i say the same thing you know
to sidney powell she's starting to
retweet me now which i really appreciate
she realizes some of my work is superior
to some of the work
of her folks i think now which is great
i certainly josh merritt down in dallas
i don't take anything away from him i
just hadn't i took exception with
with hiding behind a pseudonym because
people immediately
say it's fake when you have a pseudonym
when you don't show your face when you
don't say your name
people immediately say it's fake and
that's why the washington post attacked
him so viciously
thank you for your service in iraq josh
thank you for your service
in afghanistan um but
you have to come clean up front with
your name your picture your face your
your your your credentials and then
everything goes a lot smoother
it doesn't land mine on you later on
down the road
so that's the plan i think for today
if i was advising the president which i
guess i am now
that would be what i would say and i've
said it for four years
so maybe that's what trump had in mind
all along when he did the september 2018
uh eo we just don't know
uh but i think the time is now because
if you don't act today i think you lose
i think if you begin motion today even
if a minor thing like serbia you know
50 helicopters from ramstein air force
base i think
uh general mcinerney landed a lot of
planes said
ramstein he knows what i'm talking about
or or whatever ospreys you know have
50 ospreys surround it and then start
working the intelligence chain just like
mike flynn used to do in those lightning
in afghanistan just pick up all the
pocket lint and all the electronic lint
and work through it get the get the
white board going put the mosaic
and get to the bottom of this this is it
this is it
this is our democracy this is our
and our you know our show of democracy
but but our republic
rests on this and this i think is a good
middle ground to kind of keep the door
open until we get that report
from john ratcliffe i think i think uh
colonel walden uh testified to this here
in atlanta up with addie adds
that they had these ip addresses they
had this traffic to serbia
there's this traffic to the ip traffic
to pakistan we have the cell phone
traffic thanks to josh merritt
uh with the china chips uh talking about
the china chips
and the cell phone communications uh as
as a potential hack thanks to josh uh
i don't want to demean what he had said
the printer hack
you you could hack these various devices
by bringing a printer
with intelligent chips in it that's
another way to hack we've said that with
imran awan
changing out printer toner cartridges
for four years now
we've talked about printer hacks they're
talking about routers now
in the solar wind hacking we've talked
about go back
into our series how far back do we go to
talk about soraya b
gum and their company and their router
guy that they had out of texas
to dope the routers as a potential
attack area we've talked about all of
these things
i just think seizures right now in the
united states
would be perceived as linking lincoln
marching on
uh you know marching on columbia or
wherever the capital was annapolis i
guess in
uh at the civil war and moving the
capital to colombia i think it would be
perceived as
a inflammatory act that would
would cause a rift in our country a
civil war in our country i think this
serbia raid is much more measured much
more controlled and does the same thing
it keeps the door open until we can get
data from from ratcliffe i'll see you
all tonight
and i can't say much more than that
D-Day Has Arrived - My Recommendation For Trump
•Dec 18, 2020
Neighborhood News Studio
5.61K subscribers
George Webb's Two Factor Authentication Twitter Account Was Hacked - Here Is George Webb's New Twitter
New Tweets Will Only Be Multiple Thread Tweets That Summarize Previous Work
Engaging a foreign intelligence agency in election tampering is a treasonous act. We will document this long pattern and practice of the DNC for the Court, and we will outline specific examples in Michigan in 2020. George Webb documented DNC operative Warren Flood's interface with Russian FBI Informant operatives Krylova and Bogacheva in the 2016 election with the help of State Department recruiter Paul Whelan. George Webb showed how a DNC FBI Operative named Yershov used the Microsoft professional services organization to arrange visas for these operatives. for entry of Krylova and Bogacheva's cohorts to enter the United States from Russia.
Webb again outlined Warren Flood's close association with the 2020 election in Michigan through his Microsoft professional services position in Detroit, and through the activities of his wife, Alice McAlexander who runs an election consulting company by the name of CIVIS.
George Webb, a well-known Washington, DC-based journalist, now leads a team of citizen journalists filling the void of investigative journalism left by mainstream news in the race to placate their audiences with fake news such as the Trump Russia Hoax on CNN. Unlike mainstream news programming, the emphasis at Neighborhood News Studio is looking for evidence, not speculation or conjecture.
About George Webb
George Webb is best known for finding the DNC Blackberries and pried hard drives from the DNC server stashed at the home of DNC operative Imran Awan. Webb is also well known for breaking the story of the Hunter Biden blackberries used for Russia-China energy deals three years before mainstream news.
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52 minutes ago
The fake impeachment makes sense, now! Trump exposed “a coup”.
Janey Business
Janey Business
29 minutes ago
That "fake impeachment" was used to support claims that Trump was pursuing Biden for politcal reasons and abusing power because Trump feared Biden as his most dangerous opponent thus setting Biden up to be able to further obstruct justice all the way until Inauguration day by running for president. They were in full panic mode in Iowa... on the eve of the caucuses Biden had been exposed as the weakest of political opponents the Dems could send against Trump, a ruse was needed to distract from the fact that Biden was weak and Biden was an asshole (lord was he ever an asshole). It was extremely important to everyone hiding behind biden's candidacy & most particularly to Biden himself because he knew all along the feds were squeezing Frank, Jimmy, Hunter--for capital crimes. It was the Senate conspiring with DNC to keep certain Senators from campaigning & opening bigger leads right before Iowa. Trump handled that fake impeachment beautifully though. He didn't legitimize it yet his attorneys created a terrific record in his defense. The record has aged well.
Jean Whelan
Jean Whelan
53 minutes ago
Sidney has foreign and domestic interference receipts ....
Janey Business
Janey Business
56 minutes ago
I hear Michigan's AG is trying to scour Sydney Powell out of Michigan, erase her existence completely, dead to Michigan. That evil Sydney Powell, defender of victims of malicious prosecution. This catfight is getting good.
Neighborhood News Studio
Neighborhood News Studio
46 minutes ago
She doesn’t have ODNI blessing on these yet. You will have to trust me on this right now
Janey Business
Janey Business
1 minute ago
@Neighborhood News Studio Been with you since the first time YouTube ever took your videos down over four years ago. At this point I feel the way I felt when I got back to school after having the measles & never touched my homework, confounded that these kids still haven't caught up with me & I still have to help them with their homework, damned impatient with the school, the teachers, the students, and I'm just a kid, c'mon people! Fox is finally talking about stuff we've been talking about here for four years, how is it possible? Been waiting forever for this moment. Trust Program activated. For you newbies, at least give the man the benefit of the doubt!
Chris Kat
Chris Kat
53 minutes ago
It's foreign and we're running out of time
Trad Gal
Trad Gal
51 minutes ago
The DNI Ratcliffe won't turn in any paperwork today, said wants more redactment on the paperwork, just running out the clock.
L Weiner
L Weiner
51 minutes ago
my great great great grandfathes were Scottish swamp foxes during Revolutionary war right there
Faye Gregg
Faye Gregg
49 minutes ago
May God keep you out of harm's way, I pray.
Lynn Williams
Lynn Williams
41 minutes ago (edited)
Beautiful behind you looks like “African Queen”movie. Incubator for marine fish..
Janey Business
Janey Business
51 minutes ago
Oh, salt marsh. Beautiful day there in Georgia. Regards from Iowa!
Puma Barn11
Puma Barn11
1 hour ago
Hi George🙋🏼♀️Peace & Blessings🙏🏼🇺🇸🙏🏼
Puma Barn11
Puma Barn11
52 minutes ago
Meetings @3:30 so we will see...prayers 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼for the right decision 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🇺🇸
Jimmy Jones
Jimmy Jones
1 hour ago
Great to see you George in Georgia ✝️🙏🏻❤️🙂
L Henderson
L Henderson
49 minutes ago
You have my respect George... God Bless you and keep you safe! You're a true Patriot!
Alan Brick
Alan Brick
18 minutes ago
Please can you rescue the U.K., there are Satanists everywhere pushing the U.N. agenda to depopulate the world.
Tyrone Sargent
Tyrone Sargent
24 minutes ago
thank you George, i would say we need you in our government if it wasnt so dirty and twisted.
Orig MainStMama
Orig MainStMama
9 minutes ago
Great to hear connection made w/SP1. TY & GOD Bless You, George & Friends.
live oak
live oak
39 minutes ago (edited)
Put it on t.v. all day presentation of evidence so we can all watch it over the holidays. Put it on CSPAN for New Year's Day. I'd watch that over the Macy Parade. Sorry, Macy. The National Press Club would probably let them do it at their place.
Agent Orange
Agent Orange
9 minutes ago
Let's roll. I don't care what it costs me now. It needs to be done because it's all going to go away later anyway. #revolution
18 minutes ago
Great report George 🙏❤️🇺🇲
Puma Barn11
Puma Barn11
48 minutes ago
I trust President Trump will make the right decision...He is highly intelligent 🙏🏼
23 minutes ago
Time to kick the tires and light the fires!
Marlene Paul
Marlene Paul
12 minutes ago
You've been spending a lot of time in the South, is that somewhere you'd consider for your residence? You've been getting a lot of sun and your color looks great. Thank you for all of your hard work.
norma desmond
norma desmond
38 minutes ago
It's been 45 days since the election, more than enough time for evidence in Serbia to have been destroyed or hidden. The "it's happening!" days have come and gone for 4 years. What is the next one now, Jan 6?
Ddd Kkk
Ddd Kkk
44 minutes ago
If this military takes 4 years to clean a swamp, can see why it will take 20 more years to make an arrest. @0 years in afganistan right? We have a weak military obviously.
Sharon Davis
Sharon Davis
22 minutes ago
I hope George can get a face to face with the Trump team
Mark Shimmons
Mark Shimmons
19 minutes ago
GW, when you say "Watch Tonight," do you mean watch NNS or something else. & ~what time? Seems like their's time for a couple more plot twists before the big finish. As always, thanks for your investigative reporting.
linda redforth
linda redforth
3 minutes ago
Blessings George!
Arthur Stone
Arthur Stone
25 minutes ago
Epic reporting (and advice) George. Thank you.
39 minutes ago
Checked sources. You are spot on w/ Serbia it is crawling w/very capable hackers!!
pat t
pat t
11 minutes ago
Great work George! Thank you for your continuous pursuit for truth.
Jennifer Miller
Jennifer Miller
19 minutes ago
Thank you George. God bless you and keep you.
44 minutes ago (edited)
Use EO in Serbia? I hope you are right.
Bill Knoderer
Bill Knoderer
50 minutes ago
What makes you think the DNI doesn’t have all they need to go the whole bowl of beans? Trump could be running a PsyOp against the establishment to keep them back on their heels.
Neighborhood News Studio
Neighborhood News Studio
47 minutes ago
You will see tonight.
Find Bridge
Find Bridge
19 minutes ago
Thank you. You are right, I believe. I wonder what Jeffrey Prather thinks.
58 minutes ago
Nice Wk George
Puma Barn11
Puma Barn11
59 minutes ago
Soros is/was a Demon!!😈
kflyjor Obiwon
kflyjor Obiwon
22 minutes ago
George your work has always been 1000 percent superior to anyone…..now being sick not physically but mentally ill, because of the cya narrative marching orders to the MSM cnn,cbs,abc,nbc,all of them, but the dirtiest of all changing the narrative to china, iran, and Russia,Russia,Russia, war and only war mongers, even on some of the conservative channels (sic) covering their tracks, make it so that all can see the unbelievable criminality. Granting the deepest heartfelt prayer to continue on
40 minutes ago
Is Robin Roy his real name? Was he born in Ohio? Sure I cant see the programmable level of my laptop, but was it made in China? Pakistan? Foreign interference?
Kali Warriorchic
Kali Warriorchic
1 hour ago
We are at war...the only question is have we already surrendered
50 minutes ago (edited)
A raid in Serbia?! You know WWI started in Serbia right? All the evidence you need to prove fraud is the fact 26 precincts in Pennsylvania all updated with the same 25% ratio at 2:37 AM on November 4th. That's statistically impossible, specifically 1000 raised to the 26 power: https://twitter.com/PdQanon/status/1338881978284847115 (archived https://archive.vn/STyfs)
Neighborhood News Studio
Neighborhood News Studio
45 minutes ago
Think witnesses
Tebayane Rose
Tebayane Rose
1 hour ago
Doubt anything will be done
Jimmy Jones
Jimmy Jones
1 hour ago
I tend to agree with you
1 hour ago
Try faith. We need you.
Jimmy Jones
Jimmy Jones
52 minutes ago
paulie walnuts
paulie walnuts
46 minutes ago
The [DS] inside our own government murdered 3000+ Americans on 9/11 and got away with it..
Richard B
Richard B
44 minutes ago (edited)
The Unthinkable...Maybe Trump is playing out the clock to fake us all out... So far nothing real seems to be happening... The Supreme Court and Congress are compromised... Only two options remain - leave office - Martial Law... There is no plan C..
Jimmy Jones
Jimmy Jones
1 hour ago
Time will tell if Trump drains this swamp or if his lawyers drain the swamp but I'm not holding my breath
1 hour ago
Trump can only do so much ~ We the People need a Drain the Swamp!! We need to stand up to the blatant Fraud in our Country and VOTE THEM OUT, then VOTE FOR NEW FORM OF GOVT bc the Current one is FULL OF CORRUPTION!!! 🇺🇸
Janey Business
Janey Business
52 minutes ago
Usually, the Swamp drains us, wears Us out completely. We should probably dredge it once it's drained and then fix the plumbing so we aren't flushing our toilets directly into it, filling it all up again. God Bless America.
paulie walnuts
paulie walnuts
45 minutes ago (edited)
@AMSDAVE how are we supposed to vote them out when the whole election system is Rigged?? The Supreme Court is compromised as well...
Janey Business
45 minutes ago (edited)
@AMSDAVE How are we going to vote them out? I got to thinking about it while I was calling around Iowa yesterday... Our IA AG Tom Miller, Democrat, has been in office 38 years & claims he got more votes than Governor Reynolds in 2018 he's so popular! He would have written an AMICUS brief in support of the election fraudsters, but Covid Kim wouldn't let him. Meanwhile, the 2020 Iowa Caucus Disaster Autopsy Report is done & it turns out to be DNC interference enabled by IDP (many Clinton campaign alums), but this guy thinks Iowans are not harmed by DNC election fraud in Pennsylvania? The election fraud starts in Iowa... I'm calling his election hotline asking him if he's in on it? It isn't as if he's ever done anything about the blatant election fraud in the caucuses? Question them all. Accuse them. If we think they stole their elections, they aren't legit & deserve no respect. Start asking them if they're in on it & why we should listen to them?
Neighborhood News Studio
44 minutes ago
Watch tonight
22 minutes ago
@Janey Business Your absolutely Correct!! We the People need to Demolish the entire System...its in the Constitution! We must to keep our Republic!! We are at the precipice and Chyna is knocking on the door!!! People now to wake up and Stand up to the Establishment and Knock it down!!! It's crazy to think our vote counted for anything...these Demons in office for 30+ years is pure insanity....wonder why Nothing gets done, they are the Problem, now We got to FIX IT!! WWG1WGA
19 minutes ago
@paulie walnuts Your right. Our Votes don't count🤦🏼♀️...We need to abolish the entire System of Government. Constitution says We the People MUST do it, not Trump, The People need to abolish this Corrupt Govt and start a new form in Govt....its time!! WWG1WGA
paulie walnuts
13 minutes ago
@AMSDAVE Now your talking! Have you ever heard about Russell-Jay Gould and warcastles?
Janey Business
7 minutes ago
@AMSDAVE I have never nor will I ever endorse "Demolition". I am calling for a Restoration, in the sense that the Stewarts and monarchy restored to power in England after Cromwell, a Restoration of the Constitution of the United States of America as Our legal sovereign and law of the land. There is nothing wrong with our system that an American Restoration won't go a long way toward fixing. For the record. Regards!
Added to Liked videos
zaterdag 5 december 2020
dinsdag 1 december 2020
how are we gonna ever kill you back precious [CIA] cagies QMQM
George Webb Special Access Program KFOR Petraeus - Misuse By CIA
•Dec 1, 2020
Neighborhood News Studio
4.29K subscribers
for 6 days i had a different comment in this position ... now displaced [pushed downwards] by what i think i meant to post at the time .. to this or a slightly later one:
anyone care for my 'noo' [80s] vote hack? first half of the nineties i cobbled it into these aphorism-like passages .. i capitalized the VOTE part of all related wordforms below, there are 22x in the first 9 years of my fingertiptap work [and contain the reasons for not wasting my time very much more thereafter, i voted once in my life, a no in the Dutch Ukraine referendum (discontinued and ignored due to 'deplorable' results, a process quickly copied as a defense against the first brexit wave across the channel) after following Ukie coups closely]:
Motto: Mute[, voice-] and VOTEless participants in the food chain of beings may be small but outnumberingly numerous and if democracy wants to protect minorities rather than impose majority rule, it had better take note of these ancestors and keep 'm happy, personification of such hap- and helpless critters would be keynote of any and all new and improved religion, humble and benevolent. ------- Ask any from amongst Myriads of rocksoftening miniscules and they 'll confirm that humans (he and hy both but differently) are soft on helping biomamass and aloft, good at buggering and burning it, bad at earning it..... --- Microbe soft, where do you want to grow to stay and wend your way aloft? (see linguae chapter for some Joycean microbesoftened mine era all). The economy ultimately runs on metabolization of sunshine, the rate of which is a prime candidate for a truely honest standard of value, this process can be most suitably stimulated with such crop sweetening charges as any paramagnetic rock(dust) can provide. ----- The full spectrum trace minerals present in lava's, basalts, and glacial gravels act as catalysts in the process of growing disease resistant, nutritious and tasty foods, so lets expand the reach, range and after effects of sonic resonances so far but poorly employed in sermons, concerts, speeches and presentations; go listen to a rock grinder and imagine what this ice age mimicking size reduction could do for ecology, (provide humility, humus, extasy, put an end to scarcity, phallic fallacies, life atrophying technology addictions and protheses production) when instruments become pageant pilgrim taskforce, truely moving instrewments.
Democracy featuring crazy demons: Beckerath relates a story about a VOTE for or against restrictions of some kind, it turned out everybody was for applying these, but to except themselves, voila the birth of a collectivism and an individualism all at one and the same time,
receiving equal amounts of VOTEs. :: :: :: Mock the VOTE, clock quadrannual politics out with your own daily businesscard/ad/valuestandard/moneymint- and minding. :: :: ::
Here is my attempt at giving you the gist of what stuck after glancing through 4000 pages worth of Bth inimitable style of drily conveying information:We don't need: stampede mood making and breaking, anonymous manipulators who bribe, tax and dictate the mindless stage pageantry aidience from behind its theatrical buzzword patchwork facade (roughly with astrologically signature like newspaperarticle-sequences sometimes, no doubt, but in the big and wild blanding moneymixer nothing gets out alive), VOTEs for these however much charisma possesing but almost invariably to active or passive pissing post degrading figureheads give the sheepishly silent majorities the all too rare, illusionary and ineffective chance to influence the course of e-vents, all this keeps us lumped into un- or at most reactionarily criticalherd mechanisms of imposition.
Personalized money (vouchers) were once called promissory notes,in an open competition of potty training olympics, choosing and championing from amongst many causes by confidently circulating their specific bills unanimously rather than anonymously is a colourful, ongoing and therefore decidedly undecidable but exact score keeping event to which the anonymous yet exclusive black out and white wash blind, blend and bland, admini- and demon-stratively crazy democracy, imposing on minorities and nonVOTErs alike, as they do in our essentially secretive society, compares unflavor-and -savorly. :: :: :: :: Visit your card upon the world, show off how well equipt and fit out you wiz. Customized currencies can replace voting ballots and polls, even dissolve gridlocked, duelling and dichotomous dualities, simply through (p)articulate and specific attention given to the legitimacy of choice: currency competition to rule out coercion.
Mock the VOTE unless you can VOTE constantly by choosing from amongst the many present and future monies (simple goods and services after all), which were wanting, wished, hoped for and can be planned (is printed, publicised, calculated emitted, financed and executed into existence), so fuck one kind of money, people can only learn to put their mouths where their monies are, if and when these in turn teach them where the mouths willing to eat, drink and sing are, the myriads of metabolic profusion now haunted with starvation and poison.
Stimulus for photosynthesis takes spiderly patience and pouncing speed both. I live for the day when succes rates of various rockwatering devices, VOTEd and funded into existence by voluntarily organized, exterritorial as well as clumped participants, who believe them to be required for optimization of harmony are recorded, tallied, turfed and traded on Llawstreet.
priorily if not primarily cast your dote-VOTE perpendicularly instead of the perverse perpetuation of perfidy that coercive politics will ever present
true proportionality through organism specie VOTEs by weight if not even number irrelevant of size or strength, the weight of worms per square yard once was and should soon be again enormous
Let's bring some weighty matters up to bear life on, let's decide to carry emotional weight, let's be newradic nomadic, it's the only way to have some wellfed and happy to be back on track sprouts who snappily upgradate stone as they tote and tool around some newfangled VOTEcasters with stout clout.
We may only fight inertia and old habits if we are willing to right God and ourselves to organize our planet thoroughly by finding new ways to help photosynthesis. :: :: A stone updating sprout totes his VOTEcaster with stout clout to mint without stint, affect the connect, end the isola-infect and rub some space into rock, grub some grace from it and give it a shine, so fresh and raw upstart dirt ends stale and sterile war real fine.
From defense to deterrence is a small diffuse term shift sophism busied on fear ruled con-culture-fronts but if any government made sense, it would start up an offence department since such seems to be sorely lacking and it would never be confused with the defence department either (but maybe we can VOTE on gradually swapping names, not to mention budgets).
The swiss, GM and voluntary combinatorics: Recombine by all means: shape shift, not with mercurial poison and precision tool but without his humility; weren’t wings, antlers, mudsuits and brands allowances for contact; the de-, not incisive kinds: aiming for exactly them recombinant Fourier tranform(ing)s (both geniuses adduced and referred to here, the physicist and french social utopian; in- and voluntary levels of frequencies) focuses and grounds our need to cut something up, aggrandize our express sexpresaging roadcasts to voice- and VOTElessly inanimate, nonsentient (nevertheless for most cultures 'alive') substance and shape.
I have meanwhile been thrown out due to lack of participation, what with me going to the University Computer Center 5-6 days a week to serve my elusively global (need I say timeless?) fellow man and not coming through on my quasi promise to go collect and display my 90 boxes of books there, .....yes well that elusive fellow man I was VOTEd out on 4 counts for and 6 against me with maybe 20 abstentions, so I guess I will blend in with the amorphous couldn't care less either way crowd possesed of that typically Dutch sentiment ........ that elusive pupil of mine, I mean those fructified by these here scribbled 'geesteskinderen', they are slowly precipitating and crystalizing, much slower than this work will it seems at now foreseeable rates. Well I will go unprotestingly though the vast majority of the in or out VOTErs abstained and so couldn't care less either way.
The events described above should have warned me more than it did. But you know how it goes. About a year and a half later I felt sorry for the guy sweating like a pig in the park, doing his macho thing of staying in shape (never mind his incredibly rough throat and obviously impaired lung/kidney axis) and pointed him toward the squat I was living in for a grand total of 6 weeks (after which the godpapa/initiator VOTEd me out of the place, well, 6 for, 4 against and 27 abstainees means most couldn't care less right?) where he soon became my neighbour and even defended my rights to throw a countryman of his, a white middle aged potsmoker, out the window, well, threatening to anyway cause he said he'd throw my contribution to dinner out there (yellow peppers, not good enough for him and he was boss in the kitchen that day) I soon left the building but was soon confronted with the presence of this Don Lucky (is his name) fella again, due to nobody's fault but my own.
The UvA adcampaign propounds:
"Come to us if you know how to find your own way". "Come to us when capable of going your own path". : : : :
Bunk, hype and hypocrisy as it turns out cause after battles over the light intensity spanning several years and during which I managed to make a corner here and there quite tolerable for months at a time by choosing strategic moments to stand up on the table and turn the tl lighting off reducing glaring by half and allowing me to dim the screen emissions (criminally tolerated substance that; we ought to have : radiation screens, such as I enjoyed only during the last month of my subscription, : installed on every computer by law for the sake of general health), not once causing fellow users to complain and later when I fended for whole sections to receive this treatment (obliged to do this since the switches were whole sale serial and my corner policy had been discouraged after which I operated under an umbrella, several in fact, since I left 'm on my bike and they got borrowed by passers by but not faster than one finds flawed ones in the trash hereabouts, especially after a windrain combo) which I thus happened to win both on points (graduation instead of homogeneous light intensity) and VOTEs (fellow users would actually choose to work in this section, hardwon and constantly under siege, dimmer and more naturally shaded, of their own choosing; that is when they could have opted differently), they saved face and threw me out cause . . . I worked on homepages; a regulation no no.
In a lot of ways the 'hyping of hypering': driving info industry shareprices up as an act of faith and VOTE of confidence in the surely near consensual and to be verified feeling that the tricking (us all into the trickle down) trick inventions which ex defence industry employers are allowed to run riot on and with (a matter of inventing screenings which prevent all good things, (still believed to be coming from above exclusively, this I now realize even more acutely after reading Deloria (thanks pen-Lers)), from being disgraced and unrecognizably fragmented upon reaching too low a mired level in the hyrarchy of beings, iow: to be caught before they get to far down and negligibly out of reach for the initially privileged as economic weather director, bearometric pretty sure pressure pumper (go for the big fish, be a man) is analogous to what permaculture is able to do to people (with natal earth houses housing favorable aspect and/or venus well enough escorted...that means everybody really....at some window of opportunity or other..this just maybe yours...); they see the future all rosy, cosy and sumptious, act on the courage of their visionary convictions and start with the first steps to see some results quick enough to provide shade in 7 years at the most.
Here's the 'other' one:
George, one cannot play catch up to rootless capital, being slippery is too old and routine a 'pass' time for them, child's play, they're laughing at your sophistication hitting the general populace like a 'tang op een varken', like a savious does duh sheeple .. better try at the other end, furthest from them and try to grow / grow out and outgrow 'm, .. big enough for them to take notice and perceive you as a threat that way, except you'd have a better chance of having lots and lots grow right alongside you cause the growthing can be dumbed down to meme speed ever so easily, your good receivers will be, as now, few and far between at first but soon borderdissolvingly merged to nearest dearest
you have to stop wrecking yourself w karmamiles ... find some trainsounds on the net, a pic of that infamous place ... and forgo the serendipitous tips, at least half the time. Nobody can force the hour. In fact, that was, claims ['aldus' = according to] Robert Graves, the downfall of the man known as jesus. I wonder how RG would have gotten along with Ralph Ellis but we'll worry about that on the other side of the needle's eye.
oh, rooted capital is the red thread thru my files, at least everybody around here knows and i can forgo saying more.
almost exactly 9 years ago:
"tools" huh...., here's a capital lesson for ya ... 'the hammer shapes the hand' ... youtube.com/watch?v=_6lBpopzWgE ---- December 1, 2011: Expressing solidarity with the Occupy movement and their call for a sustainable, just future, singer-songwriter Jackson Browne performs "Casino Nation" for the protesters of ...
Jackson Browne, Casino Nation | Occupy Wall Street Video
maandag 23 november 2020
woensdag 18 november 2020
HOLD THE LINE – The Rewards of Patience? – CHAINSMOKE SERIES
HOLD THE LINE – The Rewards of Patience? – CHAINSMOKE SERIES - 2.2K views - Nov 17 - Semiogogue - 11.1K subscribers
good to finally confirm this guy wouldn't hold out on a good horse for more than a minute [compensation much?]. He reminisces or larps and/or prophecies about y'ol' hardasses. Reminds me of the once vast Kesar Ling empire. Their style polytiktokkery which by the way, couldn't be sustained even without toxload [presently ensuring defection of their own brood .. or disownment, whichever comes first, at record rates]. Not for nothing can it survives very remotely only.
my first attempt was a bit unkinder:
good to finally confirm this guy wouldn't hold out on a good horse for more than a minute ... whatever he reminisces or larps about [compensation much?] it certainly aint valid prophecy. Reminds me of the once vast empire of Kesar Ling style polytiktokkery which by the way, can't be sustained even without toxload ensuring defection of their own brood .. or disownment, whichever comes first. Not for nothing can it survives very remotely only .. unless it's time for peak empire.
བོད་གཞས་གསར་པ་༢༠༢༠༼ཕ་ཡུལ།༽གཞས་མ། རིན་ཆེན་མཚོ་མོ། | Rinchen tsomo 2020 | ...
new fave .... new one by fave ...
Invasion - unistoten.camp VS hypocritical CDN obstinatives
•Premiered Nov 1, 2019
3.29K subscribers
In this era of “reconciliation”, Indigenous land is still being taken at gunpoint. INVASION is a new film about the Unist’ot’en Camp, Gidimt’en checkpoint and the larger Wet'suwet'en Nation standing up to the Canadian government and corporations who continue colonial violence against Indigenous people.
**Full Length Film coming in 2020**
The Unist'ot'en Camp has been a beacon of resistance for nearly 10 years. It is a healing space for Indigenous people and settlers alike, and an active example of decolonization. The violence, environmental destruction, and disregard for human rights following TC Energy (formerly TransCanada) / Coastal GasLink’s interim injunction has been devastating to bear, but this fight is far from over.
Organize a community screening of this film!
To Learn More: http://unistoten.camp/invasion
To Donate: http://unistoten.camp/support-us/donate/
6 Things That Show China's Organ Harvesting Is Real
not for nothing did i allow 'the beginning was the end' by OKMaerth to begin guiding thought thru my ethics matrix .. something i began constructing aroud the same time, at 16, .. 1974 ... oh, almost forgot, it's about cannibalism ... and in it he says that tibetans have retained clearest and least suppressed memories of a ritual that turned monkeys into men ... .
6 Things That Show China's Organ Harvesting Is Real
•Nov 16, 2020
China Uncensored
1.48M subscribers
China has been harvesting organs from prisoners of conscience, like Falun Gong practitioners and Uyghurs for years. It's a crime against humanity that should change US China relations forever. But sadly, media silence has helped the Chinese Communist Party carrying on forced organ harvesting for years. But thanks to the work of researchers like Ethan Gutmann, David Kilgour, and David Matas, as well as the China Tribunal led by Sir Geoffrey Nice, organ harvesting in China is being brought to light. This twisted aspect of the China economy must be stopped.
YouTube demonetizes our channels! We need your support!!
Chinese Spy Chips In Dominion Voting Systems - Certify Chinese Chip Elec...
Chinese Spy Chips In Dominion Voting Systems - Certify Chinese Chip Elections?
•Nov 18, 2020
Neighborhood News Studio
2.68K subscribers
Unraveling the Latest Deep State Coup https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020... via @gatewaypundit
Engaging a foreign intelligence agency in election tampering is a treasonous act. We will document this long pattern and practice of the DNC for the Court, and we will outline specific examples in Michigan in 2020. George Webb documented DNC operative Warren Flood's interface with Russian FBI Informant operatives Krylova and Bogacheva in the 2016 election with the help of State Department recruiter Paul Whelan. George Webb showed how a DNC FBI Operative named Yershov used the Microsoft professional services organization to arrange visas for these operatives. for entry of Krylova and Bogacheva's cohorts to enter the United States from Russia.
Webb again outlined Warren Flood's close association with the 2020 election in Michigan through his Microsoft professional services position in Detroit, and through the activities of his wife, Alice McAlexander who runs an election consulting company by the name of CIVIS.
i've listed hundreds and hundreds of tibetan tunes in my youtube lists ... but can't remember any that garnered a milion views ... guess a slow tune in a vulnerable voice rings true .. hits the spot ...
•Nov 12, 2016
44.9K subscribers
#jigdo #tayang #བཀྲ་གཡང་།
1 JAMPA by TRAYANG བྱམས་པ། བཀྲ་གཡང་།
2 FLOWER LOTUS BY TRAYANG ཆུ་སྐྱེས། རྫ་ཆུའི་བཀྲ་གཡང་།
3 KONGPO BHUMO BY ZACHU TRAYANG ཀོང་པོའི་བུ་མོ། རྫ་ཆུའི་བཀྲ་གཡང་།
4 NEW TIBETAN SONG DONT FORGET by TRAYANG HD བརྗེད་ཀྱི་མེད། བཀྲ་གཡང་།
woensdag 11 november 2020
Oopsie I Made a Mistake
i met this guy around the turn of the milenium, a translator of JEvola [useless to me] on the indy newswire threads and began following him ... on peacepalestine i actually conversed with him quite a bit. He offered to work for me but then turned against me and has censored me since 09, .. still follow his blog but he totally cucked to the wsws take on covid; his writing has dwindled to supertitling msm articles:
truly an amazing text! as if a national, coordinated uprising could be organized in the US, by anybody!
November 11, 2020 – 8:15 am
Stop Trump’s conspiracy to nullify the 2020 elections!
Socialist Equality Party (US) Political Committee, Nov 11 2020
schizophrenia in the nitro among rubbed wrong and raw
material for duh stinky inky artsie fartsie prisonwall shitsmears
Oopsie I Made a Mistake
•Streamed live 3 hours ago
28.3K subscribers
Virstyne Henry
P.O. Box 16053
Austin Texas 78761
Subscribe Star (SEEKING subscribers )
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/truthertalk
maandag 26 oktober 2020
Disinfo creeping into Boden laptop
in decidedly [not slightly] less perishable news:
pretty song halfway this vid ... and it voices a wellknown / widespread sentiment ... yet the deeper reason / cause remains taboo ... cause it would be an enormous catalyst / stimulus towards purging fakery of all sorts.
In the late 70s John D Hamaker tried to use nutrition data to illustrate and impress readers with an urgency to top up soils -- with that most ancient of blessings, product of ice ages and big rivers alike, silts and slibs practically bursting and buoyant with fine rock dust -- in order to get trace mineral activity there and 'transpositation' [in]to foodstuffs for creatures great and small, back up to par [having been injured, insulted and harmed by pharmaffiose mindset fall out for over a hundred years at that point].
In light of the above i claim the famous Mouse Experiments applies to places like the Netherlands only, or, whereever and and long as nutritional quality is in decline, iow, where the following conditions apply in spades: hi rates of exploitation and exhaustion, no substantial and fundamental replenishment of the sort mentioned happenin ... in fact, the opposite takes place. Witness
A: the hysteria that obscures facts around the handling of 'granuliet' in the past years. Hey, i demonize my lifesaver if i want to right? Feefee FaFoem Feminarcy Fears ... the very source of sweet nothing??
B: the simple fact all dem dumb dikes block and keep settlement and precipitation of newly arriving minerals out.
When was the last time you realized this? First time, right?
wsws has a sophomore try a criticism of Kelton, Rowan calls MMT 'crankery' in his supertitle
"In 1924, the German economist Georg Friedrich Knapp advanced a new theory of money. He maintained that money did not arise from commodity production and did not have any intrinsic value. It was a token created by governments as means of payment for the tax obligations they imposed. This theory, known as chartalism (derived from the Latin word charta, meaning token), is the basis of MMT."
moron sentence alert:
"MMT simply sets aside the underlying social relations of the capitalist economy."
donderdag 15 oktober 2020
donderdag 1 oktober 2020
“China’s Weapons of Mass-Subjugation: Surveillance, Camps and Cultural G...
... they do vids in tibetan w english titles for some reason ... so it's not like the content is a danger to how china is perceived in the west eh?
zondag 13 september 2020
dinsdag 25 augustus 2020
vrijdag 7 augustus 2020
zondag 19 juli 2020
dinsdag 23 juni 2020
The Flag Burning Cargo Cult
•Jun 23, 2020
77.3K subscribers
Bodo Schiffmann just did an incredibly hard hitting vid that's 'rite on topic' btw ... .. about the new quarantine for half million around town in densest germany where a chinese owned meatpacker employs migrants and houses them between walls that feature black mold. ... but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ... they get ill from dah koefff dIDn you beleaf and purchase your mobmember undilgence yet???????
flags do fuel things ... if you frame, swivel and gear them juuuuuuust rite ....
dinsdag 9 juni 2020
AnteDote Live (June 6, 2020): Hot Times Call for Cool Minds
lefties 'VS' righties IS devas 'VS' asuras or heads 'VS' tails
zondag 7 juni 2020
donderdag 14 mei 2020
dinsdag 5 mei 2020
woensdag 29 april 2020
woensdag 22 april 2020
Unsung Unheroes: CPD China, Perle, & Epstein/Wexner from Iraq Propaganda...
Law of Time Calendar :: 20planetary : 269th dotSolarRound
Cosmic Turtle Calendar : 5OvTo : 117th dotSolarRound
2375d sinds .. 2nd tzolkin wave
Unsung Unheroes: CPD China, Perle, & Epstein/Wexner from Iraq Propaganda to Harassment of Victims
•Apr 21, 2020
The Antedote
4.5K subscribers
In this episode we continue our discussion about the Committee on the Present Danger China, and the war on terror and cold war era hawks that comprise its membership responsible for a large bulk of the current anti China propaganda. We then discuss Jeffrey Epstein and Leslie Wexner's roles in promoting Iraq war propaganda, particularly in framing Iraq as being in America's interests rather than Israel's. We wrap up by discussing Whitney Webb's recent interview with an early Epstein accuser, Maria Farmer, and Farmer's allegations that journalist Vicky Ward, who has been portrayed as exposing Epstein crimes, threatened Farmer while also giving information about her to Ghislaine Maxwell. We also discuss Farmer's similar allegation against author James Patterson, who wrote in his book about Epstein 'Filthy Rich' that Donald Trump kicked Epstein out of Mar A Lago.
Support us on Patreon: patreon.com/theantedote
Johnny Vedmore: https://www.johnnyvedmore.com/'
they do all they can to be known as playing field levelers, which the are not. Sure are battle field levelers dou huh?
ps: search 'undeadening jewmemery .. oops i forget the last word ... warships? Should i rename to 'undeadening unmemery'? ... ah .. there is no third word ... new list ... 5th of 6th phat one ... i forgot ...
The Truth About Fauci Featuring Dr. Judy Mikovits
zaterdag 11 april 2020
vrijdag 3 april 2020
Event 201 Coronavirus & Bill Gates Ted Talk - Dr Paul Cottrell Part 2
What complicates matters is bad habits triggering brief flare ups .. oopsies if you will, an infectious window of time before your immune response ramps up and saves the day once more.
But what really complicates thinks is the stuff our metadata sleuth George Webb churns up. Perversity of that is that an very very tiny and sick elite stampedes all of us and we go and act as if these guys, their intent, the ways, means, actions and effects of their abject schemes .. are here, real or at the very least soon to be ... any antichrist or satan must approach virality levels of a saviour and messiah to be worth his boxtopofferice smelling salts no?
zondag 22 maart 2020
Težina lanaca 3 (2019)
was a high school kids imagination when
I was 16 I decided to film a movie about
global warming in my hometown of Tsubasa
in Serbia that's me
the director / actor all my friends from
school acted in the movie as well
we used a wind blower to throw leaves at
this girl I was in love with the wind
blew her away my then best friend to our
teachers helped us out as well we had
partial nudity romance and a character
who did drugs and died even my dad and
uncle had cameo appearances as
meteorologists pretty good acting for
two lawyers they our special effects
looked like this
and this we even had a film premiere at
our school with a red carpet and
everything the audience enjoyed the
creative ways in which we killed off our
friends in the film this guy that sucked
in by a twister and this guy just got
frozen stiff heck we even got
interviewed by the local media after the
premiere the story was that climate
change had caused disastrous weather
events in our country and we had been
caught off guard while exactly 10 years
after our film this happened
to call this the flood of the century
may sound like a cliche but in fact it's
the perfect description the worst floods
to swamp the Balkans since records began
a hundred and twenty years ago when the
floods hit I was working for a national
television station covering the
devastation unlike my movie this was
very real even our then Prime Minister
Alexander Vujic was freaking out too
soon at all whoa take it easy talking to
people on the ground it really felt like
a freak event but the freak events kept
coming tornadoes
extreme Heil
flooding luckily for us Serbia's Prime
Minister made it his personal mission to
save everyone from disaster
here he is saving a child from a
blizzard he fell might need some help
himself nope he's fine
what a brave man
not like this guy behind him who's
freezing his ass off come on man it's
just a little snow what a wuss
on the other hand our Prime Minister
could brave out torrential rain and
personally deliver supplies to flood
victims for you Sudama da de la he had
despite all of these superhero powers he
couldn't save us no one person could
running away to a different country
wouldn't help either because the problem
Serbia was facing were global there was
something much larger that was broken we
were all aware of this but we didn't
know how to fix it
poster on the door see WH a tenancy
chatter T Anwar diego de colca situated
on associate a crane a dramaturg na na
oh bom global sooo sweater name early
polka zoom esta da de facto de volta we
say name these were the Surrealists a
popular Yugoslavia MIDI sketch show on
Sarajevo television that started in the
1980s in one episode they predicted a
grim future for our environment not
towing I don't know boots on I wish a
chaplain bilko's Destry I miss unit
recording a prayer - a Syria yo yo paws
Oreo notes I wrote estamos dasa desa
Coleco technology ah Paris be Anja Tomas
would be used to control one of the
atomic reactors at the Chernobyl atomic
power plant in the city of Kiev was
damaged as the cloud of radiation grows
so too does anxiety throughout Europe
radiation levels in at least half a
dozen countries are 3 to 20 times above
normal normal bruises from me to the
bottom the two years when I pro to say
bands you saw Chris Cole electron
questionology Slovenia is but just la
Watsky quiet be like I didn't know
Claudia yeah no he was exposed upon the
yellow note EU naka cagioni radioactive
over 700 radioactive yes many quickly
forgot about the dangers of nuclear
despite Chernobyl's lasting legacy this
entire region has seen a surge in cancer
cases and birth defects especially among
the children of Chernobyl and their
children some Chernobyl residents tried
to protect themselves in different ways
but for many vodka
didn't help thousands died from cancer
related illnesses caused by turn elbows
radiation we've all heard of Chernobyl
because that disaster was propagated by
Media as proof of Soviet incompetence
but if what happened at Chernobyl was an
aptitude there certainly was no excuse
for what the US did on purpose
no this isn't Hiroshima or Nagasaki the
u.s. started this a year after World War
two ended not on enemy grounds but on
u.s. controlled soil
have you ever dreamed of living an
idyllic existence under the waving
coconut palms of a remote South Sea
Island of course you have there are only
a hundred and sixty-seven human beings
here sixty of them children they are a
gentle and lovely in 1946 these gentle
and lovable people who live on the
Bikini Atoll of the Marshall Islands
were politely told by the US Army that
the u.s. is going to turn their paradise
into hell the Marshall Islands is where
the nuclear raid began where something
like the equivalent of one Hiroshima
everyday was exploded in the Marshall
Islands which for 12 years this was not
just a nuclear experiment it was a human
experiment the United States needed some
guinea pigs to study the effects of
radiation would do to the AEC argon labs
in Chicago last week came seven men
natives of the Marshall Islands John is
mayor of Rangga LA which is 100 miles
from bikini he and the rest were
irradiated by our March 1954 hydrogen
bomb test John as we said this is happy
this happy and amenable Savage as he was
referred to lost his son to leukemia
many other children also died of
leukemia and other residents developed
thyroid tumors due to exposure to
radiation they begged for international
help the world reacted by celebrating
their demise with a new style of
swimsuits named bikini after the
destroyed bikini at all some of our
people were injected with or coerced to
drink fluids laced with radiation other
experimentation involved the purposeful
and premature resettlement of people on
Ireland's highly contaminated by weapons
tests to study how human beings absorb
radiation from their
and environment thousands of natives
were exposed to radiation with many
developing serious illnesses or dying
from them over the years the number and
the yield of weapons tested have rapidly
increased and so the radioactive hazards
from such testing the number of children
and grandchildren with cancer in their
bones with leukemia in their blood or
with poison in their lungs this is not a
natural health hazard
the malformation of even one baby who
may be born long after all of us have
gone should be of concern to us all US
soldiers were also exposed to harmful
radiation my country the United States
has done bad things there is a long long
history of bad choices bad wars and
basically military-industrial led bad
choices by the time the Cold War had
ended and the nuclear arms race lost its
momentum the US had amassed huge amounts
of radioactive waste depleted uranium
but where others saw an unusable waste
product Washington decided to put its
uranium to use in fighting are by nature
hazardous to your health some hazards
are easy to identify and well understood
however some lesser hazards from new
technological applications are not so
well known and recognized one of these
newer applications is the use of
depleted uranium in munitions and
equipment Armour but it's emotion
emotion you're a new clarity ultimate
depleted uranium is radioactive waste
left over from uranium enrichment for
nuclear weapons and fuel rods a new
climate hot but with a stallion origin
that we ordered the email Vecchio
problem or Ruby aspect the economic
aspect some of the low-level nuclear
waste needs to be deposited somewhere
immoral the Scottish this a new planet
but never got started you origin in a
tiny opportunist a bottom set sludge
turnover for the cost depleted uranium
was widely used in tank and cannon a
munitions for the first time ever in
1991 during the Gulf War in Iraq and
Kuwait upon returning home many US
veterans started feeling strange this
was labeled by the government of the
Gulf War Syndrome a number of US
soldiers returning from Iraq have been
suffering from a variety of cancers and
mysterious illnesses some of them think
they've been made sick by depleted
uranium used in weapons by American
troops and US soldiers weren't the only
ones who suffered hundreds of Iraqis
living near the battlefields have died
from mysterious cancers deformed
children have been born to Iraqi
soldiers who fought in the war just
before they were the Gulf War we studied
only three or four
mortalities in a month and now we are
studying 30 or 35 patient dying in our
department each month it is an epidemic
and it is like the Russians
tragedy as in hiroshima increase
percentage of congenital malformation
increase of a tomb wound of malignancy
leukemia brain tumor also an immersive
sanity increase in this percentage in
1992 the US Army Environmental Policy
Institute or AEPi
was ordered by the Assistant Secretary
of the army to find a way to reduce the
toxicity of the treated uranium and
munitions in 1995 the AEPi published the
results of its investigation the report
concluded that if depleted uranium
enters the body it has the potential to
generate significant medical
consequences it talked about the risks
of radiation induced cancer and genetic
effects and how uranium concentrates in
the bone kidney and liver even though it
concluded that depleted uranium is
inherently toxic only two months after
the report was published the u.s. used
depleted uranium munitions during NATO's
bombing of Bosnia and Herzegovina
for almost a month NATO forces pounded
Serbian targets in what they called an
attempt to bring peace to Bosnia one of
the targets was a military factory in
the town of Haji Qi just 10 kilometers
from the capital Sarajevo in 2001 an
Italian freelance journalist found three
30 millimeter bullets on this compound
depleted uranium bullets
nitrous neoprene mr. ronique ahartry
chicoy supra my spit even Instituto
wintry Billy is Virginie ready RTV here
the puta vecchio dullsville unit 3 neha
Vera's from the product eosin emotional
uranium analysis annalistic cancer
organic substance e such kazahstan
organization what the despot a codename
prima D here to evadne mo Managua police
Johnny bro
Malik neo millennia city puta bishop or
believer lost oh nice - estas no siree
Malik new millennium NATO's
investigation publicly presented a
different story all the research that
we've seen shows no link between
depleted uranium and leukemia or cancer
the team used radiological monitoring
devices and detected low levels of
radiation right only three targets in
Bosnia were confirmed to have been
bombed by depleted uranium and this was
just a warm-up a conflict was brewing
not too far from Bosnia in the Federal
Republic of Yugoslavia then comprising
of Serbia and Montenegro or more
accurately in Serbia's southern province
of Kosovo just like the u.s.
experimented on the local population in
the Pacific and its own soldiers in the
Gulf War a new kind of experiment was
about to unfold in the heart of Europe
so NATO manufactured a case for military
today it's the most dangerous part of
Europe the province that rebels want to
turn the into Europe's newest country
our objective and Kosovo remains clear
to stop the killing and achieve a
durable peace and allow these people to
live in peace to live in peace peace
freedom prosperity for peacekeeping
operations abilities and build peace to
live in peace peaceful yes to peace just
peace at peace peace peace peace peace
peace peace enthusiasm to see
yeah they all wanted peace a piece of
serbia the serbia became the first
country that was bombed and punished for
fighting terrorism albanian forces based
in albania were entering serbia by
carrying out terrorist attacks in order
to elicit harsh serbian response which
could be used as a justification for
nato in every country responds harshly
to terrorism and even NATO commander
Wesley Clark admitted that bombing
Serbia was only going to intensify the
atrocities not stop them but can we stop
it on the ground no you can't stop
paramilitary actions from the air we all
knew that as the invasion began he
informed the press that the predictable
his were effectively bombing would be
too sharply escalate Serbian atrocities
which is what happened us started
bombing Serbia Serbia started driving
out Albanians from Kosovo if you look
back at the discussion of the way it's
framed is it was a humanitarian
intervention because we had to stop
Serbian atrocities to prevent the ethnic
cleansing ethnic cleansing and killing
and that's the way it's presented in the
West you have to keep quiet about the
fact that the Serbian atrocities really
predicted an expected consequence of the
invasion so we invade it in order to
prevent atrocities which are caused by
the invasion Western politicians even
went so far as to call what was
happening in Kosovo genocide the racial
genocide is jeanna fatal attacks and the
cause of our people even though a UN
Court ruled in 2001 that there was no
genocide in Kosovo that didn't matter
the US had already established its
military base in Kosovo and it wasn't
going anywhere in bombing the land with
depleted uranium NATO had committed
that came much much closer to an actual
genocide in 2000 NATO disclosed EU Evans
for his Durance mission to bring peace
to Kosovo the Pentagon couldn't hide
cancer deaths among NATO soldiers who
were serving in the region just like in
the Gulf War it began with the soldiers
but this time it wasn't the Americans
wanna say that a lot I dunno sarin
compete at especially della notte Oh
balut irrelevant well a consequence the
surah saluted a military dope or lose of
the army al Iranian poverty in Bosnia
and Kosovo mattarella ante for me
totally cheap tricks Fedora cos is in
July to the military Balaji Odisha duty
so no train went to Las Olas all data
cannot listen to service to embody in
Kosovo set a new road a body after the
NATO bombing Italian troops to control
the Italian k4 sector a part of Serbia's
Kosovo province that was heavily
targeted with depleted uranium
ammunition since 2001 the number of sick
or dead italian soldiers sharply
increased so yachty at chef Totti solo
de la cerva Torrio military but Hui
settlement in the Fed respect to
actually really so know-it-all traitor
change in quantity chassis a don't reset
the Malaysian question commonality the
final report of the Italian
parliamentary commission on depleted
uranium concluded that Italian soldiers
had been exposed to shocking levels of
depleted uranium and that it helped so
deaths and illnesses to cows that eat
amore a derivative momento de dear low
conquer it's a quest on a conclusion a
de la commissioned a parliamentarian que
esta su loser del uranium Pajarito in
May of 2015 in a case concerning an
Italian soldier who died after serving
in Kosovo the appeals court in Rome
ruled that there is an undisputed
connection between the exposure to
depleted uranium and cancer Italian
soldiers were not alone in this
soldiers from Belgium Spain Portugal the
Netherlands and other countries who
served in Kosovo also saw a spike in
cancer related illnesses but if all this
happened to soldiers who were only
temporarily stationed in the region what
happened to the people who live in
Serbia this is southeastern Serbia three
municipalities here were bombed with
depleted uranium pressure ball boy notes
and Ronny
yes endogenous a Bostonian natori of the
pressure to a Billabong Bardonia
streamer streamer onion boy am I gonna
cancel my Roger zebra Donna surgeon Alex
each is a Serbian lawyer who decided to
follow his Italian colleagues example
and try to bring NATO to court for its
crimes its Amuro photo Sunday's posted
cancer tradução territory prey
bombardier Ostrava 'selenic the red co
co road cancer the harmonica music ugh a
epidemia pomerode cancer is a more
emotional gharana mocha Jager problem
true polka dotted expose via dolorosa
carbon a very Cobra or Olinsky testes it
a una novia transistors overall lagana
animo buddhist oppressive a trophy man
swathi no mercy of a kilometer away
depleted uranium dust or smoke may be
if respiratory protection is not worn it
may also be picked up and ingested if
gloves are not worn and the dust is not
washed off heavy metal poisoning may
occur which can cause damage to internal
organs and tissues
the second concern radioactivity health
effects of ionizing radiation depend on
whether it is alpha beta or gamma dr. an
alpha test it'sa personality Russian
organism or the projector will tell you
the normal and Chilean operating Molly
to tell you oshino machine you were
running water route each animal coy
organ Hotel processes of the job blue
team emotions over curtain on phu
champasak malik the velocity across the
surgery modulus is Om Malik noblest e
biggest in dr. Chronos forever not to
practice on most days is over Molina
ball is below cocktail hotel near the
town of Rania NATO heavily bombed the
surrounding mountain of cloud kapitsa
with depleted uranium ammunition also
gradually origins the ceremony miranium
read any cactus consume or rebuke a
composite from bombing disruption when
the TV tower was hit a group of workers
from Rania's waterworks were sent in to
secure and clear up the damages eight
workers were there every day for 25 days
only horse models and more it's assumed
earlier or carcinoma had aa special
educational watch style in Stosh each
was among those eight workers no decent
person on a copper brush lopez's to go
in the bed to nourish ptosis traditional
for the pitch is word Emma Vesta meta to
twist face to billow from Bardot was
more responsible in Dina Samia was told
T Hosmer
but styie Dean is by no means in the
clear Ramona Virginia when I keep it
safe from a logo she played sea lettuce
Dogu shindig for the loss
a bus fare will put credits to select
Troy debts a debt Asuma Bella she's
gonna take my mother is seen jerk it say
it not was a milanesa
doable I name a lockable that body
Stoia Dean's friend and colleague Goran
me teach who drove the group every day
to the bombed site was the youngest of
the seven who died from depleted uranium
exposure boy super Gordon me teach only
radio Volvo do for snowmobiles offers
only was your rabbits Goren was also
transporting the ground that the workers
had dug up
thus inhaling the dust the journey post
was said to Wisconsin Gordon Bombardier
Nia Beaulieu Groody miss Padma Co
doctoral may you timonium or act which
miss temporally issuing a clean each key
operationally more Elena's ratchetness
their knee among the numerous past
surgeries and you build Nemo's bus
it's not Rita mochas Motor Show burger
dr. May Peter De Beers tire re-released
with nalli the only Sam who said Tim
blue deep ogla dolly in a tree toy talk
he has some bigotry is awesome Gordon
him alyssum Troy that's a scene me a
beer david gordon a tiara
Serena said them Amana be repaid body
the to build barb as a rivet naked minis
minimal diadem oh yeah that's a yes and
piano Khrushchev a bio never the beam
arsenic gas under a certain they said
kill own you need to go does I need an
ETA or this Pony only mobile or ebowley
only a tear when you said Zhu Zhu Tao
there may be dead societal only below
honest to borrow you know any is the
sherrod Sam oh there was a glare palsy
do dollars night it was in nice - wait I
was in history can you through a silly
be on a person could you truly a me know
when you tell surgery with the barometer
the disapper start rehab is bizarre
because - yes yes they are simple
I need the top Natalie was yes in Tosa
no not to Nicolas any product similar
celebrated s2000 Masada studies directly
the scene Apanui nickel - or three below
these couples in Serbia's capital
belgrade decided to get married during
the 1999 NATO bombing it was a clear
message to those who were sowing death
and destruction even going so far as
bombing maternity hospitals see what's
right now let us make a claim not sure
who those people day your sweet share
that what it was really
but as some of these couples soon found
out starting a family wasn't as easy as
it was before the bombing
stop estoy poorest of history that was
Nevada now sir be if it is the savage
dramatic perova could colonize driving a
mascara tear an acronym a good name you
and it looks like it wasn't all that
great for many kids who were born
promise to Diaco me see as a strabo
posted it's an Autobot Bardot Vanya
Picasso yeah that could the death
sequester raja'na who he'd ever thought
in other words David Gordon a nasty bro
Abahlali odd malignant policy a Naruto
leukemia called that's a automated order
at a Gordon Breyer Balala deaths of
malignant ballistic Ruby Moscow was
naturally poorest oh he would heal them
so the Vanessa David Gordon a spot you
got in a sewage Serbia has been through
Wars before these couples thought that
once the bombing stops things will get
back to normal
none of them knew about the damage a
single particle of depleted uranium can
cause and how much of it was dropped on
them that nest oh no sir no motion
Oberon you attack my thoughts and I yeah
is pollution on service allegory never
necessary integral inner badness Donna I
guess you can't help but ask how was any
of this legal by using depleted uranium
ammunition NATO violated international
humanitarian law oh so it wasn't legal
but aside from depleted uranium use NATO
contaminated Serbia in other ways as
bombard only fabrica Barbarossa Eric
suppose three any agreement a cockapoo
no polish for epiphany at OCAD an
Yakuza's epitope Citra cancer Oh Jenna
that's weird a little Polly Laura beef
Anila water Danzig and Amelia are
deleter about on the - ambulance -
Sibylla - key Batali speak first of all
this chemistry sounds pretty scary
Pureland is a toxic and cancerous
substance used as a cooling fluid in
high voltage electrical transformers
several of which were on NATO's hit list
in Serbia when NATO bombed one of these
transformers in the southern city of
nish 70 tons of this toxic fluid was
released most of it burned off while
about 7 tons went into the ground thus
penetrating our food and water cycle and
then this happened
and this
we sent our pilots in the air to destroy
the oil refinery systems of service and
they did so successful scenario NAFTA
normal sadness analogy starting on a
kilometer at electrode pessoa Korea une
epicenter Brazilian easily stray dog
Valley Kagura that wretched God apology
no sir be cesare from Havana 237 are
American after all NATO destroyed only
13 Yugoslav army tanks during the entire
78 day bombing campaign so what was
their prime target supposed to TV era so
all probability VIN of it they may be
always positive so ecology system they
go to gradually Australian occurs to be
on a Maha Maha Sabha Jacques ma Hema is
Rakas mi doster via Janos Zastrow
suppose proportion of those who join you
promote a quick like a quic catastrophic
this is not Roya was training at Ephesus
TTT it was a Madeira to only tsunami no
to bombard abolished was conscious of
telling the reader such celerity just
and only stone who clean boopin asanas
not a very experimental operation yet
well experimental laboratory you Thomas
a over the slug until you snapped or he
hardly see the city that I got it
NATO's military campaign was named
operation noble anvil but was
mistranslated to operation merciful
angel in serbian a dark twisted angel at
that one that killed both Serbs and
Albanians who it was allegedly trying to
despite the cancer rate among kosovo
albanians according to intelligence
sources tripling since 1999 the
self-proclaimed coastal authorities
don't dare defy the official nato
narrative on depleted uranium as NATO
countries vastly supported their
declaration of independence instead
Albanians got a private American
Hospital in Kosovo's capital Christina I
guess that's one way to do business
give him cancer and then earn money by
treating them
the worst thing about this whole thing
was that the depleted uranium was here
to stay as it takes billions of years
for uranium to decay the shadow of the
ghost of the merciful angel will hang
over the region virtually forever after
experimenting on people with nuclear
weapons and the penal uranium and
exposing them to toxic chemicals the
experiment continued with genetically
modified organisms or GMOs genetically
modified organism is so dobby any
genetic manipulation Jana is universe
the hero in purpose even in drug averse
to is to to elaborate or iam target
reason same MO good orbital priority
will be trailing Oh Kirsten iam Ely
processing abilities odds here is the
totem I drew him century one of four
groups to introduce genes into plants in
1983 was Monsanto the Monsanto
Corporation was among the first to
conduct field trials of genetically
modified crops in 1987 and quickly
became the world's most prominent GMO
producer companies like Monsanto added
rat genes into lettuce to make a plant
that produces vitamin C were spliced
genes from mouths into Apple plants
offering protection from fire blight a
bacterial disease that damages apples
and pears ganesh commodification photo
scenario but Savannah primera D gain
Arriba paradise da ba da Bo paradise
saturation poker system Kojima t do G
periodic orogeny overdose on Adama see
Paradise which is a large transport wat
energy video Cetina Woodruff
what's so bad about GMO Roche esto cosas
de semi todo lo que ocurre prima nirvana
who proudly proxied he dares to distress
the panel all the ingredients in here
parabiosis Matra de niro paparazzi a
mosque a celibate sedan Noemi toda la
Giacomo santoku Pio Basler aquas ETA
Pastrana Barrera Sam Monsanto to reduce
any resolution si de una David s ed post
oppose dannion ago prescott nama toda
toes machi
Goswami practice no Billy Salah GoPro a
transitory Malibu local contacts
Sagamore Sam or chichi Vidal Sania
y'know vivo experimenta cetacean logo
putin approve arena I oppose lien
dalla be nico pista or the Buddha pill
italiana okones na kappa david s hostess
Claudia no future and that's what GMOs
were all about we simply didn't know the
long-term effects of consuming them but
maybe this experiment was worth it to
solve world hunger people who are just
kind of categorically against this
technology are really hurting the poor
and the hungry in the world because
they're denying him one possible way to
produce more food or Tom periodo bro
regardless igneous man you not a devious
body nobody except of each other
if anything companies like Monsanto made
the poverty situation worse in India for
example Monsanto sold the farmers rice
and Monsanto's own herbicide called
roundup which according to a California
Court ruling causes cancer in humans the
trick was that you had to use roundup
because it was the only herbicide that
worked on Monsanto seeds seeds that
could only be used for one agricultural
cycle meaning that you couldn't save the
seeds and use them again but rather had
to buy more from Monsanto so the costs
started going up seeds fertilizers
pesticides cost
so farmers have to keep taking loans
they are steeped in debt uh credit
Nazario stable otaku Norma APRI knows a
prequel to topple Pillinger near mobile
deposit Roscoe a yonder image/video
tradición opposed to you in the key
today in this key for the private nikka
he is very slow Simone Bistro does book
Du Bois
Imani nebula on Jehovah Castaneda Bush
in the report sir Sir to Allah to Imani
ready go ladies dancing
luckily for Serbia this couldn't happen
to us or could it the survey post is
Nakano greatly modified organism economy
is exactly they were take ordinary Musa
Brandon who was Rania parada EEPROM it
Gumo euros without gamma Kawasaki's
arcana yahwah is a concierge nitrous
chuckles lawyer who was a seminar
genetic modification SOA initially
miracle in the cell volume Boot Hill a
defector cirrhosis in Torino Samad treat
the particular tone of a capo delete s
Edoardo sedona we practice adobe a
convoy or sensor operation opera
soya Craig and HTML bra display are
sloppy but in a westerly patina Serbia
an acquaintance of Australia the control
in Association
we had a lot of reasons to be scared
about what we were eating considering
the very concrete evidence of the West
feeding us crap product sold across the
EU may look identical but when it comes
to quality there's a major difference
between east and west
it all started in Slovakia where their
association of consumers tested a
selection of labeled food products
purchased from supermarkets in eight
European Union member states to Western
EU states and six Eastern he u states
the products in Eastern Europe in
essence sucked they largely had more
additives and less actual food in them
for example the Dutch sparse supermarket
brand of strawberry yoghurt had 40% less
strawberries in their product in
Slovenia the checks got fructose glucose
syrup in their coke instead of natural
sugars that they get in Germany and
Austria the Nutella sold in Hungary was
less creamy than the Austrian version
Percel detergent had less of active
ingredient in the Czech Republic than in
Germany meaning it didn't get rid of
stains as well as it should
Cornetto ice cream in Hungary was firmer
and had 19% more air in it than the one
sold in Austria food producers say
they're simply catering to local tastes
and preferences yes we loved wearing
dirtier clothes and eating more air
basically in Europe there were three
levels of product quality Yavanna
Polytech Royalton I believe is a potro
sorry Teresa sorry Padma is Amaya
here drew here politically sudha that
that was one and no premium had some
it's a poor socialistic came with very
little dollars atresia quality saw
Stella Samia with Padme mean wow we
weren't even second-class citizens when
it came to food were third-class in
Europe but at least in Serbia we still
had our water bodies model Denis is a
bitch a Yeti concentrat CR say another
Chodos William Donovan Ali is about the
Picasso his prowess cutter soup it in
your bacteria name Roswell Gazette
that's a sloppy volatility husband world
of saga Jeana water near the beach
yami-yugi Kiku's Arrakis a massive tree
is promising he forgot the cusamano
chorus Timo Arianna wanna call it that
but I'm not talking about tap water
which has its ups and downs in Serbia
I'm talking about this water clean fresh
mountain rivers look how clear the water
go ahead drink it don't be shy after all
this might be your last chance yet you
know Purcell Oh Bentley sorry problem is
then the portal it's across Dana which
is right on it's a motor summer than
Ivana is reckoning supporter is granule
mini-hydro electronic resources Ahmad
fathanah Krajewski machine a potful only
still Adele Corita reckon what small
hydropower plant and how can it destroy
a river in just two days
male electronic so post regional stories
appraised value and ignition in their
and the principal dilemma questionnaire
you put him there vote that what in the
Surya keep would ensue politically this
is Alexander Ivanovitch nicknamed chuta
born and raised and Stara Planina a
beautiful mountain in eastern Serbia
rich with rivers and streams water that
the residents used to you know live and
residents of villages across the
mountain had to face a grim prospect
yes but the Serbian authorities said
that these small hydropower plants were
in line with European Union requirements
of producing green energy is lucky foods
Elena in a in a quest attacked approach
to implement Eric Axley rizvi a oh poor
Cebu develop publish reduced we're in a
provincial problem and a good orbit
Acela pre true on a protege Kissimmee
Barrymore in a VHS lock Monaco dismiss
Lee very much inhibit syndrome to
connect who's back we should say
obviously you don't care services a
myung-bo beer special enjoy e
on Anniston the solomon a teacher Bogut
dish yet the Dell Java Dallas that was
that was one of personal Chris rejection
letters an early age to not read and I
read one is good in a swimmer plasma
that is a rejection of the owner the
mystery of is what but wait I thought
the whole point of renewable energy was
to save the environment if not destroy
it and especially not in a national park
like what happened in the Capone eke
National Park committed very okay
go Copernicus is a mocha drew they
usually connect make way we hear the
desert Smith's leo the two is Grady said
honest man he knows entrada it who needs
to national park aquaponic erosion of
Saddam is malli he doesn't Rolla poses
the Saratoga quad pony nest an active a
wreck Trini fish named this is what a
Dead River looks like
Jewish reverb Beckwith McGarrett's
another politic wada suicune Genesis
Alan silver cheaper we put history
enmity a college case whether it's a
local ecosystem Allah type monstrously
plan that says ready AUSA stupid acid
malic Hilton tralala conical planner and
Oakland PD pot Rena coconut the balcony
plannin on 3po here the man here at
Sentara Sammy Stokes novice and SEO Cody
could be billions gadget it'll be no
million is billion so it's el proceso de
pedro de pastino Yost Olympus Watanabe
Ezra do stupid urges malahide electronic
derivation of kippa goddess imbalance an
area of is bedded Shiva the three prot
Sentinel Padma energy ions the Thomas
family Briscoe plan is Cavuto :
we are drying out our rivers endangering
our water supply killing the environment
and destroying local communities for
just 2 to 3 percent of our electricity
is a potential relic oh that's radio
goes to e electrical energy is an audio
domain that she and a Nanticoke of also
parliamentary has a college body shows
mu 3 what is OA t what cost original
in 1997 the World Bank a financial
institution that gives countries loans
told the president of Bolivia an
impoverished country in Latin America
that in order to get 600 million dollars
in debt relief they had to privatize the
water in its third-largest city of
Cochabamba in 1999 in a closed-door deal
bolivian officials privatized coach
obama's water to the u.s. engineering
giant back tell the same company that
recently started construction projects
in serbia the Cochabamba privatization
deal meant that all the water in the
belonged to a private company
and I mean all the water even the water
that fell from the sky as rain gathering
rainwater became illegal for many poor
this meant having to eat less or not
send their children to school or not go
to hospital in order to pay for their
own water the World Bank's experiment
failed the Bolivian people rose up and
fought a bloody battle to regain control
of their water they won and the water
was given back to the people but it
seems that the process of privatizing
Serbia's water had just begun but the
rocket enable it premiered a record
starting a put hepatech isn't it scary
though taking away from us the very
things we need to survive and in a way
they're also taking away this oh I I
guess you can't see it but it's there
Danny my mum ot suck the Shiva movies
magnet see the snake in action goosey mo
cuishle mo naku little gradual protocol
etutor density awesome satis agonist
Vasia Nago vision videos commenting
would also chickadees urges dismiss
names awesomeness in a puta an iris
agajanian negative no tea tree in a
cardiovascular knee in any system they
are greedy taco poisoning Ghanaian or a
pure neither gajini grandma say - that's
odd I always thought that the most
polluted city in Serbia was punchable
the site of a chemical plant and oil
refinery right next to Belgrade unequal
Gordon a mysterion grad novice to the
Genesis agajanian
or smederevo where our biggest steel
factory was located over couch an
academy LaBella alia prasena is reserved
ramen important or boil Apprendi dell is
lost aloha prick river not servin
impression you were chairman of an
animal or maybe Aubry no BOTS the home
of Serbia's biggest power plant notion
Bertram Obrenovac Edo neighbor Pune when
I n Assad
repeal is Deponia temp the factories
were all contaminating our air but they
weren't alone
nakatsu chromium clear CMOS Matt ran
America industries capistrano me to
Tamika Sabrina fabric a Presta reality
de las mananitas potato saga jst hasta
la le metropolitan law cm qualitative
Asda Hadoop Reno suppress Vega
individual Arista tree the Seacoast
Osaka genius Rocca dollarsí is motor
Mozilla hold on coal and oil but fossil
fuels were the basis of not only
Serbia's but also the world's energy
production surely giving up our clean
air and good health was a small price to
pay but aside from health concerns one
of the scariest theories was that all
this pollution was causing global
warming or climate change as it's called
today there is same post on our chica
quit dollars is disciplina cuesta Baba
gave a physical problem with Russian
plateaus an importer should hear me a
physical law get I could I'd ever
supposed to nix Matra those who claim
escaped ramen is gonna lose comic Tino's
to post any spoilers to go do those
wheezes one in the controls know a
museum gasps over several starkly bars
they cross process believe any falsely
worried were his most worried too Billy
yes didn't argue that efficient then a
post or the patron auto set absolutely
post or the bottom net area Donna's
gourmet la patate me vamoose when
rakamma you provoke Ocasio no straight
area let vigil apply parasitic in fact
the fossil fuel industry has known about
manmade climate change as early as the
scientists did since the 1970s
scientists at Exxon Mobil have been we
now know they've been made public forced
to be making public they've been
producing severe warnings to the leader
about the effect of the use of petroleum
on destroying the environment they all
know about it
but they're not doing anything about it
one thing the fossil fuel corporations
like ExxonMobil and Koch Industries did
do was to publicly dispute their own
science and fund various climate change
denial organizations like the Heartland
Institute see fact and Americans for
Prosperity their job was to lobby
against US government policies aiming to
decrease fossil fuel emissions and sway
the public into thinking that the
science on climate change isn't
conclusive or that it's a big hoax and
the politicians followed suit all of
this with the global warming and that a
lot of it's a hoax it's a hoax in fact
that Trump has golf courses all over
that he's building walls around his golf
courses to make sure that the sea-level
doesn't destroy them think about it for
a moment yes even Donald Trump is
preparing for the effects of manmade
climate change farmers all over the
world people living in coastlines that
are being flooded people subject to
droughts and heat waves know something's
wrong about 70% of the American people
know something's wrong if we had true
open vote in the United States there'd
be an overwhelming majority for moving
to renewable energy we have a Lobby drip
in politics so it's still in the hands
of the oil and gas sector you look at
China and you look at all of these other
countries practically all of them
they're not adhering to the rules and
our jobs are being jeopardized and not
being jeopardized if being taken away
our companies are unable to compete in a
way he's right an economy based on
infinite growth and consumption of
limited resources is jeopardized by
climate change but the solution isn't to
deny climate change is happening the
solution is to change the global
economic system if the climate change
will continue as has been predicted we
will see a big change in all
communities voodoo trustees multiverse
is prominent scenario community of
Loretta Jett is definitely a boost OLM
reason - memati desitin okones Tottenham
Ileana ludecke which tragedy the
supremest a supporter took mr. stern or
nizams voters to cheap mobile nouveau
Canada process their metal remember the
Syrian migrant crisis - that way is
Serbia and hundreds of migrants have
been pouring into this area they
declared a state of emergency the troops
are pushing us back and they've closed
the border on both sides the world's
media descended on my hometown of Swat
Itza on the serbian-hungarian border
where a crisis erupted when Hungary
decided to stop the flow of migrants the
people of SU but it'sa got a sneak peek
at what the future may look like the
situation is growing uglier by the hour
razor wire fence
few many migrants caused the crisis in
Europe more human suffering and a surge
in extremism climate change could
displace up to 300 million people by
2050 imagine the mess that will rise if
this is what's happening on a global
those would be a poplar requested acacia
Tom to boot Kobe laws not Unicaja do
goddesses latches to our quest absolute
no plate organic and Eliezer Vera's logs
are so climatic a prominent donors a
popular area chapada Venus totally
vosdek on an emu wish of audrey
parramore the buddha congratulate the
cache Movado akua's dock we motivate veg
question what ni para toda geomatica
deathless so druggist ran to a key shock
when a system of our emus the motivation
Augusto villa BMO posted experts say the
damage here is estimated at 1.3 billion
euros poor or developing countries like
Serbia cope much harder with the effects
of climate change sure we Serbs do pull
together in the tough times
however without proper regulations and
awareness campaigns regular citizens
share the blame in polluting our
environment in various ways
this woman is throwing her trash into
the local wherever to her the river is a
garbage dump she's not the only one it's
not a lot of garbage but when a lot of
people do the same this is what you get
the South madhava River has a telling
nickname sad manova if you're familiar
with Greek mythology you could also
nicknamed it the river Styx leading to
the underworld except instead of human
souls you have plastic
lots and lots of plastic since many
rivers converge all that garbage
converges as well and you eventually end
up with this
Oh a Russia Brooke Oh a toga the open
this is yeoman mehmedovic one of
Serbia's most famous journalists he's
the host of a national television show
completely natural which among other
things showcases Serbia's beautiful
nature but he also presents our dark
side Stanley Kowalski thirsty oh is Amir
knock on is coming oh the prostitute
means and squeeze tranny Apple OS Costra
and appreciate precision Stronach with a
gap probably the easiest leads ago very
cool okoto salah she's them how could we
have allowed this to happen where did
all this garbage come from closed with a
pony acquire code limit asado the
deepening day always plop he's a $2.00
the community over at over at over at
all holding the senior award a or
necessarily unregulated garbage dumps it
seems were all around us the latest
below cut away a proton it's a the
gomila patina in case a plastic
forgotten me to put on a gossamer toss a
travis mini the ponies who those is grad
they are all as a blossom ono na gori
estamos aqui a DC a toy a versus america
must make co co 7 and Yaman heard an
interesting theory about our stance
towards Serbia's natural environment
stemming from the centuries-long turkish
occupation of this land is rhetoric of
utopias Western rebel primal Koopa true
the soonest mister up but strongly she's
worked what is the use to acknowledge
our kupatana courtesy I think we need to
realize that Serbia is not some foreign
entity to us the Serbia I love is the
most beautiful country in the
we're blessed us to dr. Brahmin who near
Kentucky party of last year or exactly a
prominent cyst
you would equate your vision what would
you do if someone walked inside your
home and emptied a sack of garbage in it
would you tolerate it
no you'd kick that person out and pick
up the trash so why do we tolerate this
behavior on a grand scale why do we
allow our lakes to bleed our rivers to
die our natural landscapes covered in
garbage this is our home
and it's time to clean up this mess and
I don't just mean this mess I mean this
in 2000 Serbia had a revolution long
time President Slobodan Milosevic was
overthrown and the so-called Democrats
took power
the people were hopeful that the system
would finally change for the better but
something else happened solicited
honesty low-paid necrosis an asthma
crisis eye doctor Ruby on acoustically
Dallas product is packet element called
the I Omega no question activist is
irani in action when we're doing Adel
Cooper um Ruby became an economic colony
you can call it a globalization I prefer
not to use euphemism and I call it the
colonization domestic industry was
destroyed either closed down or
privatized where there was no intent for
it to continue working and then foreign
corporations came in together with
foreign banks and took over the whole
market within a decade of Democrat rule
some three hundred and seventy thousand
people lost their jobs the Democrats
were assuring everyone that things would
soon stabilize various double izzati a
talk therapy the 2012 presidential
election was our shot to take back
control of our country then president
Boris static was the Democratic Party
nominee for the presidency
running against the Progressive Party
candidate Tomislav Nikolic a little
goofer president cherish who was certain
of his victory is in singular
Mississippi honestly see women doesn't
secret but the boaters had enough of the
Democrats and wanted change Boris Tadic
lost to Tomislav Nikolic Toby Lenovo
present Nikolas
however the real winner of this election
was this guy Alexander vucic who became
the new leader of Nikola jiz party after
the election as well as the new
government's Deputy Prime Minister vucic
started asserting his power over the
country the new government had Western
support because it started to Rex talks
with the leadership in Serbia's
breakaway province of Kosovo which is
what the West demanded according to
diplomatic cables published by WikiLeaks
a progressive party spokesperson nebbish
a Stefanovic had previously assured the
US Embassy in Belgrade that they would
support the partition of Kosovo which
meant giving away most of what NATO
illegally occupied but in 2012 rootage
had an approval rating of just 12.7% he
needed to gain popularity at home and
one arrest changed everything
Oberg reduce Adonis dividend is an
elastic they are calling the Miroslav
misfortunate obscene Marco spoke posted
on another machine you know that is
active Bugatti
uh now Joseph you know too many foxy
ladies they never got a field in a
circle Miroslav Mishka which was the
most powerful business tycoon in Serbia
and as close as you could get to look
him like mr. burns from The Simpsons
Miroslav Mishka with so Bourget to the
velocity according over mm blood of
energy Mustafa Dirani militia a top
Augusto Vijayan upon Democrats will
promenade vaguely Tejada Lee miju Tameka
the near poor access to Iran's ability a
limited air waste or daughter a nation
that felt it had lost everything in the
last two decades
rejoiced finally justice for the poor
the richest man in jail even though it
was the Serbian prosecutors and police
who uncovered financial crimes and
figured out Mishka riches financial
abuses voltage wasn't going to let them
take the credit for the arrest he let
the media tell the people who their hero
was press Vega
Pacific about each other which should
because Nana
gucchi Jericho made official trailer
journal best compromising a criminal
plastic Delta plainly comparable generic
hold the mutagen 1802 catechist one unit
a super what not result of this
yesterday started o biwi Adobe at the
Britney values ice that step and
washable Dennis to give up my voltage is
approval rating jumped from twelve point
seven percent to forty six percent
thus becoming Serbia's Prime Minister in
2014 and president in 2017 with 55
percent of the vote effective criminal
aboard over to the group ship Pravda
knew the Kosuke balloonist a new transit
see lalalala cada a miss Kovacic option
he cut a tiny rating - Rico's Cochise at
that temperature Mustafa you should Tony
Avella time the girl put a movie delayed
she put co-op Ravel Breton colada survey
on sugar it is a more economic reform a
fiscal consolidates it occurred to mr.
voltage in those days he was prime
minister said that Nell liberal way is
the best way for Serbia it was really
shocking neoliberalism didn't fall from
the sky
it was imposed by the International
Monetary Fund on Serbia with full
compliance of the Democrats Yeltsin Adam
Norah Karachi preferred did this against
the mmm fuck what you just heard was the
Democrats prime minister telling his own
negotiators to accept whatever the IMF
proposes when the government changed
many people thought that Serbia stands
towards the IMF would take a sharp turn
the new government managed to make a
turn of 360 degrees this government is
following in the footsteps of previous
government but even more determined and
on occasions even more brutal voltages
government imposed neoliberal austerity
measures that the IMF demanded from
Serbia which meant cutting people's
salaries pensions and social programs
MMF co-co-co therefore many general
Lawson institution assets Camaro auto
mementos in igniter on ikkaku discipline
oh and with all that public money left
over from austerity it quietly got
transferred into private pockets
nothing was holy anymore not even
Christmas is this the most expensive
fake Christmas tree in the world
estimated by some to be four times the
price of the one outside the Rockefeller
Center in New York some in Belgrade
certainly seem to think so an
anti-corruption website revealed that
this plastic Christmas tree that the
authorities in Serbia's capital Belgrade
purchased cost taxpayers close to one
hundred thousand dollars the money was
paid to a private company called keep
light in the public tender city
authorities called on private companies
to submit their offers for decorating
Belgrade with Christmas lights belgrade
authorities even added pictures of what
kind of decorations they were looking
for the private keep light company won
the tender probably because the pictures
that the authorities used in their
tender we're taking straight from keep
lights catalog the decision was made
before the tender was announced as is
the case with most tenders in Serbia in
2014 Belgrade was spending around twenty
five thousand dollars in christmas
decorations by 2018
the spending jumped to a spectacular 3.2
million by comparison the nearby
Croatian capital Zagreb spent less than
$800,000 in 2017 and they had a
Christmas market voted Europe's best
three years in a row Belgrade got a
bunch of lights randomly thrown onto
sad-looking Arc de Triomphe and whatever
the fuck this is
you rock up yet what were you told me
they always glue two budgets such a poor
nakusoo over cool ratzkiwatzki millions
that could have been used to avoid
deadly disasters neutral is Indonesian
approach and fellows obeys rampid oh god
Ellison is a functional solution and
estrecho october square privacy Oh
Jackie who they are Evo's Oh Selena who
that's out opposite other in the most
easily did ya prep all of yen I was yet
squeezed lishchyna eight people
including children were killed in what
the media described as an accident on
this railway crossing there was no ramp
the tragedy happened on a wintry morning
when a dense fog covers the area
tomography put the same ugly the mini
monster video the shower Chicago dr.
Boustany misogyny kotipalli de dali
divorce Adachi das wasser a most heated
hola CID in a residential district yo
quiero mucho cariño sandwich notice
pressure was funny this bus wasn't so
only hours after the disaster the
authorities were quick to place the
blame on the bus driver for Matsuda
avocado stone Versace
yes it was the driver's fault he didn't
have the power to see through a dense
fog nor did the others before him who
also never saw the traineeship USADA
Appel Evelyn and Adler's net database
decades of please to save lives were met
with silence from the government
as a result of public pressure the
authorities finally decided to build a
ramp on that crossing however I couldn't
help but wonder what about all those
other unsafe railway crossings but we're
here they stopped delicious chased with
umbrellas a toga check this to see them
they said said Amelie Sam oh goddess is
viper poster for best Belgian or polar
bear and it seemed a brunette SEMA
accidents and railway crossings without
ramps were a regular occurrence and poor
maintenance of existing ramps meant that
many didn't go down when the Train is
passing boost up wouldn't it make sense
to avoid future disasters by building a
functioning ramp on every crossing video
absolutely honest omnia the postal
Toronto re dollies vs. quad no the sinus
walk improvement Prelude post Villa
rampa my sensation and avoidance of
badness Gordon energy through begat enos
radiometric age coronation pollutant
corner table so the coiba follow a
hospital a uterus is a new addition and
a specialist stomach down chasm for the
solgryn Aveda listed siliceous we
commence Ritchie to sue me Leone
Emilio knee another severe pose
additional reading some bozo Daria
in Nevada layers of yer said Oh yours is
our Singapore video Judy plateau Dimitri
cars in Agoura tatsurion area said who's
Adam del voto Musa una cosa be
yellow tops wanna win a motivator the
pop habit
Nick most physically methi Matar vs.
reto you dredge authoritative yes a
cinema secrets building in Las Vegas
namely you party the first of a new ramp
nASA uses some of the additional asset
any important an operative yes a priest
Alisa - - degraded October adorning the
Aprilia misses by above all of the CIA's
neck afirma cause ice that are a did not
Tom visu come me vote to City champ is
luscious around with the tomorrow Ronnie
this is the service video and yet they
still haven't been installed instead the
wrecked parts of the bus that was split
in half were told in placed next to a
school playground so the kids could
watch the blood-soaked bus disability
boy drew garena cirrhosis reverse
obsessive was not a possibility at all
but yes you were dosed surprise Linea
said it was like a twisted lesson in
neoliberalism it's not about using our
money to keep us safe create a more just
society or develop our economy it's
about stealing our money and putting it
in private pockets these two cases
demonstrate the hypocrisy and
destructive nature of neoliberalism at a
time of austerity huge amounts of money
were spent on Christmas lights that
damaged our environment because the
energy they used resulted in more
greenhouse emissions at the same time
when we knew that using public
transportation instead of private
vehicles reduces co2 emissions the
government did little to nothing to
increase safety at railway crossings
while it invested heavily in building
new highways so that people could drive
more and increase their carbon footprint
and if you decided to rebel even locally
you were quickly met with the brutality
of the system this is Vladimir Paula
a mathematics professor from my home
town of Sue but it'sa
Vladimir wasn't happy with the mayor of
subha Tisa a guy called Bogdan LaVon
because of this reckless stance towards
the public good
Bastian awesomest a true shinobi
atiquipa mowgli de pasto Shakur
sonography as a seaman
Capgras tanaka filmer or do you not say
you know was like a genius possible oh
yeah what is that apology Nica Cooney is
a coupon emerges fully Cola the support
of an amateur nee clasificado tea for
these and other pressing reasons
Vladimir and his friends posted a couple
of posters in the city to criticize
mayor la bonne Vladimir could assume
that the mayor would be upset but he
couldn't imagine what would happen next
on the suggest with the man involved in
love impossible looks at unified mrs. su
programming for the law semesters or not
she pledged Erica graduates Vladimir
agreed to meet with Mayor labin had a
nearby pub consumer shopping with me and
Thomas somebody who said it so it's a
Jewish law as an ego about inertia bill
only asked not much ago but in our
should donate a bit in esta vez
Vladimir's sat down across mayor la bond
and decided to record the not so
pleasant conversation
keep the note excused - no - killer
positively is body masterful job resume
may just be a minimizer but it's not
that was the gory moon there might be a
better skip typically them you can take
a step up cowboy people owning the place
they go to them what you just heard was
a mayor threatening a fellow citizen
with violence murder and even
simply because the citizen publicly
expressed his political opposition to
the mayor and then things got physical
bogus involved answer or the trabeculae
bill jones writing but inertia after
audio of mayor Laban's monstrous threats
and the physical violence were aired
mayor Lubben apologized for using the
words he did but attempted to portray
himself as the victim of his political
who yet nom his residency Karissa she
character muy character character mot
much awaken was banished to dispatch him
on a nights and his men
Mabel a portaloo Togo Chum we are rich
and honest yester Adonijah conferencia
Istanbul Michigan option curve in Yahoo
meets enemy attacks best of soku beliefs
tapping name is Erick Yost no goryeo
Chama cetera
the prostrate back machine apology
thematics oculist in a similar way when
stone a much much too Francis with a
gaudy Polly gasps security sewage in
everywhere shudders - pretty spittle
it's a Stoppers bill operated in a cafe
ask turn of events the government pretty
much let mayor Lubben off the hook while
the guy he threatened radomir was
arrested yes is are co-expressed
mohammed VI the zebra two sheets off
Thomas Edison help to linda lavin abyss
baby steve guru naturally
Wow it's like the justice system
replaced the Constitution with George
Orwell's 1984 when Vladimir was finally
released he formed a movement called
free city to try to change the system by
participating in the political process
but how realistic was it to change
things through politics given the
current state of the media in Serbia the
Amata media who supported the critic
we've lost cost we travel in democratic
assembly and yet it would seem the media
freely chose not to because when tens of
thousands peacefully protested against
the government in Serbia's capital this
is how local media reported on it
melodia pistola protests - because that
new organ is over no protests organized
on protein our city of Troy Valley Calif
le col it's a Marius book talker stole
protein eudicots organized only protest
was Eva you know Lynch C livonian our
sir if toast matrimony aqua aqua aqua
Lisa Burnham and it's not much different
with bigger media outlets especially if
you look at the statistics in the month
before the 2017 presidential election
how many seconds that each of the
candidates get on Serbia's main TV
channels the opposition candidates Voki
Adam each five thousand three hundred
and sixty-seven Sasha Yankovic four
thousand nine hundred and sixty nine
voice la sesión 4480 one nana chanak
3489 Bochco radevich 3121 Millan stomata
which 2581 Alexander Popovich 2522 Sasha
Radovic 2521 Miroslav para bitch 2313
luka maximovich 1,350 and the government
candidate alexander gucci fifty one
thousand seven hundred and forty-one
and a lot of the time when the
opposition candidates did get mentioned
it would happen in a negative context on
Serbia's largest commercial TV station
pink the three most popular opposition
candidates were mentioned in a negative
context 60% of the time while the
government candidate was mentioned in a
positive context 100% of the time
that's pretty illegal according to
Serbia's laws that guarantee a fair and
balanced approach to all candidates
aviato tsukishiro children's soccer
television really made the Muto a
Polaris at cinavia sonic so the
government found a solution regulatory
tails electronic media source tilde over
Gordon in nature Protectorate made the
auto company compile this kind of stuff
wasn't just during election campaigns in
the last two years in all of Serbia's
television news programs government
officials were given an average of 90
percent of airtime people at mainstream
steno may be school at looser B which
derivative especially with women at you
know no preference you for direct on
controllable Alexandra boo teacher katha
pollitt at nanos tampo who visited
awesome name of listed honesty hasta la
a multi nice totally stupid control
emotionally consumed please King mo all
the tactics and techniques that the
previous government used this government
is using as well and they even improved
it somewhat and made it worse as far as
the media freedom is concerned one of
voltages very first Jobs was being a
journalist during the war in Bosnia
Herzegovina in 1992 he learned early on
the importance of shaping public opinion
through media but why the need for such
total control may be voltage can explain
in English I might fill in the blanks
people in Serbia they don't love me that
much so to be loved you need to get rid
of the facts facts are not in fashion
emotions are something that you are
selling but to hit the right emotion
you need to control the narrative so if
a journalist writes about government
wrongdoings maybe someone will set his
house on fire or if a journalist asks
nasty questions maybe her national TV
show will get cancelled or let's say
anyone criticizes the government maybe
the media jointly crucify that person
and if you hear about all these things
happening you heard of some of these
cases that were happening in Serbia no
of course not
I mean you could still vote but when you
have an election campaign where one side
controls all the instruments you get
this voltage connector to the other cars
not a do so much about the carboxymethyl
gradually or even a voltage across in a
Rodian again now co-owners Amanda day
oh well their technique is really double
that they write the future book paper
which is a nice bonus
these vistas remarkability pose aluminum
started posting Gujarati would store
originally spirimals a get to know him
it seemed that the only way out was to
completely isolate yourself from
civilization but maybe it didn't have to
be that way the basis for a more equal
more just society is the participation
of everybody we as politicians that's
our great responsibility to really get
people to come to talk about these
issues not only its words but also to
let their voice be heard
and if we had any chance of fighting for
our environment and a better system the
people had to take control of the
narrative like they did in Chile in 1988
this was the media and she lay under
dictator Augusto Pinochet Pinochet had
come to power with the help of the CIA
in a bloody coup that unseated
democratically elected President
Salvador Allende during Pinochet's rule
the state killed thousands imprisoned
thousands more in concentration camps
and introduced neoliberal reforms that
impoverished Chile it was fascism for 15
years there was only one voice in the
Pinochet voice he had power but he
wanted legitimacy
so Pinochet asked the people to vote in
a referendum on whether he should stay
in power or leave but to make the
referendum look as Democratic as
possible for one month both sides were
given 15 minutes airtime every evening
Pinochet was confident in his victory
after all he pretty much controlled the
system and the people were afraid of him
but after only a few days something
strange started happening the polls
started shifting the government couldn't
stop it because the opposition had those
pesky 15 minutes every night and those
15 minutes gave Chileans hope Pinochet
lost the vote The Dictator was defeated
she lay had equal media coverage for
both camps in a dictatorship we didn't
have this in what the West called
a democracy in Serbia it was time to
break the fear to change the system and
win our freedom and the fight had to
start somewhere even in a small city in
eastern Serbia we obviously was spoiling
no patron ypres cynic deserve a go
spotting voltage appear to you knock on
sediment sets you Pinocchio to not being
anemic then dismiss with Billy Corgan is
from only direction what I program
Nicole into de l'esprit me where I say
which is not where they could call
valcon general Pierrot to be honest our
account use permanent agenda Yaga
shooter the activists told the president
that building a small hydropower plant
in his home village on Stara Planina
mountain and forcing the top lead or
River into a tunnel will destroy it
one personage the mr. this was a seven
you could've done teach nation Equinox
premium as always voltage looked bored
in the end he quietly responded sure
throw the hot potato to mr. an teach the
energy minister it was fun addition you
see this you takes a satanic he on the
small door she's gonna kill the taller
that's when you do tell him he's gotta
talk to Ellen it seemed that the
politicians had saved them but activists
learned a valuable lesson
you can't trust politicians to fight for
you if you're not willing to fight for
yourself posted my name's Bob
Mississippi I read in Iraqis great see
you know to nourish creates Agora and I
started planning it can we go to serve
the people of the Stara Planina Mountain
had given up on asking politicians to
help them and took matters into their
own hands yonder not Stalinist
resistance of it that one young sailor
started planning it
and I'm okay Ned I'm oh hey okay
Veronica's wakey-wakey mg o Partha
Methodist officials economies are
sufficient in those volatile situation
is much mmm oh you would question that
the religious debate God in astana
they got separate bill okay budget and I
would have a cos Omega P disrespect you
some investors hired private security
that even assaulted disabled protesters
this only strengthened the protesters
Neku commando solo he such a rare coupe
this mummy Pro kodály the rambutan would
sell me reckless move apart a the UK
scoop is seen as vesta he touched on
bagger of satin the new mom wretched
tsukitachi gentleman my left was my
graduate Emiliana
take under Nina's 2j fathers of a shop
for pseudo Eva Palamon the threat the
father is a cedar shava shava love
entire model economy from solution
sometimes the activists won their cases
in the courts but regardless of that the
rivers were in the hands of the people
Iselle indication does must be me
Drizella either gbto nakaoka corner of
Kizuna cry
Bureau to citrus recorded this should go
now a Tchaikovsky protest to history osm
those who tried to hear the new deep the
cousin named dot Seema and the protests
kept coming
I even went out to lend my support while
some investors continued to press for
their small hydropower plant projects
many started backing down name was a to
Wanda rowdy or honest or local Astana
nistro Casa de name of the track only
vision yeah no recollection attack no
cap on dementia not Morici Macedo smarty
from business premier is Foggy Bottom
tonight mo da ta chemist are you
Oh brilliant of Alaska Erica ordinary
I mean a Rudy's character you have been
a yellow which correct to say I can
start by eventually even the police
started joining them odorata
professional Teresa on Irina bogus
Nevada siddharta Tina Tony konima
privado dinner parties actually got7
elderly super badula Stara Planina on
Luke American ocasion ensued aspiration
is grad a mini hitter electronic mister
which forbade illegals this finish I
reckon it should Brandon does now sv
revolutions happen where you least
expect them
and all you need is a group of motivated
and well organized individuals
in 1959 a dictatorship was overthrown in
Cuba the next year a young Cuban
revolutionary Fidel Castro was greeted
as a hero in the United States a
modern-day Robin Hood but he also came
to let the United States know that Cuba
will run things their way
Cuba's expropriating United States owned
property in that country
Washington quickly imposed the trade
embargo on Cuba Castro realized that you
can't have good relations with the US
and be an independent country Cuba chose
independency in 1961 Cuba became one of
the founding members of the non-aligned
movement at the Belgrade conference a
group of nations that in the midst of
the Cold War wanted neither to be a part
of the West nor the East
thus Cuba survived the US invasion 638
assassination attempts against Castro
and commercial economic and financial
sanctions but as the Cold War ended and
the non-aligned movement started fading
Cuba lost many trading partners the
Safari El Campo socialite
en la dia del noventa a principal
noventa nuestra cultura se quedó C
recourses algún no Adamo's impossibility
diatryma key naga sistema de rio ill ok
ma si si si lo que una satoshi own sake
rio film movie fees castro named as
period the special period food shortages
were rampant the government was under
pressure so they told cubans that if
they saw a patch of land where they
could grow food they should go for it
even in urban areas and the cuban people
did just that resulting in a program
called organ upon eCos
urban agriculture using organic Gardens
donde la practica Mo's dentro de La
produce mo fundamental main port aliza
producing Mohanlal patios fruit alley
where the center being unlocked a hog
entrepreneurship and communism
yep you could see small organic gardens
around every corner in Havana the love
and care that went into this type of
farming was heartwarming I also saw a
chicken farms and even rabbit farms on
it seemed that wherever you went for a
walk in Cuba fruits and vegetables were
readily available and they looked
delicious I visited one of the bigger
urban farms in Havana to talk to the guy
who started the urban agriculture
program and if you're wondering about
the quality of the food
Pablo's farm sustains several hundred
customers including over 20 foreign
embassies ambassadors eat this food as
well for soup was a gondola follow a low
what Cuba did was to shorten the
distance between the people and where
their food is being grown meaning that
less energy is used for transport and by
growing food organically they made their
environment a better place
me siento realizado de uma specially
came apalla
al mundo Apple condo Grande Rose coast
Chico's met Anita compartir Angoon
especially Cuyo Hetty vu el mismo
produc'd alimentos pero por tecnología
mi Gobles con las personas con o hanuman
de comida ambiente alcance ando alto
rendimiento z-- y bueno rent a villa dad
simple colossal REO mariana funeral
an ortho/para whom salario equivalent of
superior me salario okay so you dropped
it on also Puerto Rico to us you know
like alifair Mura
a la persona piensan a very cool - otra
vez el dia de semana será la carrera de
Lautrec cosas
donto companion and no inseparable but
Pocoyo anima field Wow scientists and
farmers working side-by-side with
experts feeling proud that the farmers
earn more than they do and they had
programs to teach future generations
about the importance of healthy eating
and safe way the origami sorry it's a
production GMO lobbyists tell us that we
need GMOs to solve hunger but Cuba is a
living example that this simply isn't
true despite not having a lot of
resources and being blocked at every
corner by the United States Cuba
achieved self-sufficiency and food
security but also a healthier populace
if Cuba can pull it off
anyone can and many started their own
urban farms even in big cities like
Belgrade where people could grow their
own food paradise or the Paradise warps
and a cuckoo am - yeah cause national
Nicole Alicia paradise not Nepean see
people use their own plots of land or
United with others many agricultural
businesses also started looking at ways
to produce food in a more
environmentally friendly wait for
approval in a convenient Belgrade this
agreement is voiced a clínica Nicolas
division up with some biomass these were
all steps in the right direction but
time was quickly running out and we
needed our own revolution one of
awareness complimentary toast mention
Emilia dreamy Corsa Camila is preheated
electron alicia groh do you got the exam
is now be lost remotest Osito the show
is pretty cool Praga good job the lamas
this was purchased that's right they
picked up the garbage from what was
essentially their home in Regina was
Romeo sudo a demerit brewski Jean padlet
is not true
Oprah guca Dallas
I believe in the power of the people
when we identify what the problem is we
can fix it and no problem is too big for
not even climate change prostrated him
with the civilian dinner new no shoe
forced Nagori you notice rowdy enough
till you lost a true go need to graduate
be no way for us to to repress what
energy is possible total de industria
for Nick Piniella at SEMA he praised
what energy is salsa
Yvette Ragini rap for it with what
energies that doors you know expensive
liras won't trick you change it to me
explain Simone Roscoe pre-ordered roogie
is not you that you limit the most
iniquitous potatoes to blue shoes
regardless of whether you accept the
science of climate change
wouldn't you rather have folks who are
currently working in dirty coal mines or
on oil rigs to work on wind farms or
with solar panels and making our
environment a better place broth to the
lord of the Mista according to the
solutions project if Serbia was to
transition to 100% wind water and solar
energy 50 percent of its energy could
come from solar plants 16 percent from
residential rooftop solar 15 percent
from commercial and government rooftop
solar 10 percent from onshore wind and 8
percent from hydroelectric in the
process forty two thousand eight hundred
construction jobs and 46 thousand six
would be created basically around 90,000
40 year jobs would
created improving energy efficiency
would decrease overall energy demand and
the amount of Serbia's land needed for
all those generators around 1% health
cost savings per year would be 27
billion dollars which constitutes 10.3%
of Serbia's GDP and the amount of lives
lost to air pollution that we'd save
each year over 3000 energy costs would
go down and the overall energy health
and climate cost savings would be nine
thousand two hundred and seventy-three
dollars per person the transition pays
for itself in as little as two point
three years from air pollution and
climate cost savings alone see that's
what our politicians and governments
should be discussing how to really look
towards the future instead of looking
towards the past each enemy snipers
champagne is sufficiently dougela
general Norma Grotton of Bagheera's
Kapoor Leo crowbars Kim Rooney Simha yes
Philippe honestly knows too soon after
the raddest Varitek analysis report
Renick deliverer cannot support any
petrol kami azoty msk kanojo cleaning
with a free soda movement I know we'll
have lots and lots of dirty energy dirty
industry and a dirty country
just like with the battle for our water
our food and our environment cleaning up
our country was a battle that we'd have
to start ourselves the neoliberal system
was incompatible with the fight against
climate change because it marginalised
environmental awareness rational
consumption and social justice that were
needed to create an economy in tune with
nature the system is everything around
you that determines what you can or
cannot to do in a society that's a
system every single law that's passed is
a part of the system every public
authority is a part of the system when
you want to do something you need to get
some permit that's a part of the system
the system is supposed to work so that
it provides good environment for
citizens to realize their potential
their dreams their aspirations and for
the successful ones to actually drive
the society forward now what we have in
Serbia and in the whole of Balkans is we
have something we call part okra sea
which is the political party in power it
takes over the whole system it becomes
its own extension it uses the system for
hiring their own party people to help
them maintain power
they corrupt every single institution in
the system so that they they serve the
interest of the party power not the
public hold down their fellow Serbian
Canadian sure you're in the opposition
now but you yourself were part of that
very system when you were appointed as
the government economy minister side by
side with Alexander bhootish practically
within a couple of days I went into a
first conflict with food to generate
continued up until my resignation four
months and 23 days after that what's
important for people and to understand
corruption starts at the top
yes there is corruption in the middle
yes there is corruption in the bottom
but that's because the corruption is at
the top and once you change the top and
change the way you behave at the top
everything starts falling into place
Sascha's ministry essentially became an
experiment for his small team in
changing the way things worked within I
mean very short period of time you we
put policies in place and we put a
system in place for every workplace in
the ministry or the agencies we said
this is your job this is the description
this is what we expect you to do very
concretely and then you have to put a
structure in place that monitors them
imagine our surprise started working
like that the ruling party could no
longer run the economy for its own
benefit the system and Sasha's ministry
had changed so the party put a stop to
it I resigned because all the policies
that I wanted to implement were blocked
in less than five months
Sasha proved that a system can change in
an entire ministry and if it can change
in one ministry it can change in all of
them and in every single government body
systemic Aguada Strank nastiness a most
are stressors can a plastic navel I'm no
good talk
yes sir Austin Peay Taniya sweetie
coughs approach Ashton Hudak alternative
name it sweetie
hopefully speech get the part even a
moment took at the dojo those it was
hidden Lodi epochs what the jacket a
name a solution yoga or gap or chair was
two minutes ago Street doors in our last
year miss Jana maker who combined with
you would you what a system rather than
a post finish the rope
yes that's what our politicians should
be telling us there is no alternative
there is no better system I haven't seen
it this is as perfect as it will ever
get resistance is futile the system has
not recognized how important
meritocracies meritocracy mythography
means that the best high-quality people
are in places where decisions are made
no mr. karti chip perhaps you didn't
hear mr. Jacana which there is no
alternative for the existing system the
government simply hasn't seen it
anywhere our present mr. footage was in
China and if he was really listening or
reading or studying what is happening in
China he should have seen how important
meritocracy is China is absolutely
meritocratic system wait a minute China
doesn't the Communist Party of China
decide on who gets which position in
order for you to make career you start
at the periphery of system you know you
work far from Beijing then you are
successful and recognized then they take
you a bit closer to Beijing and that
process they said lasts between 15 and
20 years 15 to 20 years of proving
yourself how for someone living in
sound so strange considering our Defense
Minister never had basic military
training our interior minister and
finance minister were accused of
plagiarizing their doctorates by
numerous university professors and the
head of Serbian intelligence was accused
of being a producer of ceramics which he
emphatically denies he said he worked as
a gardener are these the kind of folks
that can develop a country you need the
intelligent high quality people in
government and you don't have that
because now liberalism is saying or that
is the doctrine that you don't need
state and if you don't need state then
you don't need smart people in that kind
of state China didn't give up on
planning the introduced market they did
whatever is necessary to open their
economy but they are planning without
that poor country cannot make progress
yes China was an incredibly poor country
only a few decades ago and look at it
now it is official the United States is
now number two the Chinese economy just
overtook the US to become the largest in
the world and how can a small country
like Serbia compared to China in any
possible way you cannot use China on
that template and say okay we are going
to do what China did but what we can do
seek truth from facts China knew that if
they don't strengthen their domestic
industry and if they would allow foreign
companies to take over there will be
that so China is probably the best
strategic model that you can imagine I
know what you're going to say China is
not a democracy that's true but that
doesn't mean that we can't pick and
implement what we like from other
countries and let them keep what we
don't like and by the way meritocracy
doesn't just exist in China France bobba
has the best administration in
better damn German better than English
or maybe we don't have to look at other
countries but simply our own history
social history Slavia up to I would say
middle of seventies was meritocratic
system par excellence or maybe not even
our own history but one serbian
institution we have today this trivia we
have one meritocratic institution
mathematical gymnasium
that's meritocratic institution you take
the best kids that you have in Serbia
and when you put them together and when
you work with them you get all these
young tramps who bring us medals from
all around can we imagine if you would
say no we should put in this school only
kids about party members I think you get
the picture the West doesn't let their
economic colonies go that easily but
countries can take control of their
economies and it starts by printing your
own money let's say there is a certain
year the society produces this many
goods or services let's say this is the
economy of Serbia and these all the
goods and services produced in Serbia in
a certain year next there's a certain
amount of money that's in the
circulation that's used for the exchange
of goods and services so next year our
society our economy grows and we produce
more buta service now if the amount of
money stays the same there are more
goods and services for the same amount
of money so the value of each one of the
goods services would go down because
it's a same money representing more
which tells us that in order for the
value each one of the state say the same
we need to print extra money for extra
goods or services essentially this is
what the monetary policy is supposed to
be makes sense a ok we can remove the
props now so the trick in running
monetary policy is to print enough money
for the economy to
going in the West and Serbia falls into
that category there are three places
where the money is being printed Federal
Reserve's in the United States European
Central Bank and Bank of Japan for the
West that's where the money is being
printed what happens for Serbia and
countries like Sir
instead of printing its own money that
new money comes in a form of debt our
national bank serves to convert euros or
dollars into dinars and that's how the
new dinars come into circulation
Serbia's national currency the dinar is
essentially debt and so are the national
currencies of most countries in the
this was the globalist agenda why do we
have this dogma you know that you're not
allowed you should not print money
because if you don't borrow money we're
free ah freedom it might be coming
sooner than we thought in France for
example yellow West's think that they
can change something when I first went
there I thought that I will see some
young hoodlums from suburbs now you see
normal middle-class people angry as hell
we have the rise and sovereignist
movements throughout Europe sovereign
ISM means that my democracy is working
for me and cooperates with everybody
else the threat for democracy is from
the globalism democracy wasn't imposed
in 2000 it was essentially canceled so
that Serbia could serve the globalist
agenda and the world was clueless about
the extent to which the voting process
in Serbia was a farce you have dead
people voting and that people vote as
you vote they are those lists of voters
so if somebody just puts a cross next to
it and signs up and then puts up I mean
ballot in in the I mean who's to know
there was a joke in Serbia I mean when a
man comes to the voting place votes and
then put the chair down and sits down
and then the election officer asked him
so what are you doing here I'm waiting
for my father well I mean wait for him
at home say well no he died some some
time ago but I see he votes every year
so I'm waiting here to see
Surf's Up dark humor yes we do and it's
probably this dark humor that helped us
survive that dark times that we've lived
through over 20 years ago four hundred
and twenty thousand missiles fell unser
bein Nadeau damaged much more than our
infrastructure factories television
stations hospitals schools kindergartens
our health and environment they damaged
our psyche much of the Western world
engaged in a merciless propaganda
campaign to turn the proud people of
Serbia into and this led many Serbs to
think less of themselves to forget about
the great things that we've accomplished
in the last decades and centuries what
every of see around us is dubious
bridges roads we were able to produce
our own food electric devices not just
that we did that we were exporting
things all around the world competing
with the foreign companies all this was
a problem for NATO
they don't want proud nations competing
with Western products and capable of
governing themselves they want colonies
satellites that will do whatever they're
told Western countries want to show that
if you want to be independent
if rubella will punish you and it'll
crush you and not just that we won't
even allow you to be a victim so they
had to break our spirit and they chose
politicians who were once fiercely
anti-nato to lead the way
Hoover has some natural acquiesced was
watchin see at all suppress week
Bill Clinton Tony Blair guitar shredder
who's para una come now or never boo
but karate is a sweat lodge in a super
chillin in a surf ski marathon but
instead of prosecuting all of them at a
new Nuremberg style trial for illegally
bombing a sovereign country or the
identity not emit lovely big military
silly India was La Vie and begun
Alexander bhootish invited Schroeder to
speak at voltages presidential campaign
rally exactly 18 years after NATO's
bombing starting a president
Vibha point aleksandr imagine franklin
roosevelt inviting Japanese Prime
Minister Tojo the general who ordered
the bombing of Pearl Harbor to campaign
for Roosevelt believe it or not the US
had different plans for Tojo's but aside
from asking for Schroeder's support and
even higher honor was bestowed by
voyages government upon the most
aggressive supporter of NATO's bombing
campaigns British Prime Minister Tony
Blair will advise Serbia's current Prime
Minister Alexander buchiach' who used to
be a staunch critic of the ex British
leader so much so he edited a book
titled English ke fart Tony Blair Fatiha
it's a humiliation I have a physical
reaction to that I remember what kind of
Lies these people did produce maybe
actually they're they're helping
government why they know how to do it
what happened to Serbia was an
experiment they experimented on our
environment our health our economy our
system and in the end our psyche as the
last depleted uranium bombs exploded the
mental bombing continued and many felt
powerless under the weight of chains
perhaps Nellie Carol each said it best
back in 1999 during NATO's bombing
yeah missing God or near artistry
anomalies Emmy Annabelle Carnival
bonuses which very story a sauna with
Sean CS concealer but to go up Juanita
pistoia yummy single wore at his Madrid
we aroused applause obviously vodka
Oh era is module name
grab a survey I receive man philosophy a
she what that is bejeweled
he's millionaire necessary shape is
worth cookie is a profit of northern my
ramen are the popular level boggle I
never feel me projected over people he
had made room here but philosophy
philosophy a before Lord is le dijimos
gravis predominate rugby game change is
no longer a matter of choice it's a
question of our bare survival future
generations are at stake if there is a
hope for change it will come only
through self organized citizens of
and when 18 year old high school student
Pavel its page was arrested and
expressly sentenced to 30 days of jail
time simply because he expressed his
political views at a protest in Serbia's
national television his friends from
school decided that enough was enough
government spokespeople tried to justify
the arrest visit the Mucha cops to death
the makeup see the authorities sent the
police to scare the kids
it didn't work the students threatened
the authorities that if they didn't
release their friend Bob lay students
from other schools would join them