dinsdag 1 december 2020

how are we gonna ever kill you back precious [CIA] cagies QMQM



George Webb Special Access Program KFOR Petraeus - Misuse By CIA
•Dec 1, 2020
Neighborhood News Studio
4.29K subscribers

for 6 days i had a different comment in this position ... now displaced [pushed downwards] by what i think i meant to post at the time .. to this or a slightly later one:

anyone care for my 'noo' [80s] vote hack? first half of the nineties i cobbled it into these aphorism-like passages .. i capitalized the VOTE part of all related wordforms below, there are 22x in the first 9 years of my fingertiptap work [and contain the reasons for not wasting my time very much more thereafter, i voted once in my life, a no in the Dutch Ukraine referendum (discontinued and ignored due to 'deplorable' results, a process quickly copied as a defense against the first brexit wave across the channel) after following Ukie coups closely]:
Motto: Mute[, voice-] and VOTEless participants in the food chain of beings may be small but outnumberingly numerous and if democracy wants to protect minorities rather than impose majority rule, it had better take note of these ancestors and keep 'm happy, personification of such hap- and helpless critters would be keynote of any and all new and improved religion, humble and benevolent. ------- Ask any from amongst Myriads of rocksoftening miniscules and they 'll confirm that humans (he and hy both but differently) are soft on helping biomamass and aloft, good at buggering and burning it, bad at earning it..... --- Microbe soft, where do you want to grow to stay and wend your way aloft? (see linguae chapter for some Joycean microbesoftened mine era all). The economy ultimately runs on metabolization of sunshine, the rate of which is a prime candidate for a truely honest standard of value, this process can be most suitably stimulated with such crop sweetening charges as any paramagnetic rock(dust) can provide. ----- The full spectrum trace minerals present in lava's, basalts, and glacial gravels act as catalysts in the process of growing disease resistant, nutritious and tasty foods, so lets expand the reach, range and after effects of sonic resonances so far but poorly employed in sermons, concerts, speeches and presentations; go listen to a rock grinder and imagine what this ice age mimicking size reduction could do for ecology, (provide humility, humus, extasy, put an end to scarcity, phallic fallacies, life atrophying technology addictions and protheses production) when instruments become pageant pilgrim taskforce, truely moving instrewments.

Democracy featuring crazy demons: Beckerath relates a story about a VOTE for or against restrictions of some kind, it turned out everybody was for applying these, but to except themselves, voila the birth of a collectivism and an individualism all at one and the same time,
receiving equal amounts of VOTEs. :: :: :: Mock the VOTE, clock quadrannual politics out with your own daily businesscard/ad/valuestandard/moneymint- and minding. :: :: ::

Here is my attempt at giving you the gist of what stuck after glancing through 4000 pages worth of Bth inimitable style of drily conveying information:We don't need: stampede mood making and breaking, anonymous manipulators who bribe, tax and dictate the mindless stage pageantry aidience from behind its theatrical buzzword patchwork facade (roughly with astrologically signature like newspaperarticle-sequences sometimes, no doubt, but in the big and wild blanding moneymixer nothing gets out alive), VOTEs for these however much charisma possesing but almost invariably to active or passive pissing post degrading figureheads give the sheepishly silent majorities the all too rare, illusionary and ineffective chance to influence the course of e-vents, all this keeps us lumped into un- or at most reactionarily criticalherd mechanisms of imposition.

Personalized money (vouchers) were once called promissory notes,in an open competition of potty training olympics, choosing and championing from amongst many causes by confidently circulating their specific bills unanimously rather than anonymously is a colourful, ongoing and therefore decidedly undecidable but exact score keeping event to which the anonymous yet exclusive black out and white wash blind, blend and bland, admini- and demon-stratively crazy democracy, imposing on minorities and nonVOTErs alike, as they do in our essentially secretive society, compares unflavor-and -savorly. :: :: :: :: Visit your card upon the world, show off how well equipt and fit out you wiz. Customized currencies can replace voting ballots and polls, even dissolve gridlocked, duelling and dichotomous dualities, simply through (p)articulate and specific attention given to the legitimacy of choice: currency competition to rule out coercion.

Mock the VOTE unless you can VOTE constantly by choosing from amongst the many present and future monies (simple goods and services after all), which were wanting, wished, hoped for and can be planned (is printed, publicised, calculated emitted, financed and executed into existence), so fuck one kind of money, people can only learn to put their mouths where their monies are, if and when these in turn teach them where the mouths willing to eat, drink and sing are, the myriads of metabolic profusion now haunted with starvation and poison.

 Stimulus for photosynthesis takes spiderly patience and pouncing speed both. I live for the day when succes rates of various rockwatering devices, VOTEd and funded into existence by voluntarily organized, exterritorial as well as clumped participants, who believe them to be required for optimization of harmony are recorded, tallied, turfed and traded on Llawstreet.

priorily if not primarily cast your dote-VOTE perpendicularly instead of the perverse perpetuation of perfidy that coercive politics will ever present

true proportionality  through organism specie VOTEs by weight if not even number irrelevant of size or strength, the weight of worms per square yard once was and should soon be again enormous

Let's bring some weighty matters up to bear life on, let's decide to carry emotional weight, let's be newradic nomadic, it's the only way to have some wellfed and happy to be back on track sprouts who snappily upgradate stone as they tote and tool around some newfangled VOTEcasters with stout clout.

We may only fight inertia and old habits if we are willing to right God and ourselves to organize our planet thoroughly by finding new ways to help photosynthesis. :: :: A stone updating sprout totes his VOTEcaster with stout clout to mint without stint, affect the connect, end the isola-infect and rub some space into rock, grub some grace from it and give it a shine, so fresh and raw upstart dirt ends stale and sterile war real fine.

From defense to deterrence is a small diffuse term shift sophism busied on fear ruled con-culture-fronts but if any government made sense, it would start up an offence department since such seems to be sorely lacking and it would never be confused with the defence department either  (but maybe we can VOTE on gradually swapping names, not to mention budgets).

The swiss, GM and voluntary combinatorics: Recombine by all means: shape shift, not with mercurial poison and precision tool but without his humility; weren’t wings, antlers, mudsuits and brands allowances for contact; the de-, not incisive kinds: aiming for exactly them recombinant Fourier tranform(ing)s (both geniuses adduced and referred to here, the physicist and french social utopian; in- and voluntary levels of frequencies) focuses and grounds our need to cut something up, aggrandize our express sexpresaging roadcasts to voice- and VOTElessly inanimate, nonsentient (nevertheless for most cultures 'alive') substance and shape.

I have meanwhile been thrown out due to lack of participation, what with me going to the University Computer Center 5-6 days a week to serve my elusively global (need I say timeless?) fellow man and not coming through on my quasi promise to go collect and display my 90 boxes of books there, .....yes well that elusive fellow man I was VOTEd out on 4 counts for and 6 against me with maybe 20 abstentions, so I guess I will blend in with the amorphous couldn't care less either way crowd possesed of that typically Dutch sentiment ........ that elusive pupil of mine, I mean those fructified by these here scribbled 'geesteskinderen', they are slowly precipitating and crystalizing, much slower than this work will it seems at now foreseeable rates. Well I will go unprotestingly though the vast majority of the in or out VOTErs abstained and so couldn't care less either way.

 The events described above should have warned me more than it did. But you know how it goes. About a year and a half later I felt sorry for the guy sweating like a pig in the park, doing his macho thing of staying in shape (never mind his incredibly rough throat and obviously impaired lung/kidney axis) and pointed him toward the squat I was living in for a grand total of 6 weeks (after which the godpapa/initiator VOTEd me out of the place, well, 6 for, 4 against and 27 abstainees means most couldn't care less right?) where he soon became my neighbour and even defended my rights to throw a countryman of his, a white middle aged potsmoker, out the window, well, threatening to anyway cause he said he'd throw my contribution to dinner out there (yellow peppers, not good enough for him and he was boss in the kitchen that day) I soon left the building but was soon confronted with the presence of this Don Lucky (is his name) fella again, due to nobody's fault but my own.

The UvA adcampaign propounds:
    "Come to us if you know how to find your own way". "Come to us when capable of going your own path". : : : :

Bunk, hype and hypocrisy as it turns out cause after battles over the light intensity spanning several years and during which I managed to make a corner here and there quite tolerable for months at a time by choosing strategic moments to stand up on the table and turn the tl lighting off reducing glaring by half and allowing me to dim the screen emissions (criminally tolerated substance that; we ought to have : radiation screens, such as I enjoyed only during the last month of my subscription, : installed on every computer by law for the sake of general health), not once causing fellow users to complain and later when I fended for whole sections to receive this treatment (obliged to do this since the switches were whole sale serial and my corner policy had been discouraged after which I operated under an umbrella, several in fact, since I left 'm on my bike and they got borrowed by passers by but not faster than one finds flawed ones in the trash hereabouts, especially after a windrain combo) which I thus happened to win both on points (graduation instead of homogeneous light intensity) and VOTEs (fellow users would actually choose to work in this section, hardwon and constantly under siege, dimmer and more naturally shaded, of their own choosing; that is when they could have opted differently), they saved face and threw me out cause . . . I worked on homepages; a regulation no no.

In a lot of ways the 'hyping of hypering': driving info industry shareprices up as an act of faith and VOTE of confidence in the surely near consensual and to be verified feeling that the tricking (us all into the trickle down) trick inventions which ex defence industry employers are allowed to run riot on and with (a matter of inventing screenings which prevent all good things, (still believed to be coming from above exclusively, this I now realize even more acutely after reading Deloria (thanks pen-Lers)), from being disgraced and unrecognizably fragmented upon reaching too low a mired level in the hyrarchy of beings, iow: to be caught before they get to far down and negligibly out of reach for the initially privileged as economic weather director, bearometric pretty sure pressure pumper (go for the big fish, be a man) is analogous to what permaculture is able to do to people (with natal earth houses housing favorable aspect and/or venus well enough escorted...that means everybody really....at some window of opportunity or other..this just maybe yours...); they see the future all rosy, cosy and sumptious, act on the courage of their visionary convictions and start with the first steps to see some results quick enough to provide shade in 7 years at the most. 

Here's the 'other' one:

George, one cannot play catch up to rootless capital, being slippery is too old and routine a 'pass' time for them, child's play, they're laughing at your sophistication hitting the general populace like a 'tang op een varken', like a savious does duh sheeple .. better try at the other end, furthest from them and try to grow / grow out and outgrow 'm, .. big enough for them to take notice and perceive you as a threat that way, except you'd have a better chance of having lots and lots grow right alongside you cause the growthing can be dumbed down to meme speed ever so easily, your good receivers will be, as now, few and far between at first but soon borderdissolvingly merged to nearest dearest
you have to stop wrecking yourself w karmamiles ... find some trainsounds on the net, a pic of that infamous place ... and forgo the serendipitous tips, at least half the time. Nobody can force the hour. In fact, that was, claims ['aldus' = according to] Robert Graves, the downfall of the man known as jesus. I wonder how RG would have gotten along with Ralph Ellis but we'll worry about that on the other side of the needle's eye.
oh, rooted capital is the red thread thru my files, at least everybody around here knows and i can forgo saying more.


almost exactly 9 years ago:
"tools" huh...., here's a capital lesson for ya ... 'the hammer shapes the hand' ... youtube.com/watch?v=_6lBpopzWgE  ---- December 1, 2011: Expressing solidarity with the Occupy movement and their call for a sustainable, just future, singer-songwriter Jackson Browne performs "Casino Nation" for the protesters of ...
Jackson Browne, Casino Nation | Occupy Wall Street Video

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