woensdag 11 augustus 2021

true cause of the german floods.

Jul 2, 2021 .. kin 200 overtone sun, 20 days before my upload on crystal sun 22/7


102k views for 11s vid with hose boats

w 21 DisQus Cs
Petroleos Mexicanos

Manuel Lopez San Martin -- @MLopezSanMartin
 Incendio registrado en aguas del Golfo de México
A 400 metros de la plataforma Ku-Charly (dentro del Activo Integral de Producción Ku Maloob Zaap)
Una válvula de una línea submarina habría reventado y provocado el incendio/ Esta fuera de control hace 8 horas

43k and 93k vids .. thunberg's tweet on it, 118k, 163 for Bernie

it burned only 5.5 hours [the day's tone is 5] from 5:15 a.m and came from a 12 inch pipe of the large Ku-Maloob-Zaap field cluster in the Bay of Campeche says  Journal of Petroleum Technology:


quarter of a million since feb, by Greg Reese, whose site is:

Angelika Yelapaangel
1 month ago
"Yahoo News: Fri, July 2, 2021, 8:20 PM
An oil pipeline fire in the Gulf of Mexico was reportedly brought under control and extinguished after a hellish scene of massive flames erupting directly from roiling waters Friday.

The blaze west of the Yucatan Peninsula broke out at an underwater pipeline that connects to a platform operated by Mexican state oil firm Petroleos Mexicanos (Pemex) at its flagship Ku Maloob Zaap oil development in the southern gulf, Reuters reported.

The national company attributed the blaze, which resembled molten lava on the water, to a gas leak in the 12-inch-diameter pipeline, apparently linked to an electrical  storm, according to Reuters.

“The turbomachinery of Ku Maloob Zaap’s active production facilities were affected by an electrical storm and heavy rains,” stated an incident report shared by one of Reuters’ sources.

The operation was reportedly pumping out 726,000 barrels a day of crude at the moment of the incident.

In an eerie scene, ships poured fountains of water onto the flaming gulf. Reuters reported that Pemex’s crew used nitrogen to finally control the fire from the pipeline.

The blaze erupted at 5:15 a.m. local time about 150 yards from an oil platform and operations returned to “normal” at 10:45 after the fire was extinguished, Bloomberg reported, citing a company statement."

726,000 : 4 = 175 barrels up in smoke and steam, ... clouds ... waaaaay more than usual ... headed for the as usual too slow moving sling / jet stream elongation stuck over germany ... and busting up against it, cause it acted like a homing beacon and heat sink .. a week later ... a trip slightly slower than usual cause of the extra load in combination with the obstruction is was 'head oning' for
6th day of cosmic moon that began on 13 eagle to peak impact on the narrow valley in the wine growing portion of germany [Ahrweiler] on the 14th  [moonwave SE dog/k212]

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