ClO2 is legal in Bolivia btw .... and they know a thinkg or two about diffusion diffs, duh difficulties w difference ... migratory and missionary froth and flotsam, evils of emi- and immigration
please please please europe [can't listen, won't listen], get it together and discourage oocupation evree way you can .. until you can reverse them ---- Erik Striker several years ago
Re halfway: the supreme court is a trophee, bauble or mummy, surrounded and starved instead of provided proper feed by the lower courts. The vote fraudster and truth censor numbs by the numbers, quick snip here, little clipclip there. done.
1h38 Striker: "jews killed christ" - they took out what they considered an imposter but the avantgarde interracial judaist stole his wowies [aura], saved his body, parked it in Rome's guantanamo {fort chester UK, per Ralph Ellis] and cucked whities with duh woo, Then more traddie jews stole it all back.
i miss that brief period .. there was a funny one with Frame Game Radio involved, and a fellow with jewish accent ... some notes here:
Strike & Mike 183: Dark Vision
October 13th, 2021331 views
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58th minute on the transposition of identity as the substitute sufferer, messiano projective form of extreme empathy Striker can pity but ignore cause of low numbers.
All those adjectives apply to the white man in the wrong place
being born out of place, smack in the middle of riches you can only fuck up farther if you don t try reverse the sins of your fathers ..... never mind ... no use ... my previous comments weren good enough either .... i'll make a point of blogspotting this tho .... so fuck you for censorship matey
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