maandag 3 juni 2024

hey peeps, attain Seneff's understanding ASAP via @YouTube
i think nearly everybody needs to make the efforts it variously takes to attain Seneff's understanding of something threatening to surpass the covid heist in disastrousness before we get even a single generation further down duh doomroads.

0:00 / 1:18:39
Autism in children, vaccines, glyphosate
my name is AA Sims and welcome to live longer World Stephanie welcome to live longer
world I am so excited to have you today I've read your book and looked up a lot
of your research and I think you're such a Pioneer in voicing concerns around glyphosate and it's such a big issue so
I'm honored to that you're joining me today here I'm delighted to be here thank you for having
me so maybe just to lay some ground work work for the listeners how would you describe your
work to someone in a couple of sentences say when you were have just having a casual conversation at a dinner
party yeah that's a little hard but basically my interest is in looking at um the toxic exposures of children and
seeing how that correlates with their childhood diseases so I'm very focused on children although of course adults as
well are getting are suffering but and trying to figure out especially interested in what's causing the epid
epidemic that's my primary focus and that's that's what led you into
glyphosate research correct that is totally correct yes in fact I I can tell you the bit of the history around 2007
was when I got concerned I looking at the rates going up every year the government just says we're diagnosing it
more don't worry and I didn't think so I thought there was something going on it's not genetic if it's if it keeps
Rising it's not a genetic disease I mean there's a genetic component to it but it's not that the genes are evolving so
quickly that they're getting more and more trouble so I was looking for something in the environment and um I
didn't consider glyphosate at all I mean I knew about Roundup I didn't even know the word glyphosate actually and after
five years of of looking and learning a lot about autism realizing it's a very complicated disease I happened to be at
a conference where Professor Don Huber gave a presentation on glyphosate and I I didn't know what it was but I said
well this looks interesting let me check it out and I was blown away and that was when I it was an epiphany for me I went
back and started reading everything I could about glyphosate published several papers on it um and eventually published
the book took another 10 years before I gathered enough information to write the book but
uh so in those five years when you were doing research on autism and before you
came across glyphosate what was your sense on what is C causing the rise in
autism in kids well that was the problem I was looking for things I do suspect the vaccines are contributing I have to
Aluminum and fluoride in water
say that even though I know vaccines are kind of a taboo word but I do think they're contributing in fact they've
been found to have glyphosate in them some of them the live virus vaccines um two people independently uh found uh
detectable levels of glyphosate in the vaccines which is very very concerning because that's being injected past all
the barriers um but yeah I was thinking vaccines but um I was also looking at
fluoride and lead I mean all these different exposures that they are subjected to and that are probably also
contributing I mean I think lots of things contribute because it is basically an inflammatory response in
the brain that's a consequence of some kind of disruption of um of the Met
metabolic state of the of the neurons because of various poisons that they're being exposed to or nutritional
deficiency so both of those are playing a role no I agree with you that vaccines
become such a taboo word for people to talk about and it ends up being bucketed
with conspiracy theory but I think there is something to it where more people should be at least looking at the data
and I know people are looking at it right now but um it shouldn't be such a taboo to just look at the data just
doing science right like what is going on with these vaccines and yeah yeah I know I I could go pretty far with the
vaccines if you would let me but I probably shouldn't that's for another
Glyphosate in our food and its toxicity
conversation I am curious though you mentioned floid and that's something that I've been thinking about a lot as well um what what did your research say
about fluid yeah fluoride by itself probably not but I worry about aluminum fluoride because aluminum and fluoride
first all they're both in contaminants and of course there's fluoride in our drinking water in America which is really a mistake I think it was a way to
kind of solve a problem of toxicity because these uh phosphate plants were
releasing fluoride that was actually killing the cows the local cows and they they realized they had a problem and the
solution was to spread it around to give a little bit to everybody throughout the country and pretend that it's good for
you is really what's going on there so I was quite upset about fluoride uh and then it combines with aluminum to make
aluminum fluoride which actually is a phosphate analog and that can cause a lot of trouble too so I do think um of
course there synergistic toxicity among all these different things lead is another problem lead's gotten better because the gasoline is mostly lead free
now that's a huge improvement over what we had you know 40 years ago with the lead um but these things are also
showing up in various Foods including in um you know the uh formula that the kids
drink has has these toxic Metals in in it including Mercury blad and arsenic
all these metals are very toxic and I certainly think they contribute to neurological disease uh and then to what
extent can we avoid them exposures is a question how do we how do we avoid these
toxic Metals which um which are synergistically toxic with glyphosate
unfortunately also because glyph in fact I wrote a paper on glyphosate and aluminum uh glyphosate two glyphosate
molecules wrap around an aluminum atom and hide its plus three charge which makes it a small molecule that's much
easier to get across barriers and glyphosate opens up the gut barrier it causes leaky gut that's kind of a double
whammy because the glyphosate will bind to the aluminum in the gut usually the gut can keep it in the gut if you've got
a healthy gut the aluminum doesn't really get past the barrier very little of it so it just goes straight through which is fine but the glyph can escort
the aluminum across across a leaky gut that it can create and then it can get across a leaky brain barrier as well
Celiac’s link to glyphosate
which glyphosate also sets up so that's extremely dangerous I think aluminum plus glyphosate is a is a bad
combination plus aluminum plus fluoride so when you've got fluoride and aluminum and glyphosate you know the synergistic
toxicity among all these things is astonishing and they can be much much more toxic in combination than they are
individually yeah that's a good point being more toxic in combination um what is glyphosate for people who
don't know yeah probably a lot of your listeners don't know glyphosate is the active ingredient in the pervasive heride Roundup and Roundup is very
popular in America um people use it to kill the dandelions in their yard or to get rid of weeds growing in their cracks
in their walkways uh it's it's not uh protect you
can freely go to the store and buy it as just a residential citizen is not a problem uh Roundup and uh so it contains
this glyphosate and so glyphosate but it's also used very extensively on the food supply and that's where I think a
lot of the trouble comes from um most most of our many of our foods are contaminated people are finding
activists are are measuring glyphosate and finding it everywhere and in fact my friend Zen Hut who founded moms Across
America she has done two tests she's done more than two but there were two in particular that Were Striking where she
gathered a bunch of uh samples of of school lunches from her she has her mom's across americ and she asked them
to you know find samples send them off to the lab for testing um several different samples of food lunches 95% of
them were came out positive for glyphosate and then she did another test on fast food various fast food samples
and and 100% came out positive for glyphosate so it's all over the food supply in the United States and the
government doesn't even bother to measure but it doesn't bother to test doesn't seem to be at all alarmed because they think it's safe and that's
the big problem with glyphosate I think there's glyphosate becomes much more dangerous then it would be compared to
other herbicides which are known believed to be much tox more toxic than glyphosate so the idea is you use
glyphosate instead of these more toxic herbicides on the food but the problem is glyphosate is not uh safe they think
it is but it's not and that's what makes it very very dangerous uh people don't you know mothers wouldn't really worry
about they might use it on their lawn not think about the fact that it's toxic they might might not be aware of that
Glyphosate impacting collagen in our bodies
and of course um it's uh they spread on the food it gets into it gets high levels get into many different very
common foods that go into the processed food industry so we're being poisoned by it every day it's really impossible to
avoid if you live in the United States I think it's pretty much impossible to avoid getting glyphosate either from your food or from your water supply or
even from breathing the air glyphosate in the air can you talk about some of your
research that links the harmfulness of glyphosate and how it causes potential
dis diseases yeah and of course that's as you know from reading my book it's a complicated story but I think it does begin with the gut uh and that's
something that was overlooked the reason why they claim glyphosate is safe is because uh it it disrupts a particular
enzyme in the plants called epsp synthes which is in the shikimate biological
pathway uh human cells don't even have that pathway let alone that enzyme so that the feeling was how could it touch
our cells because we don't have the critical enzyme that it disrupts what they overlooked that our gut microbes do
have that enzyme and they use that enzyme and they have the whole pathway and they use the pathway to produce
essential nut nutrients that our cells can't make by themselves they depend upon our food supply and our gut
microbes to produce these really critical nutrients for the host and so when the microbes get poisoned by the
glyphosate they can't make enough of these critical nutrients and of course the microbes also just get uh killed off
themselves and then you get an imbalance in the gut microbiome with over growth of pathogens and then that causes a
whole bunch of troubles in the gut and we have a huge uh problem with gut issues uh in in the United States we've
got you know even things like constipation and diarrhea are very common and of course celiac disease
gluten intolerance I think that's a direct hit from glyphosate inability to uh to digest wheat and then causing
symptoms and then um inflammatory bowel disease like Crohn's disease irritable
bowel disease which which they don't quite understand but I suspect that's also directly tied to glyphosate um so I
think we're really getting a lot of trouble with our gut uh and and the gut microbes are being imbalanced and then
the pathogens produce toxic metabolites that would normally be metabolized by enzymes the glyphosate suppresses so you
kind of get into a Snowball Effect there where the uh the overgrowth of the pathogens is producing these metabolites
that the liver can't properly handle so that they become more toxic than they would otherwise be because those enzymes
such as the cyone p450 enzymes are being suppressed by
glyphosate why is uh why could Celiac be a result of glyphosate yeah that's a
very interesting one I wrote a whole paper on that together with Anthony samsel I was very interested in it and I
I definitely think that it's the primary cause of the epidemic that we're seeing in gluten intolerance it's amazing how
it's kind of shot up out of nowhere I started noticing I can remember maybe 10 years ago all these gluten-free foods
showing up and sections of the grocery store devoted to gluten-free and uh I
was puzzled by that but then once I realized that glyphosate is sprayed on the wheat right before Harvest quite
often here in the United States and especially in Canada where it can get cold they want to beat the frost they
can um accelerate um the the maturation to produce seed and they can synchronize
the Harvest so that they can get a higher yield if they spray the crop with glyphosate shortly before Harvest and
then um and then of course when the glyphosate goes into the seed and so you get especially high levels of glyphosate
in glute in the um uh wheat germ which is a very healthy food normally but the
highest levels are showing up in the wheat germ because that's where the glyphosate is going it gets into the tissues of the plants you can't wash it
off and so uh the glyphosate uh is a lactobacillus is a microbe in the gut
that's very important for the infant for digesting milk actually but also gluten that in that uh microb specializes in
helping the host to digest um proteins that contain a lot of Proline and and
both casine and gluten contain a lot of Proline Proline is a special amino acid that uniquely uh requires special um
enzymes to break it apart from the other amino acids in the protein and the lactobac provide those enzymes to the
host so that's a very fancy collaboration between the the bug and the and the host to uh to deal with the
Soil regeneration after glyphosate
digestion of the wheat and I think part of the problem is that oob bacillus is being killed off by the glyphosate the
wheat is not being adequately digested and these short peptides containing Proline are sticking around and when the
immune cells see a peptide sequence that's a foreign protein they get upset so the immune cells produce antibodies
to that and then it turns out there's this um mechanism called molecular mimicry where the um where the antibody
gets confused and sees a human Protein that's similar and starts attacking that instead and um transglutaminase in fact
is the particular protein that gets attacked by an autoimmune disease called celiac disease which is a very specific
form of gluten intolerance and celiac disease uh in this paper we showed a plot that showed that celiac disease was
going up in prevalence over time in the United States exactly in step with the rise in glyphosate usage on wheat not
corn and soy but wheat which was different a different curve but it matched much better with the gluten
intolerance than the usage on corn and soy which makes sense because it's wheat that's the problem so I really feel
pretty confident that uh glyphosate is the primary cause of the epidemic that we're seeing in gluten
intolerance wow is there any data on whether countries that use more
glyphosate have a higher prevalence of celiac on a per capita basis I can't
answer that explicitly but I think it's probably true I I I'll have to hesitate
on that because I haven't actually looked at the numbers but I suspect it's true I know that in the United States even things like inflammatory bbel
disease uh gut infection infections in the gut these things are all going up uh
exactly in step for the rising glyphosate usage on corn and soy crops we looked at a whole bunch of data of
different diseases I collaborated with others and we published several papers where we showed plots and it was just
amazing how many different diseases and conditions some very serious things like Alzheimer's disease and of course autism
um and various cancers like pancreatic cancer and thyroid cancer these things are all going up in over time in this
country United the people in the United States are getting sicker and sicker and of course obesity and diabetes I mean
those are big and they're also going up and I see the pattern that when countries start adopting a western diet
the people start getting fat it's around the world I feel like that's true yeah interesting and perhaps
Breaking down glyphosate in our waterways
because the Western Diet also requires more glyphosate usage absolutely yes
the whole way we grow food is based on toxic chemicals so of course it's not just glyphosate there's all the other
chemicals that they use on the crops as well and they're all working together synergistically in complicated ways um
that aren't well understood so it's a a dangerous proposition the other mechanism by which
glyphosate is harmful which I thought was really fascinating in your book was how glyphosate substitutes for glycine
can you explain what's going on there yes that's what really caught my eye and it really fascinated me and got me to be
rather nerdy looking through U the web finding finding proteins that I would suspect I called it a glyphosate
susceptibility motif that certain proteins have U which is not just having a glycine residue but having a glycine
at a place where the protein binds phosphate and having that glycine be a very important U residue for the protein
like if that glycine is mutated to something else that protein's dead in the water and there were many proteins
that had tremendous sensitivity to uh substitutions if glycine is substituted
by different amino acid in the code that protein is broken so it's not it's not the code that's changing in the case of
Glyphosate causing sulfate deficiency; cruciferous veggies
glyphosate glyphosate is pretending to be glycine so when it sees the code gly when the Machinery sees the code for
glycine it it grabs glyphosate instead because it fits perfectly it has no side
it has no side change just like glycine so it fits perfectly what it has is extra material stuck onto its nitrogen
atom which is outside of this of this cave where it fits the nitrogen atom
stays outside because it has to hook up like paper dolls these whole amino acids line up like paper dolls and glyphosate
um is going to match the glycine code and get in there in place of glyph Glycine and then that can really mess
things up because the glyphosine has this extra bulky thing that's stuck out into the space in particular when they
bind phosphate glyphosate a methyl phosphonate unit fits into the place where phosphate from the substrate is
supposed to go so the substrate can't fit anymore and the protein can't do its job so it's it's quite technical but
it's fascinating and you can use that um you can find proteins that have that feature and then you can look for what
uh mutations in those proteins cause and then you can see if those diseases are going up in matching the rising
glyphosate and then you can see even if there's any evidence that glyphosate suppresses that protein so there's all
these different dots you can connect which I've done that with several different proteins and it becomes very
clear to me that this is what's happening the glyphosate is messing up critical proteins in metabolism and
causing uh very serious diseases as a consequence of that and is it only substituting for
glycine or also for other types of proteins nothing else it's only it's glycine is an amino acid so it's in all
the proteins some have more than others uh glyphosate substitutes only for glycine not for any other amino acid in
fact um part of why um how I figured it out is because epsp synthes which is the
protein that glyphosate famously suppresses in the plants that protein
has a highly conserved glycine residue at the place where binds phosphate in P
Sulfate powers bioelectricity in our cells; Gerald Pollack
so that's exactly the model that I had to say what if some other protein has that same feature would it also affect
that and and the interesting thing is that if that the actual GMO GMO crops
have a substitute they have a new version of that protein that came from a bacterium and that version doesn't have
glycine it has alanine instead of glycine at that spot and that protein is completely insensitive to glyphosate at
any level so it really is black and white if there's a glycine it's sensitive if there isn't a glycine it
isn't that is a very strong indicator that that's exactly how glyphosate is disrupting that enzyme and then you say
it can disrupt all these other enzymes as well the same way and then you can see how those link to the diseases that
I think it's causing and what are some of the first order effects of this or the diseases that
this could specifically cause what are the diseases or what was the question well I I guess what are some of the
first order effects of um what happens in the body the body yes there's so many I mean
collagen is a good example because collagen is the most common protein in the body um a third of our proteins are
collagen molecules it forms the glue I mean it basically is in the connective tissue and the bones in the joints even
in the brain it's like very common in our body and collagen has long sads of
gxy gxy gxy gxy every third amino acid is a glycine tremendous opportunity for glyphosate to do mischief and I
definitely think that glyphosate messing up collagen is causing a lot of uh diseases of the bones and joints and
even of the gut um the collagen uh there's like a there's a a
problem with uh sagging you know like you have this uh what is it called a prolapse um pelvic prolapse have you
heard of that no where the organs are sort of collapsing down into the into
the bottom of the of the body uh because they can't hold themselves up because the collagen is so weak and and flabby
that it can't actually work uh for example you know and so this is a kind of condition that's happening and it can
be a pretty serious problem uh and I think it's because the collagen's not not forming correctly and um and then
the the the joint the connective tissue is not strong anymore it's too weak uh
and I think that's uh causing a lot of problems uh also in the bones and the joints you know people have a lot of
issues with joint pain we have a lot of um replacement hip replacement therapy
and and knee joint you know knees are giving out I mean we you look at at Americans over the age of maybe 60
Avoid sunscreen?
they're pretty much hob around many of them have to use a walker or a cane you know we aren't able to and of course
back pain is a huge problem there's a lot of pain associated with these things neck pain back pain people get on opioid
drugs so now we have an opioid drug crisis I think glyphosate may be contributing to all of that you know
just because of messing up collagen uh could could explain all of that yeah
that's actually really fascinating cuz collagen is so important in the body and um what really frustrates me is how when
people get older and have a lot of these replacement surgeries it's just considered normal
and I know people aren't looking into why this is happening yeah it's so funny to me I really am puzzled by how quickly
I'm impressed by how quickly humans adjust to the new normal that's one thing I've noticed even like autism oh
yeah one in 36 yeah of course all these kids have autism that's just normal you know fact we're trying to normalize
autism accept it you know embrace it even it's like um get over it you know don't don't think
Deuterium and its toxicity
about how you might actually fix this problem just go ahead and accept that it's there and then deal
with it is sort of our attitude which I find very very frustrating because we really could turn it around I think we
could really I think if we just uh if the government passed a law that said we have to grow our food organically and
this and and preferably regeneratively right to improve the soil because the soil is getting wrecked by the
glyphosate and the other chemicals um if the government would just pass that law and force the farmers to convert to
organic agriculture I think we would see so many diseases turn around and we'd lose our obesity epidemic I really
believe that you know to get rid of the toxic chemicals on the food it's the most important thing we should be doing
right now I think I completely agree I think the research on toxic chemicals and
glyphosate and phets and just all these heavy metals that are going on in in our food is quite underappreciated at this
point because most people are just talking about okay eating clean and not eating processed food but I think
there's something going on with just these chemicals that are going on inside our food as well I totally agree is
first of all don't eat processed foods and secondly don't eat Foods on which chemicals have been applied on the crops
don't eat those foods and of course in America it's hard to find enough of them we couldn't feed our our F our uh
population with organic food right now because we're not making enough of it you know we'd have to really make a massive change in our agriculture policy
and I I know people who are working hard to uh to to figure out how to grow food
organically and as I said preferably regeneratively improving the soil every
year that causes a lot of improvements in the quality of the plant so they're more resistant to Drought they're more
resistance to a fun fungus infection or to um insects you know they have a lot
more they're a lot harder if they're if they're grown in a healthy soil and our soil is not healthy so then we have to
use more chemicals for the for the insects as well as for the weeds you know it's just a a downward spiral uh we
need to focus on uh fixing our soil and of course fixing our soil fixing our gut kind of the same thing the soil is to
the plant as the gut is to the human they all need to be fixed and and they would be if we would just eat healthy
food yeah I have two questions on this um how long does it take for the soil to
regenerate and get fixed and how do you even do that once it's been exposed to glyphosate yeah that's a good question
and it's a hard thing to answer because there's um it's kind of hard to get rid of glyphosate it's not easy and certain
soils will hang on to it for a very long time a study in Brazil showed that every year there was more glyphosate in the
soil year to year it was accumulating in the soil when they were using glyphosate on GMO crops so uh Monsanto had said
that it breaks down quickly but that's not always true I think it can be true under optimal conditions there are
How Stephanie started looking at Deuterium
microbes that can break it down but there aren't many that's part of the problem with ipate it has that what's called a CP Bond a carbon phosphorus
bond in that phosphinate unit and that's an odd uh combination carbon connected to phosphate um most enzymes don't know
what to do with that so there's only a few there a an enzyme called CP lias L YC CP lias which cuts that CP Bond and
so microbes that have that enzyme can break glyphosate down into nutritional resources because it's got a
phosphorus and a nitrogen atom so in that sense it's actually nutritious you know in terms of providing phosphorus
and nitrogen to the to the plants if you could break it apart but the problem is you can't and then it becomes very very
toxic so um so there's a problem with microbes being so if you have microbes in the soil that can break it down
that'll be very helpful it also gets stuck inside um uh so a study on glyphosate in water
actually this was very interesting they they had murky water that had organic matter in it like biomass uh and then
they put glyphosate in into the water and then they found that the glyphosate Disappeared very quickly from the water
and then they couldn't figure that out but then they found that in fact what was happening was it was being sucked up into the organic matter so those um
Low deuterium water good for health?
organic molecules actually trapped the glyphosate and then um and then you you
don't realize it's still there but it's in much higher concentration it's like a thousand times as much inside that
organic matter compared to the free water and that's very disturbing for example for the manatees in Florida I've
been observing that they've they're very unhealthy and they've been getting very sick especially lately the last few years and Florida uses a lot of
glyphosate they even use it in the waterways to control invasive weeds and then it sucks gets sucked up into the
biomass which the manatees eat and so the manatees are getting huge doses of botate I suspect it's making them very
sick so we need to worry about um you know our insects and our Birds they're all getting decimated these days it's
just really scary to see how quickly we're losing um important species uh
it's just very sad to see that we're uh not just hurting ourselves but also hurting all the species on this planet
with these poisons that we keep using on our food we just need to really find a different way you know it hasn't been
that long that humans have been relying on toxic chemicals to grow their food it really hasn't been that long and um we
could we could go back to what we used to do I'm sure we could do it if we just had the will and we just need to realize
that it's essential that we have to do that figure out how yeah no I totally agree my husband's
uh grandparents are were were farmers and they never used any of this and this was just a couple of years ago and they
said they absolutely knew not to have any toxic chemicals and it was all organic and and the food was healthy and
it was wonderful it's so sad isn't it that we've come to this place and now we're so convinced in America I think
the government believes um firmly believe that if they banned glyphosate we would would have a huge crisis that
we wouldn't be able to feed the feed the U the population and they might be right because the farmers have become so
dependent on it at least in the short term it would take the farmers a while to scramble and figure out how to how to
grow food efficiently without the glyphosate and certainly there would have to be more people put to work or if
we could get robots to pull the weeds or kill the weeds I think there's some hope for robotics to uh to replace um
chemicals and that would be a much better way to kill the weeds if you really want to um do it efficiently
without using human resources and these robotic tractors are being built right now that have uh AI capabilities they
can see they can recognize a weed and then they can just spray boiling water on it or something like that to kill it
uh which would not be toxic in you know to the environment and I really hope that those kinds of Technologies may
become uh more um available in the future that we could replace uh the
Excess deuterium causing cancer
glyphosate without having to hire a whole bunch of people to P pull the weeds because that's certainly not a very pleasant job and not too many
people want to do that so I think that in a way it's laziness you know that's preventing us from from doing what we
need to do to grow our food Health in a healthy way and what about our waterways how can
we break down glyphosate there yes well that is a problem as well um in fact I
guess if it goes into the ocean into the deep water of the ocean where the sunlight is no longer available it can
last for a year there was a study that showed that it lasted for a year um in the ocean so it gets washed off into the
ocean from the um waterways and it's it's doing a a nasty job on the on the
sea life outside of major waterways like the Mississippi River I suspect it's playing an important role in the
disastrous uh effects on the coral reefs that we're seeing around the world you
know has anyone figured out how to get rid of glyphosate from the water well so
yeah we got started on that didn't we there's some microbes can break it down uh sunlight can break it down um and uh
there's some chemicals that can break it down too in fact chlorine breaks it down which is fortunate that's a
non-enzymatic um breakdown of glyphosate from chlorine and chlorine is commonly used in the in the to purify the
drinking water uh in the mun Municipal drinking water supply they use chlorine
that the idea is to kill the bugs you know in the water so there aren't any microbes growing in in the water but that also kills the glyphosate breaks
Stephanie’s wild theory on curing cancer
down the glyphosate uh which is really fortunate I think because I think we would have had a lot bigger problem with glyphosate in the
water supply if we didn't use the chlorine chlorine of course is also toxic so you can't just take chlorine to
try to break it down in your gut uh people have uh people have recommended
taking um humic acid and fic acid as a as a supplement um which which the
glyphosate tends to get bound to that it goes in there and gets trapped and then
it can come out through the feces but it hasn't actually been been broken down it's just been trapped and taken out so
can keep it from getting inside your system which is good for you but then it's still around because it's in the
feces so that's a problem it's not a perfect solution and as I said there are
some microbes that can break it down and I have suggested that uh that some of the microbes that are in fermented foods
might be able to clear it uh hasn't been proven I don't know of anyone who's proven that that's the case but I do
know that some species of acetobacter are able to break down they have that CP enzyme and they can break glyphosate
down so it's possible that if you eat fermented foods it will help to keep glyphosate in
control h what about sulfate I know glyphosate causes sulfate deficiency as
well and I was quite mind blown to hear about that mechanism and um how sulfur
is just so important in our body so can you talk a bit about that yes that's C certainly where I started with the
autism because I recognized sulfate as a problem with autism early on before I knew about glyphosate I became aware of
Rosemary wearings work in the 1990s and she was she had a bunch of autistic kids
she was treating and she uh and she took a look at metabolites in their urine and
she found that they had Skyhigh levels of a couple of things called thyo sulfate and sulfite these are both
sulfur inorganic sulfur molecules um that were way too high like 50 times as
high as they were in the control children and so she understood that they had some kind of problem with metabolizing sulfur and in particular
she suspected with producing sulfate or with attaching sulfate I think glyphosate uh disrupts many enzymes in
that pathway and actually those enzymes have what I call the glyphosate susceptibility motif many of the sulfur
uh metabolizing enzymes have that Motif and I think glyphosate is uh messing
them up for that reason getting into the enzyme in place of glycine um and in fact uh the enzyme that activates
sulfate sulfate gets so the sulfate molecule gets converted into an active
sulfate molecule that's the universal sulfate donor so it can deliver sulfate to all kinds of other molecules that
molecule is called paps a phospho adenol phosphos sulfate it's got two phosphos
in that right it's got those two phosphos which means it's going to involve phosphate binding and in fact
the enzyme that produces pths from sulfate binds to two ATP molecules at
places where it has highly conserved glycin so it has tremendous vulnerability in my opinion to gly
glyphosate substitution for glycine which would mess it up so I suspect that enzyme is disrupted and also the one
that takes that paps takes the sulfate off of paps and puts it onto something else that one also has glyphosate
susceptibility motives a very characteristic feature gxx gxxg Motif
it's got three glycines at the place where it binds phosphate so you see all these patterns of the phosphate binding
uh in those molecules um the enzyme that converts sulfate and sulfite into
methionine this is assimilatory sulfite reductase that one also has been shown
experimentally to suppress gly glyphosate suppresses that that enzyme in eoli which are very common microb in
the gut and so that's really important because uh the the gut microbes make methionine methionine is a really
important amino acid and it's a sulfur containing Amo acid and it's made by the gut microbes from inorganic sulfur and
in particular from sulfate and sulfide so a lot of people say I have sulfur Sensitivity I can't eat sulfur
containing foods often I suspect that's because glyphosate is messing up those enzymes because sulfite by itself is
very reactive usually the gut microbes grab it right away and they either take it up to sulfate or they take it down
What else causes increase in deuterium
into methionine and all those enzymes are disrupted by glyphosate so sulfite
becomes toxic sulfate becomes deficient and all kinds of problems uh arise from
that and sulfur containing foods are things like cruciferous vegetables and broccoli and onion and garlic and a lot
Glyphosate in rain water
of people would complain that some of those Foods especially more of the crucifers ones give them bloating and
digestive and gut issues and you think part of that is because of this
glyphosate problem absolutely yeah in fact when you have a when when a a similar chice s reductase is suppressed
there's another enzyme called dissimilatory sulfite reductase and it doesn't make methy it makes hydrogen
sulfide gas and the autistic kids have bloating in their gut due to too much hydrogen sulfide gas that I think is a
consequence of the inability to make the methionine so you end up making hydrogen sulfide which can be toxic if it gets
too high I see so my next question might get a little technical but I just thought it
PSCSK9 inhibitors harmful with glyphosate
was really cool especially cuz I've been learning a bit about bioelectricity and Nan's work if you're familiar with that
uh but I heard you say that sulfate in the in is is responsible for powering
the protons in the gelled water and I'm totally butchering that um but
essentially essentially I mean one I would love for you to explain what this gelled water is and then two my
understanding is that because sulfate is powering these protons and these protons essentially what's creating energy in
the mitochondria and just ATP and it's the basis of all life so when I thought about that I just it just made me
realize wow this is just so fundamental to how our cells function and if we
don't have the sufate that's powering the powering the electricity in ourselves I mean how do we even function
right yes anyway I thought that was wonderful sorry if you can explain a bit about that because it's a little
technical it is Technical and it's sort of a field that not too many people know about you know it's a kind of an obscure
field and I think we need to devote more attention to it the whole business of how the body how even how the blood
flows I mean it's really fascinating because and I learned about Hein sulfate as I said early on I was looking at
sulfate and autism I have found papers that show even postmortem they showed
that Hein sulfate was severely depleted in the brain of the autistic kids and Hein sulfate is the molecule it's a very
complicated sugar molecule lots of sugars all connected together with sulfates scking out of them in various
places that's the molecule that lines all the blood vessels it also goes around the cells you know both the cells
in the blood uh and also um cells just the cells and the tissues they're all surrounded by Hein sulfate which is
hooked into the cell membrane and the Hein sulfate has variable amounts of sulfate in it so you can stick them in
various places or not and the and the autistic kids have have low sulfate in
their blood and they also have low s low amounts of Hein sulfate everywhere and the he I suspect
everywhere I mean certainly it's been shown up in the brain both for the children and for the mice they've studied mice in fact they had one group
of mice in experiment with all they did was injected something into their uh into their brain ventricles in the
middle of the brain a chemical that prevented them from making Hein sulfate
and those mice and prevented them from adding sulfate to the Hein sulfate and those mice developed all the uh
Solutions to avoid glyphosate
characteristic Mouse symptoms of autism so that was very dramatic it just that one change they were normal M mice
except for that and and so that's really pointing to the Hein sulfate deficiency as being a core feature of autism and
the Hein sulfate relies on the sulfate that's getting attached by all these enzymes that are being disrupted by
glyphosate so you know it's difficult to transport sulfate if you can't hook it onto something the body relies on
hooking it onto an organic molecule to ship it to ship it around in the blood
because the sulfate if you put too much sulfate in the blood it'll gel the blood and you don't want it to be jelly it has to flow so they've got this trick of
sticking it onto these molecules that will go into lipid membranes and keep it keep it away from the main circulating
blood so they need to have a low level of sulfate in the blood yet you need to deliver sulfate to all these places so
the bodies come up with a clever solution to do that which involves these enzymes the glyphosate suppresses so we
get into big trouble with insufficient sufate and that the sulfates are what makes the water gelled and so lining all
the blood vessels is this slick layer of Jell-O so the red blood cells can just slide through effortlessly that's really
important for the circulation of the red blood cells because the capillar is kind of a tight squeeze for the red blood
cell unless it's got really easy you know low friction in the boundary it's going to be hard for it to get through
so it's in critical for the blood circulation um and so when there's and then and then the gel creates this
battery which is what's so cool and that's Gerald Pollock's work and I've read several of his I've read two of his
books and and several of his papers and so he's really a cool character Gerald Pollock at w in in Washington state and
um he's done all these experiments where he shows uh that the gel that the gel
that's created by the sulfates um creates a battery and the protons actually are pushed out they're pushed
out from the gel and then I think they're gathered up and channeled into the cell and delivered to the
mitochondria that's theoretical I don't have proof of that yet um but I'm suspecting it's it's it makes sense to
that it would be the case um because the mitochondria need those protons to be able to drive the um atpa
pumps and so um it's pretty fascinating biophysics really rather than
biochemistry yeah no I totally agree I I thought that was just a such a full circle into how sulfate is powering life
in many ways and electricity in ourselves and of course it's sunlight too because sunlight is what triggers the growth of the Hein sulfate that's
important uh and and Gerald showed that as well especially infrared light can grow that uh he calls it exclusion Zone
water because it excludes it becomes like pure water and then the the protons are being pumped out and and it's using
the sunlight as a source of energy to uh so it becomes a solar panel in a
way yeah I was going to ask you about sunlight later but maybe you can touch upon that now so I know one of your
recommendations is get out in the sun get more sunlight because um sulfate is produced in your body because of that
and of course for other benefits as well but um what about the worries around skin cancer and you also mentioned you
shouldn't be don't wear sunscreen um what about mineral based sunscreen is that okay or is that not okay either
yeah I don't recommend sunscreen at all and certainly not aluminum there's a lot of sunscreens that contain aluminum and
that aluminum will absorb through your skin and that's going to also mess mess up your enzymes aluminum aluminum is
very toxic um and sun it's actually interesting that the rate of um melanoma
U.S. stopped Mexico banning glyphosate
in the skin has been going up over time in step with increased use of sunscreen
so if if you think sunscreen is protecting you from melanoma why is the rate going up it doesn't make any sense
uh and I think part of the problem is the glyphosate and part of the reason there is the melanin because melanin is
one of the many biologically active molecules that comes out of that shikim pathway that glyphosate disrupts so the
microbes are making the precursors which are those aromatic amino acids that I mentioned earlier and those are
precursors to melanin which is a skin tanning agent that naturally turns your skin dark when you're exposed to
sunlight and that is a fantastic natural protection that humans have if they have
melanin but when the melanin becomes deficient a lot of people say well I I I get out in the sun but I just turn red I
don't tan and I'm thinking okay glyphosate you know I suspect so part of the problem is
because of glyphosate we're more sensitive you know we have more problems with the sun causing uh damage again
because our own system is disrupted and we're not able to use it properly the way it would be intended to protect us I
certainly think it's much better to just quiet you know slowly build up a tan during the spring so you can handle the
the Summer sun without sunscreen as long as you have a s a good tan you don't need sunscreen in my
opinion interesting um I also want to talk about the tum um I know you said
that's the work you're doing currently and there's some fascinating research coming out on that what is it and what's
your research around that yes I'm very excited about jerum I've I've been trying to shout it from the rooftops
because I think it's something very important that people need to be aware of and very few people are studying that even more even fewer than glyphosate um
jerum is a is a natural element it's heavy hydrogen hydrogen is the smallest element on the periodic chart is one up
in the leftand corner one proton one electron for people who know chemistry um it's the most common atom by far in
the body over 60% of our atoms are hydrogen atoms very um you know and in
the universe it's the most common atom in the universe as well uh detarium is the same thing as hydrogen except that
it has an extra Neutron uh which makes it twice as heavy so it's a hydrogen
atom on steroids so to speak and because it's twice as heavy um it has very different behavior and there's all every
almost every uh reaction involves hydrogen all all the enzymes any kind of reaction they do involves hydrogen and
um and when duum duum goes everywhere hydrogen goes so whenever you have a glucose molecule there could be a dyum
atom sitting on there or not you know it's just randomly all over the various molecules in the universe and uh when uh
certain enzymes when they encounter detarium it it spells trouble and in particular the atpa pumps that make the
ATP in the mitochondria they don't like detarium and they rely on protons and the proton motive force is what drives
is the engine that drives the production of the GP and U with these protons that are pumped into the inner member in
space which which goes around the Matrix mitochondria have a matrix sitting inside a membrane and there's a space
inside the membrane where those protons are pumped in with other enzymes pump the protons in and then they become o
overcrowded inside the membrane then they come rushing through and and the pumps are there waiting for them to push it to push through the pumps and and
generate a motor that then drives the energy to make the AGP so it's pretty cool stuff
um it's all biology but the biolog is very clever and so um but if you get a duut terium coming in instead of the
hydrogen it gums up the promps it really can cause a lot of damage to them and it
causes them to be less efficient but it also causes them to release reactive oxygen and reactive oxygen is nasty
stuff it can cause cancer it can cause mutations things like that so um the cell doesn't wants to make sure to give
as little detarium as possible to that is membrane space and there's all kinds of enzymes that are involved in making
that happen it's really really fascinating including microbial enzymes which play a critical role and that's
kind of where glyphosate starts to come in because glyphosate disrupts the microbes and prevents them from
supplying those low deteran protons to the mitochondria and then the mitochondria
gets sick and then you have all these diseases that are connected to mitochondrial disease so the detarium in our bodies is
not is is a consequence of glyphosate it's not coming from somewhere else the
detarium is actually a natural element and it's all over the place and it's certainly in our bodies and it would be even without the glyphosate you can't
really keep it out but what the body does is very interesting because it basically fractionates the duum so that
it puts it puts lots of duum into the um into that gel the gelled water that I talked about those sulfated gags and all
of that the glycosaminoglycans the collagen collagen actually traps duum and collagen is
outside the cell so the collagen is grabbing all the duum and stuffing it inside the collagen molecule and then
putting it outside the door so then what's inside the cell has less detarium it's kind of cleaning up it's like sweeping up the detarium and getting it
out you know the collagen is doing that and um and of course the collagen's being messed up by the glyphosate so
that it may not be able to do that as well as it should right but then there's all these other enzymes there's a whole
bunch of it's a whole class of enzymes called dehydrogenases and they're pretty much all of them are are suppressed by
glyphosate I found a study on soil bacteria that was quite interesting where they Expos them they exposed the
soil to glyphosate at one point in time and then they monitored over time the dehydrogenase enzymes all of them that
were produced by any of the microbes in the soil and they saw that the activity of those enzymes went down over time
kept going down so the glyphosate is suppressing the dehydrogenases which makes sense because they bind they have
that Motif they have that glyphosate suceptibility Motif and the dehydrogenases play an incredibly
important role in grabbing hydrogen off of dehydrogenase right they dehydrogenate they take two hydrogens
off of a molecule and then they put them some else and where they put them is they pile them up into U molecules that
can deliver those protons to the mitochondria so it's a whole system of
um supplying the mitochondria with those protons and the dehydrogenases have a special skill they are called lavvo
proteins and they have a very unique skill to be able to select hydrogen over duum so if they're trying to take
hydrogens off of a molecule and one of those hydrogens is the detarium they'll say no no no thank you go away I don't
want you they won't do it so they're pulling only hydrogen off of those molecules and giving it to this um
carrier molecule that then delivers it to the mitochondria it's a really cool system but the glyphosate's disrupting
all of those dehydrogenases and that's causing a huge problem in the in the chain of
delivery uh to the mitochondria so again they're going to have too much it's going to be hard for them to maintain
low detrum in the mitochondria for that reason how did you end up on this path
and end up looking at theerum that was fun actually actually many of my epiphanies in life I've had certain
points in time when I make a major shift in what I focus on one was the Dr Huber
that I mentioned earlier and um and another one was a a professor llo boros
um who's originally from Hungary and he was a professor in California at one of the California schools I I think UCLA
and um he's now back in Europe in fact I think back in Hungary uh still he's retired from California but he's still
working and he and I collaborate and we've actually published two papers together now I'm really happy to say along with some other folks very
interesting papers on duum um he sent me an email in December
of 2019 uh congratulating me on a paper that I had just published with Greg NY
on Sofer and on sof he said nice paper and then he said oh by the way duum basically he said he introduced duum do
you know about duum and I did not so I you know I'm always curious when somebody tells me something that
surprises me so I just followed up and I said what about duum and that's opened up a whole uh relationship that's been a
lot of fun and so I we correspond quite frequently and we're collaborating now and I'm very excited about that and um
that's what really got me uh it was very timely that I just because he when he explained about the how the body manages
tererium and I quickly immediately realized that glyphosate would mess that up which of course got me extremely
interested in duum and um and an amazing thing about the microbes is that they
make hydrogen gas they actually have enzymes called hydrogenases not dehydrogenases but hydrogenases and
those enzymes make hydrogen gas they pull hydrogen off of organic molecules and they make H2 hydrogen gas and that
gas is severely depleted in detarium like 80% gone 80% of the detarium is gone so that gas becomes really valuable
in the gut and then other microbes bring it back to organic M matter so there's a
whole process of um of stripping out the dyum making the hydrogen gas then coming
back and grabbing some carbon dioxide and making methane and then turning that into organic molecules that can be um
metabolized in the in the mitochondria and those molecules are going to have really low detarium really really fast
so I think that whole process of um actually turning um organic matter into
hydrogen gas and back again in a cycle uh incredibly important for getting rid of the
duum huh is some amount of duum quote unquote good for us well that's an
interesting thing and people think oh it's bad it's bad I think it is good to have less and in fact the way it was
discovered was in Russia um people up north were very healthy they were living to you know many of them over a hundred
years old and still healthy um so people were curious as to why they were so
healthy and they traced it back to the detarium low detarium in their water supply because when the water melts off
the glacier that water has low Deton so you feel that it would be better to have
less and I think probably eating low detarium foods and that includes butter and animal-based fats are sort of the
best option for low detarium foods and then of course you can also get larium water such as glacier water they can
also make larium water now in the in the lab so to speak so you can buy larium
water H in fact I this has larium water in it this glass that I'm drinking I I
drink one glass a day of water that's twoth thirds regular water and onethird
water that has only 10 parts per million of of detarium normally it would be 155 in sea water and some of the glacier
water will have like 110 but this is super super low but then you mix it with regular water to make it look more like
glacier water it's sort of how you can do that you don't want to drink 10 parts per million that's really too low in my
opinion you know everything wants to be in in in moderation uh but where was I going with
that the uh levels of duum I I think it's duum plays a positive role in the
bones uh and this is a paper that um a paper that an that llo shared with me
really fascinating about seals um and they showed that the seals had concentrated du terium in their bones in
the collagen in their bones and um and it made their bones really strong so that they could handle the high
pressures of deep sea diving and so I think we also uh get trapped tutum in
our bones and it probably helps to support the bones to be strong so it's a good use of it and of course we put it
in those um in that water the water that's gelled the protons that are pumped out are low in duum that's what
I'm almost certain that's true the duum stays behind in the gel so when the protons are pumped out they're going to
be low detarium protons that are delivered to the mitochondria that way so that becomes really really important
not just that it's protons but that it's dierum depleted protons so um all of that works really beautifully but so the
body is able to normally able to husher the duum into the places outside the the
door you know in in the extra cellular matrix to keep it away from the mitochondria and then other enzymes are
able to deliver the mitochondria protons that are low in detarium and that whole combination of systems works really well
to keep the body healthy but then glyphosate's messing it up on both sides yeah that's what I was wondering
whether some amount of detarium is good for us and beneficial just because a
body has it so it probably has some use for it but you're saying it's been
building up in the body because the body's not able to get rid of it because of glyphosate or other issues and that's
what starts becoming harmful yeah it's not really getting rid of it it's just putting it into the bones where it can be useful and but getting rid of it in
the mitochondria so the body and the same thing with the Iron by by the way all of these minerals that are um
Catalyst for enzymes like manganese and magnesium and iron and zinc all of those
we need them in in small amounts these are the rare rare Metals um they are
very toxic if they're just loose for example iron in the blood can really uh cause a lot of damage uh free Iron and
the body has all these uh mechanisms in place to safely deliver the iron and all those minerals to safely deliver them to
the enzymes that need them uh and those mechanisms get messed up by glyphosate so then that starts making iron be toxic
iron can be simultaneously toxic and deficient at the same time because glyphosate messes up both halves of that
it's just you know it's really quite a extraordinary um ability that glyphosate
has to disturb things in the the the home homeostasis of these important um
elements in the body so you said you have um 2/3 of this
derium depleted water and you just have one glass of it one3 sorry regular it's
it's a cup with one3 just like you know that much and the rest is regular water so it's just a small amount uh but it's
only 10 parts per million so that part's 10 this part's 150 so it's about 100
parts per million that you end up with maybe 110 so that's kind of like really good glacier water so is that beneficial
to just have oneir when the other glasses of water you consume are just
regular right I mean you could have all your water that way and that might be better but it's an expensive thing so
you don't want to drink too much of it I I've been doing just one glass a day and and I you know I don't know whether it's
helping my health or not but it's certainly not hurting it so I wouldn't drink it at 10 parts per million up
straight because I just don't think you should be drinking anything that's not natural and this is simulated natural
you know and what about filtration systems like reverse reverse osmosis they can't
get rid of this reverse osmosis can get rid of the glyphosate and it's probably the best
way uh in terms ofil filtration systems if you're just are using those traps it
you know the simple uh like what's in the refrigerator is probably not going to get rid of the
glyphosate I see okay okay um what other questions do you have on detarium and
glyphosate that you're currently doing research on that's a tough one to answer
yeah I'm curious about um uh the consequences of uh of the
mitochondria being damaged by the detarium I'm especially interested in cancer right now and to see the different ways in which cancer cells
adjust themselves to what I think is a hyd terium environment and I actually believe that duum excess duum is a
trigger for cancer development and then cancer actually tries to solve the problem not just for themselves the
cancer cells but also for the whole body and the cancer cells actually release metabolites that are useful
uh to the rest of the body to help solve the detarium problem for example lactates so the cancer cells that you
know they they're they're growing they make the tumber bigger right they're trying to grow bigger that's their main
goal make some more of ourselves and grow bigger so there'll be more people more in the Army to fight the problem
and the problem is the detarium and they also uh they they massively consume
sugar glucose and they convert it to lactate and then they ship the lactate out so they just take the glucose grab a
few ATP molecules out of it because you can get a tiny bit of energy out of glycolysis and then produce lactate and
and ship it out into the blood the lactate can go to the heart the brain the liver they all love the lactate
because it's actually bypassed glycolysis and glycolysis gets messed up by glyphosate I haven't talked about
that yet but that's another thing that gets messed up by glyphosate the lactate is a low detarium nutrient because
they've actually stuck a good hydrogen onto the lactate that can immediately become deliverable to the mitochondria
so they're they the cancer cells are producing lactate for the rest of the
body that will help them to get around their dyum toxicity problem like the neurons and um they also release
succinate they make this molecule called suatee cancer cells do all the cells make suade suxin is a critical molecule
in the mitochondria um in the citric acid cycle suade is actually the only
seate dehydrogenase and that's a dehydrogenase and it's also been suppressed by glyphosate that's been shown experimentally
that enzyme takes hydrogen off of succinate and gives it to the mitochondria low detarium hydrogen
because the succinate has low detarium hydrogen because of where it comes from and the cancer cells make suxin if they
don't use it in the mitochondria they let it go they deliver it to the rest of the body so they're very generous actually they're giving the rest of the
body lactate and suxin which are really great nutrients to help with the detarium problem and so I think the
cancer cells cancer cells become cancerous as a consequence of hydrum and
then the cancer grows in order to support the body to help to solve the jarian problem elsewhere in the body
that's a theory that I'm working on right now and it's quite fascinating a very revolutionary view of
cancer that is fascinating why do you think cancer cells become cancer is because of high dierum well I think it's
because there's a trigger as far as the organism as a whole it's one way the
organism can can fight the durium problem can help to can try to solve it so another way is to get Alzheimer's
disease because the neurons need lots and lots of mitochondria to make HP they need a lot of HP if you get Alzheimer's
disease the neurons don't work as well they don't make as much HP um and that's going to be um a way to
avoid them releasing all these reactive oxygen that might destroy the neurons so it's kind of um going going into
hybernation is a way to protect from damage that could come from the detarium toxicity do you see what I'm saying the
neurons can't just start growing because they're all hooked up you know they can't just make more neurons they're not
able to do that but what they can do is shut down and by shutting down they'll prevent the toxicity that comes from the
mitochondria working in the in in the presence of all that dyum yeah that's interesting so you're
saying um the high Dum could be triggering cancer and and that's because
cancer cells are actually trying to protect the other cells from this derium by producing lactate um fascinating yeah
I'm I'm curious to follow up in your research on that yeah it's pretty fascinating I'm still working hard on trying to figure all the
different things that cancer cells do because their metabolism is completely different from normal cells and I find
that very very interesting and actually cancer cells have been shown I found a wonderful paper that showed that in the
presence of elevated detarium so when there's like say twice as much detarium as normal cancer cells shut down they
don't re they don't proliferate they actually kill themselves and in the presence of low detarium I'm sorry in
the presence of high detarium they proliferate in the presence of low detarium they shut down which really
makes to me makes sense that they're sensitive to high detarium and their reaction is oh we got to fix this
problem for the body you know and a cancer cell growing in a in a in a mammory gland of someone who's
postmenopausal in a way the the breasts don't have a role anymore once you don't have babies right so why not you know
take over the breast and let it make a bunch of lactate and succinate to help the body keep going in the situation of
duum toxicity it's it's a crazy crazy Theory but I actually I sort of think everything that happens in biology has a
purpose and biology is very smart and cancer is not pleasant but um it may
have a beneficial side effect I think that is intentional in the body right and I've also heard you say I
think the ketogenic diet is low dierum and maybe this is why anecdotally at
least a lot of people who get cancer sometimes they go on a ketogenic diet and actually suppresses cancer so you're
saying if they do have cancer but now they try to cure themselves of this detarium perhaps the cancer cells
actually die of because of that right and I think a low detarium water is a very good uh treatment for cancer and a
lot of there a Som SoMo I don't know how to pronounce that name s o m l y AI uh
Professor I think or Dr somi is a um has been studying the relationship between low deter water and cancer for many many
years he's written at least two books I've read his second book on that he's showing remarkable results in people
with terminal cancer or even just with cancer treating them with duum depleted water uh I would definitely be taking U
large amounts of theerum depleted water if I were diagnosed with cancer I can guarantee that that would probably be my
number one treatment along with a high-fat diet so ketogenic diet because
I really do believe that uh excess dierum may be the primary driver behind
cancer yeah but I mean some of the ketogenic diet effects on suppressing
cancer could also be the less sugar part right because cancer Sals eat can cells
love sugar yes they they consume sugar um and as I said turn it into lactate they eat lots of sugar and of course if
you deprive them of the sugar they're not able to supply the lactate and that might not be good for the rest of the body so maybe you should give them lots
of sugar so they can get get in and get out you know it's a very different view
when you think about killing off the cancer with whatever kind of aggressive chemicals you can think of which is how we treat cancer you know all these toxic
chemicals that people take versus nourishing the cancer to allow it to get its job done and get in and get out and
in fact I don't know the details of this there was a a guy from I think it's Professor from Australia who gave a
presentation at a at a a workshop where I was and he was um and he was using
natural products to treat cancer and I don't know unfortunately what it was he was using but he was doing an experiment
between the control grp group and the treated group and the treatment group initially their cancer was growing
faster and he was really worried and he almost aborted the experiment because it didn't look good at all but then he just
kept he persisted anyway and it turned around that later on the cancer shriveled up and and they did better
than the ones who were not who didn't weren't given that treatment it was amazing he said he was really nervous in
in in the middle of the experiment because their their cancer was growing faster but it was able to do its job
better because of that you know the nourishing the cancer may be the right answer and of course nourishing the body
eating the organic food getting rid of the toxic Metals getting out in the sunlight I would do all of those things
if I had cancer that's so counterintuitive you're saying okay maybe you let the cancer
cells grow so they can do the job that they started off doing which is perhaps
cleaning up some of this theerum or maybe whatever other job they were trying to do in cleaning up other toxic
chemical and once they do their job they'll just die off yeah and in fact you know it's
fascinating because the immune cells come in they they hover around the cancer cells they come in from the blood
and they and they hover around the cancer cells but then they're given signals that say Hey lay off lay off so they don't attack the cancer they sit
there uh consuming all these wonderful things the cancer is providing for them right the succinate and the lactate and
whatever else in fact even I suspect sulfate Hein sulfate because cancer cells make lots and lots of extracellular Matrix and then the immune
cells can actually take that up so they can get a good supply of all these things they need then the immune cells
become healthy and strong and once they're healthy then they can turn around and start attacking the cancer so they can't beat the cancer because
they're too sick but the cancer is going to make them well and then once they're well they can attack it so I think it's
possible that uh you need to let the cancer grow I mean it would be a really scary thing to do but we'll see I would
love it if we could get to a point where we can find a way to really cure cancer in a through natural u a natural
approach I I don't absolutely don't think it's good to take those toxic chemicals that are killing the cancer I
just can't imagine that that's good for you yeah so sorry is this true then that
the immune cells actually benefit from the cancer cells well that's what I would think because the cancer cells are
releasing these wonderful nutrients that the immune cells have free hand to they right away they're right there to grab
the lactate right so they can they can help help to solve their own problems their metabolic problems the cancer cell
and then they can turn around and because they need to be strong before they can actually clear the cancer and kill the cancer and they're actually
told by the cancer to lay off there's signals that the cancer releases and and you can read papers about that there's
immune cells all around but they don't they refuse to attack the cancer and and part of it it's because the cancer is
releasing these chemicals that say Hey don't touch me they obey and they obey it it's really fascinating you know it's
a it's a game that's being played by all these different cell types in the body uh that is is for the betterment of the
entire organism in complex ways that we don't understand you know yeah wow that this is such a wild
and counterintuitive Theory um I'm fascinated people probably get feel a
little uncertain about whether they should believe anything I say after that but no no no I don't think so I mean I
think often some of the best theas in biology come from just like wild conjectures you know and uh maybe
there's something to this I mean why not like we're clearly not solving cancer by the normal theories right now so I think we should just try it right yeah we need
to we really need to think outside the box and one of my frustrations is that so many people are stove piped into a a
point of view that is entrenched in the society and you can't we can't shake ourselves from that so we can't figure
things out I would love to see a revolution in biology because I think we need it there's so much going on um
that's being ignored you know and that we don't understand and we don't even go there we don't even try to think about it and we should be really should be
thinking broadly about different uh different ways to view the problem uh to to gain a better Insight on how to fix
it yeah outside of glyphosate what else
causes an increase in deterior in our bodies oh well that's a good question I
don't think I have the answer to that I suspect there certainly are other things because anything that's going to disrupt those enzymes is going to cause it um
and and all those toxic metals and of course all these other herb es and insecticides and P pcbs I mean there's
so many toxic exposures that we have these days and all of them are disrupting metabolism in different ways
and anytime you disrupt metabolism you're probably going to cause trouble with
tarium I see okay um how is glyphosate in rain water by the way how does it get
into it is that what you're asking yeah that's a good question it has to be evaporating probably and going up into
the atmosphere and then coming back down in the rain uh would be my guess yeah just when you spray it from the airplane
and then it just evaporates and then the rain picks it up and brings it down I was surprised actually I know I did my
friend anthy Sam was collecting samples of rain from various friends and I collected three samples for him one at my home in Winchester Massachusetts which is the northern subm of Cambridge
and one at my office in Cambridge and then one here in Hawaii um north northern Kawai and the Winchester sample
and the Kawaii sample came out negative but the Cambridge sample had glyphosate in it it came from the rain in Cambridge so I think the cities I suspect it's
from gate contamination biofuels that are being used increasingly uh in our for example our gasoline in America can
be as much as 10 10% ethanol that comes from GMO R bre corn and um Argentina makes um biofuel which is biodiesel from
GMO soy and they ship it to Europe and the Europeans import a lot of that GMO round of ready soy based biodiesel and
and so I think the biodiesel and the Biol both gonna be contaminated with glyphosate I also have to ask you about PCS can9 Inhibitors I I've heard you
talk about how those are potentially harmful especially in the presence ofate can you talk a bit about that yeah wow especially in the presence I don't remember what I said there but yeah
those are interesting that's another one of those things that they're pushing on people for the cholesterol you know they're assessed on getting cholesterol levels down which I think is a huge mistake uh the reason why cholesterol is
high why your LDL is high I think the primary reason is because can't add sulfate to the cherol because of glyphosate so glyphosate is actually interfering with the ability to produce cholesterol sulfate cherol sulfate goes
the sulfate so the cholesterol sulfate goes into the membrane of the liid particle with the sulfate taking out and the sulfates jell the water around the liid particle which keeps it safe keeps it protected from lication damage and
oxidation damage so when you don't have enough cholesterol sulfate because is not allowing you to put sulfate on the cholesterol molecule then you have to put cholesterol inside the lipid particle and you have to have more of it
so you have higher levels of LDL in your blood in fact LDL is going up in our population instead with the rising us is one of those things the serum LDL levels
um and so see we were going with oh that that that crazy um inhibitor pcs9 Inhibitors that's I think that's a
disaster I can't imagine that that's a good idea PCS is an enzyme is a protein in the liver and that protein actually um prevents the so there's these
receptors in the LI they go to the membrane pick up the the L particles and bring them in and then they get metabolized into other things um this uh pcsk9 actually ties up those receptors
and doesn't let them go back to the membrane so it prevents the from bringing the cholesterol back and the interesting thing is that pcsk9 can be sulfated and when it's sulfated it
doesn't tie up the um The receptors anymore it stops tying up The receptors when it's sulfated so I think that it is actually an indicator of insufficient sulfate in the liver the pcs9 binds and
ties up those receptors when there isn't enough sulfate it's a it's a detector of a sulfate deficieny problem if there is enough sulfate the liver can't handle all that cholesterol without sulfate
because it needs sufate in order to be able to correctly properly man of the cholesterol cholesterol is a liid it need to beated in order to be released into the blood without being tied up
inside something this is a little bit too complicated I think to explain it but those ps9 proteins uh play an important role to make sure the liver
doesn't bring back too much cholesterol because then it will become toxic to the liver and so when you disable them through these Inhibitors you're messing up that entire system allowing the liver
to to pile up too much cholesterol and allowing it to get B Li dis for example fascinating wow yeah because I mean people just prescribe that and I don't
know how many people actually look at the full connection between how it's interplaying with sulfate and liver and and cholesterol yeah almost nobody knows
that I did Deep dive into that when I first this was several years back when I first heard about pcs9 inhibit and I immediately thought that new and of course St drugs are also terrible I
would never ever take St drug for Sim reasons yes St drugs course cholesterol is essential to animals depend upon cholesterol the way plants depend on
chlorophyl it's that entral to animal life very very important molecule especially the brain the brain has huge amounts of cholesterol compared to its weight and um you don't want to you
don't want to get your body low on cholesterol which is what people do they go on a low cholesterol diet and they take a drug they prevents your lier from making cholesterol and that is just really really a bad idea I think you'll
get a lot of problems um and in fact the St cause a huge list of side effects starting with just muscle pain and muscle weakness and brain fog and going
on to Parkinson like diseases and ALS I mean they can cause some really really nasty things neurologically as well because it's insufficient cholesterol I I I think the Dr are terrible don't
think they actually protect you from heart disease it's not heart disease is not a high cholesteral problem I would actually call it a cholesteral sufate deficiency problem yeah that's a good
reframing of it um okay moving onto some tactical stuff and just some solutions if someone wants to avoid glyphosate as
much as possible what are some practical suggestions you would give them absolutely go on certified organic diet only by certif organic foods and I would recommend only buying Whole Foods don't
eat processed foods anything that has a whole bunch of ingredients don't buy it you know one of the so soy protein bar even organic soy protein bar wouldn't buy it so you want eat them so you want
eat high high nutrient density Foods as well for example organic eggs that's a terrific food because they got so many vitamins and minerals as well as of course sulfur and um healthy fat um
eating I really recommend fats and I love butter and sour cream those are nice low jerum fats actually interesting because milk has low cherium and that's
intentional I think because the infant needs to have lerum in its diet and uh and is this um full fat whole milk fat milk what about low fat milk I wouldn't
touch it I have never had low fat milk and except by accident someone get it to me I don't realize I only drink full fat milk in fact I drink if I have cereal I put I put half and half on it so even
more fat than full fat milk and and what else outside of certified organic diet and by the way butter has a very low derium and so
natural organic butter is a terrific food and I'm sorry I missed that question no sorry I was just asking you for more solutions uh to get rid ofite
oh yes also have Lum so the high and um and if you get gler water that'd be great for getting low detering water
that would be fantastic if you happen to near Glacier where your water comes from mountains you know some people are lucky that way um glyphosate so yeah I
mentioned the um humic acid and fic acid people are find that's helpful for removing life from the gut um and probiotics I really think if you eat a lot of Probiotic foods it's good anyway
because they can help they got microbes um but they could have bacteria that could metabolize Spate in them I don't know whether that's true or not but I would hope that could be you said lerum
but if you avoid liate as much as possible do you have to actively seek lerum well the only reason why I think so is because these people up in Siberia that were so healthy um that was
actually quite a while ago so probably they didn't have any any problems with glycate up there but they did have healthy lifestyle apparently by virtue of drinking oian
water and so that makes me think that there's sort of more jarum in our environment than our body would like to see and although we can use jarum effectively in the bones we maybe don't
need all that much to make our own strong compared to what we need to keep our M hethy it might be better to go on the low side rather than high but not extremely low just a little less you
know but so even with organic food it seems like it's hard to completely avoid glyphosate and that's because it's probably in the soil and things like
that it's in the rain probably in the manure if using manure you don't have to have organic manure right so that's a problem have you done any research on at
what doseage does it start becoming a lot more toxic I'm guessing even at low dos is not good for you but is there some sort of threshold I don't know that
there's a thr but certainly you want to have as little as you can get by with and I would love to live in a world where there was no gate which was not that long ago there was none it's a synthetic you know molecule that didn't
exist and it's quite amazing that it didn't exist at all like 50 60 years ago and now there's so much everywhere it's very frustrating to think about the consequences of that so you just need to
and of course if you live near Fields where glat is being sprayed I don't know what to suggest I would suggest moving I think I just would not live I know that might be very hard to do in some cases
but very dangerous to live near those fields where it's being spray is this something you can sweat out in the SAA possibly actually it could be that might
be a way to help get rid of it I would think so that your body would want to get rid of it because it's a toxic chemical and that's quite possible yeah because that would be a good solution
for at least some people I agree good idea to suggest that yeah um in your book you also gave another solution
which is frequent grounding which I'm guessing is just walking on the ground in the soil and why is that good yeah walking barefoot especially in the water
in the ocean water if you can because um the grounding if you get good grounding actually the Earth is a big negatively charged ball and and electrons actually come into your body when you make when
you make contact with the Earth and so grounding just means walking barefoot on Earth and certainly at the beach in the water you have very good grounding because the water actually helps to to
direct the the electrons to flow up into your body so just getting excess negative charge and the negative charge is going to help the the blood to circulate because the blood depends on
negative charge all the red blood cells are negatively charged and part of that because they have sufate in meing that's charge and that makes them repel each other so they don't stick together so if
the buzz house don't have enough negative charge they'll CL together and form these um Aggregates that could actually block the flow basically like
black clots that's fascinating because I've been trying to walk Barefoot a lot more recently um and I've also just been thinking because children are always
Barefoot you know most of the time and they're playing around in the par in dirt and there was one observation I made like a couple of months ago where like all these children were playing the par bfo and all the adults had shoes on
it just made me think why do we do that um and but that's really cool to hear the explanation of why that's important yes I think that's really cool actually
yeah is it um only contact with Earth so so just like soil what if we're just sitting on the floor does that help as well yeah that's a good question whether
to what extent is is the floor grounded it depends on how the house is built what it's buil up whether it has good Electrical uh movement you know if they're the conductors all the materials
in the house are good conductors then even the floor could be good I would think um especially if the floor is like stone or something you know yeah that's
amazing okay um I guess a couple of last questions and maybe these are not questions and just more for discussion I know I politically at least the EU has a
much lower allow daily intake and Mexico is trying to buy glyphosate and seems like the US is pushing back in it what
is going I mean I understand what's going on here but um I don't know if you've looked at the industry pressure at all and why the EU behaves so differently compared to the US it's very
frustrating I just think that the US government is more bought by the industry than other governments Mexico really has come alive and I think the Mexican Government really believes that life St is toxic and needs to be banned
and it's so frustrating to see the US work really really hard to try to stop them and they were going to ban it by April 1 of this year which is just very recently um and then we managed to
persuade them to postpone and now they're just kind of postponing indefinitely so it's just so frustrating it infuriates me that our government is able to influence their government to
that degree and of course the industry as well pressuring them um it's it's just so frustrating for me to see this it just seems like the message that I want to convey is just not able to
survive the assault of all this argument that these people use that probably that you'll starve to death if you don't have life as age something like that very frustrating I completely agree that that
that is not a good solution at all that the US is practicing all right stanie is there there anything else that you want to discuss about your research I just
you a great job you asked a lot of great questions we covered a broad spectrum of things can see youve learned a lot about my work so I appreciate your knowledge you're very impressive I think it's I
think it's fascinating and um I love the work you're doing I think a lot more people should know about it I in fact recently learned about life as well and went down this rabbit hole and just
uncovered your research and yeah I think it's brilliant so thank you for all the work you're doing and I'm excited to follow up on the some of the wild cancer
theor other research that that you end up doing thank you yeah it's been great love the conversation if you enjoyed the
podcast you might also enjoy my newsletter livelong where I share practical longevity tips and also
upcoming releases of my podcast episodes so if you wish to subscribe click on the link below or head over to live longer
1:18:35 thank you for listening and I will see you next time
Glyphosate Toxicity & Deuterium's Role in Cancer, Celiac, Aging | Dr. Stephanie Seneff
Live Longer World
2.73K subscribers




244 views  May 30, 2024  #longevity #aging #healthspan
Stephanie Seneff is the pioneer in raising concerns around glyphosate, a chemical and active ingredient in RoundUp and other pesticides, which has practically infiltrated our food system, water bodies, and soil. Glyphosate has been linked to several diseases including liver disease, autoimmunity, neurological disorders, reproductive issues, microbiome problems, and more.

Dr. Stephanie Seneff has spent 10+ years researching glyphosate’s harmful impact on our health, and documented her findings in her book Toxic Legacy: How the Weedkiller Glyphosate is Destroying our Health and the Environment.

More recently, Stephanie has been doing research on deuterium (a hydrogen isotope in the body) and how glyphosate can cause an excess of deuterium, potentially leading to cancer and other health consequences.

Glyphosate is affecting each one of us. It’s worth paying attention to this toxic chemical.

Episode Show Notes:
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0:00 Autism in children, vaccines, glyphosate
2:30 Aluminum and fluoride in water
3:47 Glyphosate in our food and its toxicity
6:05 Celiac’s link to glyphosate
8:25 Glyphosate impacting collagen in our bodies
12:55 Soil regeneration after glyphosate
15:24 Breaking down glyphosate in our waterways
16:36 Glyphosate causing sulfate deficiency; cruciferous veggies
18:43 Sulfate powers bioelectricity in our cells; Gerald Pollack
21:23 Avoid sunscreen?
22:25 Deuterium and its toxicity
25:20 How Stephanie started looking at Deuterium
26:36 Low deuterium water good for health?
29:25 Excess deuterium causing cancer
30:52 Stephanie’s wild theory on curing cancer
35:19 What else causes increase in deuterium
35:38 Glyphosate in rain water
36:25 PSCSK9 inhibitors harmful with glyphosate
38:49 Solutions to avoid glyphosate
42:23 U.S. stopped Mexico banning glyphosate

Episode Show Notes:

- Richard Miller on Longevity Supplements:    • Rapamycin + Acarbose For Longevity - ...  
- Matt Kaeberlein on Rapamycin:    • #5 - Matt Kaeberlein | Aging Interven...  
- Michael Levin on Bioelectric Signals for Longevity:    • #19 - Dr. Michael Levin | Can Bioelec...  
- Nir Barzilai on Metformin & Centenarians:    • #8 - Nir Barzilai | Metformin, TAME T...  
- Morgan Levine on Epigenetic Clocks:    • #6 - Morgan Levine | Epigenetic Clock...  

#healthspan #longevity #lifespan #healthspan #aging

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