sund, 14th of july, 195th dotY ::::: k2 lunawind
Law of Time Calendar: 18Cosmic : 354th dotSolarRound
Cosmic Turtle Calendar: 8Glctc : 198th dotSolarRound
2091d sinds ..
ground beef machine with 'kunstdarm' = sausage skin [i handled the real thing back then] and bags in different sizes
quantity questions and quibbles with a few 'selfix vibe' ladies
i forget how that went exactly ... but the whole thing shifted to university 'envirose' and topics ...
mix race moustached greyish prof who i end up being greatest friends with .. specially after he shares a book in gratitude for something i forget also ... but my gratitude grows as i realize this very much relieves me of screendamage
thoughts about the 'lush as around here this time of year' VERSUS most of the rest of europe: my father's superstition still lives in me .. most of the family tree goin back 6 centuries believes in very slow migration (50 miles in that span of time) with notable exceptions ... humble cheese people and butchers ... [parenthesis alert: i began one after 'stilll lives' but it lasts till the end so .. proofread and restart after this here period:].
.. (still lives) ..... as does the hiv virus .. prolly .. come to think of it .. only a fraction as old ... but it raged for years without killing me and that was the time it took me to quiet and calm it down, understand it, Ry Dawson also knows it's just a factor along with the other offenses fanatics commit and offend their own and others' flesh with. He follows Liam Scheff's points pretty much so that makes me happy ... RIP Liam .. and Ry has tinnitus too .. as do i ... the price of rev in yo head i guess.
had an insight that the feeling of foldmold ... whatever the fantasm spasm spawned from ... i believe sex indulgence itself ... that thing repeat offenders do .. mistaking it for the heigth of extasy .... and pleasant tingling ... it's a kind of distributed static that is usually accompanied by heavier breathing necessary for vigorous motion but it's not the vibration{#1} that will ever ever get you to a point where price meets prize of love ... ever get you any rockdust ... on the contrary ... the type of sex that spawned hiv is 'duh sex' that will take time but give back little .. won't give and take .. can't love and make ... can't take and give .. but it CAN take ... forever even in fact ... if you're not careful and [manage] the 'other' type{#2} that manages to get time done with it .. i mean gets it, .. gets time .. gets done with getting time to start up .. spring up and makes it 'live' in time AS clockunlockrock time ... nothing breaks or makes as much time/rock as sex with 'gratient gradient' (gratefully accepting gravity assistace ... .... //// \\\\\ XXXXX gravity assist gratitude) ... make your favorite talking mouths use these 2 new expressions several times in quick successions
{#1} and {#2} = contrast smooth and rough .. visualize relief / wedge .. and angle it productively (self running). a tweak of the "chas wheel"
not to be confused with Chas Campbell's flywheel designs but it's all the same person who inspired the maker: 'Watts Up' in 2007
it's all wrong, a throw away charicature really ... but the principles hidden in here should make you think in the direction of getting it's movement on ... if and as soon as your maturity allows it. which mine did me around 2013
compare duh ruettel X rammel wrijf maal acts [= rub grind bump rattle acts and see if can't contain the motion within a wheel so a strict division between mechnick and bio action becomes possible and pleasant ... kinda like separating market and state money ... taking the fight element out of gendercontact contract ... etcetera ..
if a movie was made about how i am a strange attractor to zesty kids and people could learn from it at their leiisure .. we'd never have people with the reach, range, influence and status that comes with middle man Eppstein for 'profit' of dark market values - of abusing the most innocents' primary needs - for the primal needs of the least innocent...
.. here we are ... again .. where 'relief' meets slant meets on a roll meets 'verval' [dutch janus word for it, also meaning ruin] from steepest sharpest spikiest of force application to innocence, a contact most perverse .. a mentality pressurized to mangle and crush of extreme self oppression by riches used to invade even barely budbearing love up and coming ..... again ... isn't that where i always end up ..... ????
my rockball rolling and rockballpiercing ploys were alluded to in many a comment throughout 1415 as very short or even half sentences as the light at the end of bitter cynical tunnels.
yesterday i found the famous argentinian ones that way [cancho de bachos .. oops .. CANCHAS DE BOCHAS .. marvellous marbles of barren whitish heights - krenten in de pap = dessert currents] .. 1415 is part of the earlie 'pi[Et] sequence as you might know by now
....... in fact the child abuse (which in Eppstein case combined with 'lugsury drugury' and weppons unsuprisingly ... out in the open too ... a plane no longer tight enough for the heavy metals became his, 'good enough still' to transport human flesh so that's what 'duh pilot of your soul leadership sub- and perversion' ended up doing .. taking second hands airships over for friendship prices ... traced by the likes of Ry Dawson and George Webb, after the Florida Palm Beach Herald broke the story in 05 .. Ry prolly beat Ann Coulter and Ed Opperman [who also brags about breaking stuff on this o so complex front] at least in depth [heigth reached by the specifics pile]. The other day he dove in again, after his dayjob and the allniters have even more worrying results than usual. He looked terminally ill ... but acted defiant ....
Chomo whole sale clientele is a pool in and from which entrants to highest power portals get primed ... duh sites of archaic sacrificality of which [gets] disguised with handshake sealed civil politesse 'visits' [a bag of sports scholarship to breed a 'local' elite with (make them traitorous to their own, used for incubator stories by the speczionalist, bags of those kept 'asleep till rapid fire show{err} time too] .... and you know what that means ... wee lect trackt wee lockteur act power stations .. and the abuse of stationary ... look at me typing furiously again ... to explain my powder stations ... and a better cone[/wedge roll around] act connect
anyway ... the best part of the dream was being valued .. for valuing that man's book which had moisture gradient indications ... prolly a residue of that weird Gerken fella (who has much of the Kwetal character {minus the tec bits} in the Bommel stories i love so much .. .. he simply looks at rivers and non terminal deltas [the smaller ones of higher elevations if he's not doing his extreme green diet dance- prance- n rantmance gigs or hanging on his portoguese dacha].
back to the dream
i got to ride in a ferrari with 2 other people afterwards ... and we stopped off at the swiss farm of the driver where i made some sort of contact with the bull briefly who was in plain sight of the whole herd (something farmers prolly still avoid around here ... at least they used to). He was well chained though.
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