vrijdag 8 januari 2021

Congress is pathetic - looong drunken Ry Dawson stream

?t=12800 = 3h34ish ... vehemently disagree with his point about having to dumb [religion] down to a very poor surrogate [or perhaps he would even imply a counterproductive monstrosity] a "lowest common denominator" in order to make it sharable, common, scalable .. unless he would also like to see a live and not the fake version of the samudra manthan ... watering rock down 'for eels' which i understand did make landfall in japan and got 'transculturated' in much more original ['near' eastern] form than it did in europe [cernunnos, specially the 'torqued' ramheaded snake, an obvious analog for the ropes involved in the former versions, hasn't even gotten his hosts to participate yet, ... perhaps a few version of snake handling 'hobbyizzum' is a farflung derivative of this 'transmission' (teachin preachin) gone wrong]

ps: i am more than a little worried about you doin drunken streams cause of better revenue ... long term effects and all that. I'd almost like those who agree with me to pool a match or 2 and earmark that level as the one that prevents your need to do'm.

i mean, sports has that nasty aspect of deathdrive catering enough already .. dust eating motocrossers, concussion risking pugilists ... it all goes with the tox macho mindset 'i'll cope / i'll brave / i won't whimper and whine' .. toxic cause it allows toxins to slip in via similar income pressures which tempt you into shelflife improvement etc etc. THAT's where your argument DOES apply .. in spades.

ps2: crisis actors led mabaahs into capitol
eye witness account corroborating
Red Line War Room Ep131 (With Patriot Webb and Addy Adds discussing DC) by Dr. Paul Cottrell

echoed by a Webb correspondent / psyop expert/ partial smarts martial arts instructor in arizona:
BREAKING -- 19,981 views -- 2 hours ago -- Jeffrey Prather
50.1K subscribers -- False Flag underway. Regain Initiative. Far-Near recognition signals. More violence at dark. Re-establish narrative control. .... /Q

Of course the ritual execution was done to distract from George Steal 2.0

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